
Buyuki village local council located approximately 30kms, and is composed of three villages: namely Buyuki, Kajawo and Wabiwalwo. It is located in Ngalonkalu parish, Zirobwe sub-county, Bamunaniika County in Luwero district.

Buyuki is part of the famous Luwero triangle that suffered the bush war that ushered in the Movement government. Buyuki is estimated to have 1,440 people, 160 households with an average of about 9 persons per household and 213 adults in total. The entire Local council has about 250 households. The local council has 10 persons in its leadership.

Back ground.

Poverty in Uganda is a major problem that is manifested by low levels of household productivity, poor income, food insecurity and reproductive wastage. This has led to poor health, low levels of education, poor housing and a decreased life expectancy to 48 years.

Over 85% of Uganda’s population lives in rural areas where agriculture is a major contributor to their livelihoods. In addition, the agriculture sector contributes 36.4% of the national GDP as of the financial year 2004/5. The agriculture sector therefore presents a great opportunity for poverty reduction because it employs about 77% of the total active labour force in the rural areas. Hence the centrality of agriculture sector in improving livelihoods of the poor. Malnutrition and food insecurity remain significant issues, over 43% of deaths of children under 5 years in Ugandan are attributed in partly to malaria and malnutrition. In the rural Uganda, only 40% of people have access to safe water, dirty water is a major cause of ill health. As a result therefore, this community development programme seeks to bridge knowledge and capacity gaps in the areas of health, water and sanitation and sustainable agriculture.

Sources of livelihood:

The main source of livelihood is agriculture, which is mainly the growing of food crops like potatoes, upland rice and cassava (sold off for cash). Buyuki is the food basket that feeds the main Kalerwe on Gayaza road with potatoes and cassava. The land sizes range between 4-5 acres and most of it is largely Bibanja holdings


Age distribution:
0-4 years / 19.2%
5-15 years / 27.9%
16-45 years / 49.3%
65+ years / 3.6%
Population aged 6+ years that never attended school
Female / 53.8%
Male / 31.6%
House holds by type of fuel for lighting
Electricity / 0.0%
Paraffin / 100%
House hold by type of fuel for cooking
Electricity/Gas / 0.0%
Charcoal / 1.5 %
Firewood / 98.5%
Household having access to safe drinking water
Piped water / 0.0%
Borehole / 10.0%
Well / 90.0%
House hold by main source of livelihood
Subsistence farming / 83.8%
Commercial farming / 8.7%
Trading / 3.1%
Employment Income / 1.7%
Family support / 2.7%
Mortality Rates
Life Expectancy / 48. Years
Infant mortality / 97 per 1000
Probability of death before 5 years / 14.55

Statement of the problem

The majority of the village engages in subsistence agriculture leaving no means of earning money to purchase high quality protein to supplement the diet. Hunger results in high susceptibility to disease, lack of energy, and in extreme cases lack of full development of the mind and body.

Therefore, this project seeks to provide basic elements of food security clean water, health and hunger to Buyuki village, Luweero district, in Uganda. The main objective of this project is to improve the livelihoods of the community through increase awareness on the causes of the problems and to design mechanisms of reducing the burden of poverty but also provide them with some of the basic tools to lift themselves out of poverty.


A poverty, disease and hunger free community that is able to sustainable manage its natural resource base for improved livelihoods


To contribute to improved livelihoods through practicing basic community health care and sustainable soil and water conservation technologies.

Overall objectives

  1. To increase awareness in Sustainable agriculture: (Soil and water conservation, and livestock)
  2. To increase the communities health and environment by preventing disease
  3. To address the water and sanitation through rainwater harvest and protection of well springs

1.0:Health – Rainwater harvest and protection of well springs

Statement of the Problem

This village has limited sources of safe water. There are two types of water sources namely spring and boreholes. Residents have to move an average distance of about a kilometer to reach the water source which is not clean.

Project Objectives
  1. To protect 3 spring wells 1 from each zone.
  2. To rehabilitate the primary school water harvest system.
  3. To Establish domestic water harvesting for 6 selected homes, 2 from each zone
  4. Establish rain water harvest at 1 secondary school
  5. To sensitise communities in basic community health care

Project Target group

Entire village population


A project committee on water and sanitation shall be set up in the community to oversee the implementation as well select families and hire technical labor.

Work plan and budget

Objective / Specific activities / Responsible
1. To protect 3 spring wells 1 from each zone. /
  1. Procure materials
/ RC Mengo
  1. Hire technical labour
  1. Supervise construction
/ Identified NGO
2. To rehabilitate the primary school water harvest system /
  1. Procure materials
/ RC Mengo
  1. Hire technical labour

  1. Supervise repairing
/ Identified NGO
3. To Establish domestic water harvesting for 6 selected homes, 2 from each zone /
  1. Identify the 2 homes form each zone
  1. Procure 6 X 200 litre tanks and accessories
/ RC Mengo
  1. Hire technical labour
  1. Supervise construction
/ Identified NGO
4. Establish rainwater harvest at 1 secondary school. /
  1. Procure materials
/ RC Mengo
  1. Hire technical labour
  1. Supervise construction
/ Identified NGO
1.0: Water and Sanitation –Clean Water / Exchange Rate / 1,800
Qty / UgSh / Total / USD
1. To protect 3 spring wells 1 from each zone. / 3 / 1,377,000 / 4,131,000 / $ 2,295
2. To rehabilitate the primary school water harvest system / 1 / 1,750,000 / 1,750,000 / $ 972
3. To Establish 6 domestic water harvesting / 6 / 700,000 / 4,200,000 / $ 2,333
4. Establish rainwater harvest at 1 secondary school. / 1 / 5,821,200 / 5,821,200 / $ 3,234
5. Sensitization on maintaining clean water / 1 / 500,000 / 500,000 / $ 278
Total / 16,402,200 / $ 9,112

2.0: Health- Malaria Prevention

Statement of the Problem

100% of the village suffer from two to three episodes of malaria a year. Attacks of malaria prevent children from attending school up to two weeks a year and prevent adults from working in the fields or at casual labor.

Project Objectives
  1. To sensitize the villagers to prevention of malaria transmission using mosquito nets and to teach the practices that result in mosquito abatement by removing standing water and cutting brush near the homes.
  2. To provide long-lasting, insecticide treated mosquito nets to the villagers for the prevention of transmission of malaria.
Project Target group

Entire village but specifically women and youth and children.

Project Strategy

  1. The village will be organized into groups to receive training in mosquito abatement and reduction of mosquito transmission. Special emphasis will be placed on the importance of the mosquito nets on saving the lives of family members.
  2. To provide long-lasting, insecticide treated mosquito nets to the villagers. Priority will be given to children under five and to pregnant mothers in the poorest of households. Remaining nets will be distributed to the rest of the village.


Work plan and Budget

Objective / Specific activities / Responsible
1. To provide 1,500 treated mosquito nets to families aimed at reducing the prevalence of malaria /
  1. Procure and give 1,500 treated mosquito nets to expecting mothers and new born children
/ Rotary club of Mengo
  1. Sensitising families on ways of destroying mosquito-breeding spots around homesteads.
/ Rotary club of Mengo
2.0: Malaria Prevention / Exchange Rate / 1,800
Qty / UgSh / Total / USD
Purchase of mosquito nets / 640 / 12,850 / 8,224,000 / $ 4,569
Sensitizing families on mosquito abatement / 1 / 500,000 / 500,000 / $ 278
Total / 8,724,000 / $ 4,847

3.0:Health and Environment– High Efficiency Stoves

Statement of the Problem

98.5% of the Buyuki community use fuel Wood as primary fuel for cooking. In many homes three stones constitute a cooking stove, inefficiently burning wood generate a lot of smoke inside the home. The smoke creates health problems particularly for the women that are doing the cooking and children present, the gathering of wood can take up to several hours a day and results in the deforestation of the area nearest the village.

Project Objectives
  1. To Train 5 youths and 5 women from each of the 3 zones in construction of fuel wood energy saving stones.
  1. To provide energy efficient stoves to each family in the village that burn up to 70% less wood (Rocket Stoves)
Project Target group

Entire village but specifically women and youth and children.

Project Strategy

  1. Build the stoves locally and train the youth to learn to make them - this will spread the idea to other villages where the project may not cover - the beneficiaries will be encouraged to provide the clay needed where feasible
  2. Stoves will be distributed to all families in the village and all women will receive training in how best to use the stoves.

Work plan and Budget

Objective / Specific activities / Responsible
  1. To Train 30 villagers in construction of energy saving stoves.
  1. Identify and conduct training for 10 from each zone in cook stove construction
/ Identified NGO in energy saving options
  1. Provide energy efficient stoves to each family in the village.
  1. Coordinate stove construction for 250 homes
/ Project management committee
3.0: Health and Environment– High Efficiency Stoves / Exchange Rate / 1,800
Qty / UgSh / Total / USD
Hire Trainer of Trainers / 1 / 1,500,000 / 1,500,000 / $ 833
Rocket Stove Materials / 250 / 4,800 / 1,200,000 / $ 667
Total / 2,700,000 / $ 1,500

4.0: Hunger: Soil and Water Conservation, and Livestock Integration

Statement of the Problem

Majority of the Buyuki village community is engaged in subsistence agriculture. Over the years of intensive cultivation, the soils in the village have been depleted, leading to poor yields and soil erosion. Poor roads and inaccessible markets provide less return to the farmers, thereby failing to provide their families with quality protein to supplement the diet. Hunger results in high instances of diseases, lack of energy and in some cases lack of full development of mind and body.

Project Objectives

  1. To provide improved livestock to 30 selected families for improved household nutrition and income
  2. To sensitize the village to water and soil conservation and livestock management.

Project Target Group

This project will directly support 30 families. Through these families, the whole village will benefit from the products of the project.

Project Strategy

  1. Identify and use existing Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and Community Based Organizations (CBOs) for implementation and training.
  2. Using the existing village political structure families in each of the 3 zones will be organized in groups and leaders elected.
  3. Each group in a zone on a selected day will be trained looking after the stock and simple business practices.
  4. Each group in a zone will select 10 families to be the first beneficiaries. The selected families will construct the shelters for the animals with the guidance of a veterinarian.
  5. The animals shall be allocated to the three zones equally. The boer male goats shall be used to breed with existing female goats to improve the stock. The 30 layer cocks shall also be used to fertilize the existing hens to improve the production of eggs.
  6. The leaders will meet every month to review and share ideas.

Work plan

Objective / Specific activities / Responsible
  1. To provide improved livestock to 30 selected families for improved household nutrition and income
  1. Identify and train 30 families, on the basic principles of livestock management
/ Identified NGO
  1. Procure 12 heifers
  1. Procure 15 piglets
  1. Procure 30 layer cocks
  1. Procure 3 boer male goats (85%)
  1. Procure feeds for the different livestock
/ Project Management committee
  1. Train communities in group dynamic and book keeping

  1. Provide training in soil and water conservation and live stock management
/ 1. Train 30 families / Identified NGO and CBO

Project Budget

4.0 Livestock Development / Exchange Rate / 1,800
Qty / UgSh / Total / USD
1. Identify and train 30 families, on livestock management / 1 / 1,000,000 / 1,000,000 / $ 556
2. Procure heifers / 12 / 900,000 / 10,800,000 / $ 6,000
3. Procure piglets / 15 / 50,000 / 750,000 / $ 417
4. Procure layer cocks / 30 / 10,000 / 300,000 / $ 167
5. Procure boer male goats (85%) / 3 / 350,000 / 1,050,000 / $ 583
6. Procure feeds for the different livestock / 1 / 1,000,000 / 1,000,000 / $ 556
7. Water Containers / 12 / 80,000 / 960,000 / $ 533
8. Iron Sheets / 108 / 17,000 / 1,836,000 / $ 1,020
9. Cement, tons / 2 / 360,000 / 720,000 / $ 400
10. Sprayer-Hand Operated / 12 / 50,000 / 600,000 / $ 333
11. Veterinary Services-12 months / 1 / 2,920,000 / 2,920,000 / $ 1,622
12. Procure feeds for the different livestock / 1 / 1,000,000 / 1,000,000 / $ 556
13.Train communities in group dynamic and book keeping / 1 / 500,000 / 500,000 / $ 278
14.Transportation costs for animals / 1 / 1,480,000 / 1,480,000 / $ 822
Total / 24,916,000 / $13,842


The project will be implemented by the Rotary Club of Mengo over a period of 1 year. The club will be responsible for administering project funds, source project equipment and closely oversee project implementation for the two years, through site visits.

However, the day to–day management of the project will be the responsibility of a project management committee the (PMC) elected from within the project area.

Budget summary (this includes the subtotal per objective)

Exchange Rate / 1,800
Item / UgSh / USD
1.0: Water and Sanitation –Clean Water / 16,402,200 / $ 9,112
2.0: Malaria Prevention / 8,724,000 / $ 4,847
3.0: Health and Environment– High Efficiency Stoves / 2,700,000 / $ 1,500
4.0 Livestock Development / 24,916,000 / $13,842
Totals: / 52,742,200 / $29,301