WA1126 Oracle Setup Guide

1.) Insert the CD labeled Oracle into the dive and press Install/De-install at the autorun screen then at the screen below press next.

2.) Accept the Defaults and press next on the screen below.

3.) Wait a few minutes as oracle goes through the installation configuration.

4.) Select the top option Oracle9i Database and press next.

5.) Select the Enterprise Edition option and press next.

6.) Select the customized option and press next.

7.) Enter sample and press next.

8.) Press install at the screen below.

9.) Be prepared to insert Disk2 and Disk3 of the Oracle Software package. Also be prepared to wait about 30 minutes for the installation to be completed.

10.) When asked for the CD’s insert the CD and point to Disk2 for CD 2 and Disk 3 for CD 3 of the Oracle software package.

11.) Once the installation is finished you will be asked to configure the listener. Press next on the screen below.

12.) Answer No, I want to defer this configuration for directory usage configuration.

14.) Press next through all the remaining screens and accept all the defaults. Press finish when you are done the listener configuration.

15.) You will now be asked to configure the database. Press next on the welcome screen.

16.) Select Create a database and press next.

17.) Select General Purpose and press next.

18.) Enter sample and press next.

19.) Select Dedicated Server Mode and press next.

20.) Press next on the Initialization parameters page.

21.) Press next on the Database Storage page.

22.) Make sure Create Database is checked and press finish to start creating the database.

23.) Press OK on the screen below and the installation will start.

24.) Please be patient as the installation may take awhile.

25.) Press next on the configuration tools page.

26.) Press exit to end the installation.

27.) Press yes on the exit screen.

28.) Open a command line prompt in windows.

29.) Extract the zip file WA1126OracleScripts.zip to the hard drive where oracle was installed.

30.) Type sqlplus system/manager@sample @employee.ddl to create the wasadmin username and password. Ignore any error messages.

31.) Type quit in the SQL> quit prompt.

32.) Type sqlplus wasadmin/wasadmin@sample @employee.ddl to create the employee table and schema. Ignore any error messages.

33.) Type quit in the SQL> quit prompt.

32.) Type sqlplus wasadmin/wasadmin@sample @employee-data.sql to enter all the data into the employee table.

33.) Make sure you are still logged in as wasadmin and do a select * from employee; command. Make sure you see 31 rows selected.

34.) Close the command line. You have installed and created the tables necessary to run the lab.