St. Boniface, St. Joseph, & St. John the Baptist Parishes September 30, 2012

We are all one body, one body in Christ, and we do not stand alone. We are Christ’s body, His hands and feet. We will speak His word of life to everyone we meet.

“For whoever is not against us is for us. Anyone who gives you a cup of water to drink because you belong to Christ, amen, I say to you, will surely not lose his reward.”

Pastor: Fr. David Fulton, PO Box 170, Fordyce-NE 402-357-3506

Emai: website:

Deacons:Marcus Potts (F) Brian Heine (F)

Clarence Jansen (M)Rod Wiebelhaus (F)

Phones:St. John Rectory357-3506St. John Fax 357-3795

St. John Hall357-2322West Cath. 357-3507East Catholic357-2146 St. Joseph Hall 357-3761

St. Boniface Prayer Line:Judy Hoesing 357-3535

St. John Prayer Line:Amy Dickes 357-3301 or

Donna Potts 357-3728

Marriage Arrangements:at least 6 months in advance

Mass Intentions:Mark “Mass Intention” and put in Sunday collection or mail to Carole Schulte, PO Box 116, Fordyce-NE 68736. Indicatewho, desired date and parish.

Confession: St. Joseph: 7:00 – 7:25 p.m. (before Mass)

St. John: Sunday 10:10-10:25 & Frist Fridays 7:15–7:30 am and by app’t.

St. Boniface: Sunday 8:00-8:25 am and Wednesday evenings 6:30-7:00 pm during schoolyear.

St. Boniface Eucharistic Adoration: Wed 5:30 –6:30 pm; Thurs 6:50 –7:50 am

First Friday Adoration: after 8:00 am Mass till 7pm at St. John the Baptist

Eucharistic Holy Hour and Our Lady of Perpetual Help Devotion:

Tues 6:45 am-7:45 am at St. John

Secretary Hours:School Year: M-F: 8:00 a.m. till 4:00 p.m.

The Parish Office will now be located in the school. Please feel free to stop by the school anytime for parish business.


26th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year B

Fr. John Speekman

Numbers 11:25-29; James 5:1-6; Mark 9:38-43, 45, 47-48

Words can be little devils. They sneak around the place insinuating themselves into sentences they have no right to be in, giving meanings they have no right to give. Naughty words! They spread their deceiving odor like the nectar of a flesh-eating plant and gradually the words properly appointed to guard clarity and truth slide into oblivion.

In the Church these little monsters have infiltrated with remarkably destructive vigor. The otherwise harmless little word 'our' for example, as in our faith, our parish, our Church has, bit by bit, nudged the definite article into the trash can. 'Our' faith is now far more important than 'the' Faith; and instead of us belonging to this or that parish, or to the Church, they now belong to us - our parish, our Church!

Another far more dangerous one is the 'all-things-bright-and-beautiful' word community. Like a Crown of Thorns starfish on the Great Barrier Reef it has spread its tentacles over the word communion leaving behind a meaningless collection of dead letters.

What makes it all so insidious is that to the unaware it all seems so good and true. One now discredited parish program had as its mantra and aim: From Crowd to Community. Yes, of course, community is good, and so much better than a crowd, so let's get to work, let's build community! And we invest hours of time and loads of money on meetings and structures and 'leadership training' and all the time we should be working, not on building community, but on understanding and achieving communion.

Communion in the Church does not flow from community, it's the other way round - first communion, then community. Anything else is doomed to failure; a body without a soul.

Confusing words makes other errors possible, errors which would not have been possible had we used the right words. For example, the tiny word sin still stands with extraordinary tenacity against the giant words psychological dysfunction. And speaking of sin is only really meaningful when we speak of communion. Sin, by definition, destroys communion, first with God and then with our brothers and sisters in Christ. Community, on the other hand, does not challenge sin except in its most destructive manifestations. In fact, community is quite comfortable with sin; just witness the accolades accorded deceased public sinners by the Australian community.

Then again, community is inclusive; communion is exclusive.

I am compelled to admit that I am more than weary of hearing the silly call to 'build welcoming and inclusive communities' made by so many diocesan pastoral plans. I always thought this was the task of the Bowling Club, the School Board and the local Shire Council. But, of course, once we have fallen for the lie that we should be building up community in the Church then it goes without saying that we should be building inclusive communities.

Finally, since a community relies on the qualities and achievements of its members to make it strong, it tends, when it celebrates, to celebrate itself. I have attended Masses at which the priest could have been most accurately described as leading the community in its celebration of itself. Even the homily at some of these Masses could be said to be an 'anointing' or affirmation of the community rather than a call to attentiveness to and worship of God. How sad!

Christian community follows almost effortlessly from real communion but can never substitute for it. Where it does we get lots of bush dances, picnics and bingo nights, but very little relief for the soul or the profound loneliness we all struggle with.

Eternal life, peace, true joy come from communion with Christ in his Church on earth, with the suffering souls in Purgatory, and with his angels and saints in heaven.

Sunday Giving

St. Joseph (Sep 23): Envelopes - $295; Plate - $55.25; Insurance - $25; AC Fun - $25; Endowment Contributions this fiscal year-to-date - $10

St. John (Sep 23):Envelopes - $750; Plate - $44.99; Riverboat Days - $100; Endowment Contributions this fiscal year-to-date - $0; Loan @ CSB –Paid Off!

St. Boniface (Sep 23):Envelopes - $1686; Plate - $44; Dollar Collection - $33; Children - $0; Endowment Contributions this fiscal year-to-date - $20; Loan @ CSB –$5,670; Roof Fund to date - $5,115.

Scripture Readings

Mon:Prv 3:27-34; Lk 8:16-18

Tue:Prv 21:1-6, 10-13; Lk 8:19-21

Wed:Prv 30: 5-9; Lk 9:1-6

Thu:Eccl 1:2-11; Lk 9:7-9

Fri:Eccl 3:1-11; Lk 9:18-22

Sat:Dn 7:9-10, 13-14 or Rv 12:7-12a; Jn 1:47-51


St. John the Baptist

First Friday Adoration:8:30 am – 7:00 pm followed by Benediction and Closing

Eucharistic Holy Hour and Our Lady of Perpetual Help Devotions:

Tuesdays 6:45 am-7:45 am

St. Boniface Eucharistic Adoration

Wednesday: 5:30 pm – 6:30 pm

Thursday: 6:50 am – 7:50 am


September 30, Sunday – St. Peter’s Parish in Newcastle cordially invites you to their Annual Fall Raffle and Pancake Breakfast, serving from 9:00 a.m. till 12:30 p.m. at the Parish Hall in Newcastle.

October 3, Wednesday - FAMILY CANDLELIGHT ROSARY: St Rose of Lima CCD/FFY students will host aFamily Candlelight Rosary at 8:00 PM in St. Rose Parking Lot. If the weather does not cooperate it will be held in the church! Dress warm & bring your lawn chairs if you wish. Everyone is welcome to comeand pray the rosary with the students.

October 7, Sunday – St. Wenceslaus Church Bazaar in Tabor, SD at the Beseda Hall. We will be serving chicken, dressing, dumplings, sauerkraut, mashed potatoes, gravy, vegetable and fruit salads along with kolace, rolls, and assorted desserts. Serving from 2:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. There will be a variety of games, concessions and prizes. Everyone is welcome!

October 7, Sunday – St. Andrew’s Catholic Church in Bloomfield will have their Fall Dinner on Sunday, October 7th , serving from 11:15 a.m. till 1:15 p.m. in the Parish Hall. Menu includes chicken cordon blue or ham, mashed potatoes, green beans, salads and desserts and beverage. Also visit our Country Store. Handicap accessible at west parish hall entrance. Adults - $8, children (6-10) - $4, 5 and under – Free.

October 7, Sunday - THE 40th ANNUAL CANDLELIGHT ROSARY RALLY THE HOUSE OF MARY SHRINE - 7:OO PM Live Music by Andy Hendrickson’s Group 6:30-7:00 hosted by Sacred Heart 4th graders Come and Pray for LIFE.

October 14, Sunday – Life Chain – Holy Family Parish Pro-Life Committee invites you to join with thousands across our nation from 2:45 p.m. till 4:00 p.m. on Sunday October 14th as we stand in prayerful and peaceful public witness on behalf of abortion’s many victims (over 165 million babies, mothers, fathers, families). Signs provided. Children under 12 must be supervised by an adult. Location: the Wuebben’s on Hwy 12 (1 mile East of Hwy 57). For more info contact Judy Verschoor at 357-2240, or Michelle Paltz at 357-2163, or call the Parish Office at 254-3311 or 357-2465. Please plan to join us, rain or shine! Bring a chair!

October 14, Sunday – St. Agnes Catholic Church in will have their annual Soup Kitchen at the Sigel Hall. The menu includes our tasty Taverns, Hot Dogs, Chili Dogs, Chicken Noodle Soup, Chili, Potato Soup, Homemade Desserts and Pies and beverages. There will also be a raffle, bake walk, and a country store. Sigel Hall is located 10 miles North of Yankton, SD on Hwy 81 to the Lesterville Road (300th Street), then 1 mile West.

October 14, Sunday – St. Helena Catholic Order of Foresters Annual Swiss Steak Dinner - The St. Helena Catholic Order of Foresters invite you toattend their annual Swiss Steak Dinner on Sunday October 14th. Dinner will beserved from 10:30am. to 1:00 p.m. at Immaculate Conception Hall in St. Helena,Nebraska. Proceeds from the dinner will go towards replacing the siren in St.Helena. A raffle will be held along with the dinner. Take out orders are welcome. Come and enjoy a great meal!


The Parish Center Building Project scheduled for October 14, Sundayafter St. John’s Mass has been postponed to a later date that is yet undecided. Please watch the bulletin for further updates.

Alumni Addresses Alert

Holy Trinity High School and Cedar Catholic High School updated class lists of addresses are now available at the Catholic Development Office. Call ahead at 402-254-3912 to have class lists printed or stop by the Development Office in the Msgr. Werner Activity Center to pick up a class list.

Help keep our alumni database updated too, for our mailings by calling the Catholic Development Office with address changes or corrections. Mail address changes to Catholic Development Office, P.O. Box 654, Hartington, NE 68739 or email changes to .

Lost! Red Canon Camera at St. Boniface Parish. If found, please call DeeDee Tramp at 402-388-2448. Thank You!

The first St. Boniface Centennial Cookbooks that were published in 1982are available for sale for $15.00. Please contact Julie Arens if you would like to buy a cookbook.

St. John the Baptist Seasonal Church Cleaning will take place on the evening of Wednesday, October 3.

At any given time, West Catholic School has a fuel bill to pay at Wiebelhaus Service for bus fuel. If you would like to help out, consider making a payment on behalf of the school. Your support would be much appreciated!

St. Boniface Youth Choir

Choir Sings: Oct 7 (Confirmation), Oct 14, Oct 21, Nov 11, Nov 18, Dec 9, Dec 16, Dec 16, Dec 23, Dec 24 (Christmas Eve Mass)

Important to be at practice as we will begin planning our Christmas Mass music!

Choir Practice: after each Sunday we sing in Sep-0ct-Nov-Dec.

First Friday Adoration

St. John the Baptist is in need of additional adorers for First Friday Adoration. Please contact Donna Potts at 357-3728 or call the parish office at 357-3506 if you’d like to participate.

St. Boniface Parish Council is seeking nominations for the stewardship award for 2012. Please submit the name of an individual or a couple whom you would like to see recognized for their commitment to St. Boniface Parish. Please also include a reason why you feel this person deserves this award. Return your submissions by dropping in the Sunday collection or mail it to the Parish Office no later than October 1st.

Confirmation News

There will be practice for confirmation on Wednesday, October 3rd at St. Boniface in Menominee. This is for all students being confirmed on October 7th. We will begin with Mass at 7:00 p.m. followed by practice.

St. Boniface Parish Council is seeking donations for the Fun Night's Live and Silent Auctions. Fun Night will be October 27th and the council is in the process of organizing items and donations at this time for the auctions. Please contact a Council Member if you would like to donate to the event ...any/all contribution greatly appreciated! Thank you.

St. Joseph’s Covenant Keepers

A new St. Joseph’s Covenant Keepers group is forming at St. Boniface Church in Menominee on September 1st and will continue to meet each first Saturday following the 8:00 a.m. Mass. For more information, please visit or call Ryan Tramp at 388-2426.

St. Joseph’s Covenant Keepers (i.e. SJCK) is an informal international network of Christian men, under the patronage of St. Joseph, dedicated to strengthening the family. The primary thrust of St. Joseph’s Covenant Keepers is to men who are fathers of children still living at home. However, we warmly welcome Christian men of all ages, callings, and states in life: grandfathers wanting to strengthen their children and grandchildren; single men preparing for the vocation of marriage; and especially pastors serving as indispensable spiritual fathers in the family of God. Participation is open to all men who agree with, and who are willing to promote, the eight commitments of St. Joseph’s Covenant Keepers. Organizational sponsorship of SJCK is provided by the Family Life Center International, a 501[c](3) non-profit corporation. We do not want SJCK to be a top-heavy organization that becomes a focus and activity center for men. Our explicit desire is for men to focus on their own families. As Pope John Paul II said, “The future of the world and of the Church passes through the family.” We believe that the family is vastly superior to any organization in its ability to renew both Church and society. Therefore, any activities of SJCK in small men’s groups, parish SJCK organizations, or regional and national rallies, will be for the purpose of equipping and encouraging men for more effective service within their families.

A New Women’s Group will begin at St. Boniface Church in Menominee on September 1st and will continue to meet each first Saturday after the 8:00 a.m. Mass. For more information, call Kim Tramp at 388-2426.


Burnell’s Foodtown Cash Register Tapes for Education Program begins September 1st and runs through March 2013. This is a wonderful fundraiser for our school, please take advantage of it! Just drop your cash register receipts from Foodtown in the West Catholic box at the store, or you can drop them off at school. Thanks for your participation in this program!

The HyVee SmartPoints program is back and West Catholic Elementary seeks your help in winning a SmartBoard interactive whiteboard so that each classroom is equipped with one. We have won the contest the last two years and would like to make it three! This has been an amazing program for our school, since larger schools do not have an advantage over smaller schools.

You don’t have to have a student enrolled at West Catholic to participate. You can give your points to any student, and the student at the winning school who accumulates the most points will walk away with an IPad 2! The program runs from September 1st until November 30th. All you need to do is purchase $20 worth of participating products at HyVee, and a ticket will print out with your grocery receipt automatically (if it doesn’t, please ask the cashier for it – some of them are not familiar with the program). Listed below are those Proctor and Gamble products that qualify:

AlignCoverGirlHead & ShouldersOral B

AlwaysCrestHerbal EssencesPampers






CharminFebreezeMr. CleanSecret

CheerFixodentNatural InstinctsSwifter

ClairolGainNice ‘n EasyTampax


GleemOld SpiceVicks

There are LOTS of ways to help out West Catholic Elementary. Check out this list!

Box Tops for EducationClip those box tops and bring them to school

Land O’ Lakes Milk Jug Lids-Each one is worth 5 cents – drink lots of milk!

TargetUse your Target card andat checkout just mention that you want your donation to go to West Catholic Elementary

People’s GroceryCrofton, NE will donate 3 cents for every Shur-Fresh label you clip.

Ink CartridgesSend your used ink cartridges to the school-we’ll turn them into $$$

Old Cell PhonesSend them to school instead of throwing them away.

Coca-Cola LidsSend them to the school and we’ll put them to good use!– LOTS of retailers will donate a % of your purchase to the school. You just need to log into their website when you want to make on on-line purchase and from there you navigate to your favorite stores. You can use this in combination with scrip cards and turn your 15% contribution into a 20% contribution!

HyVee Cards – Imagine if 5% of your monthly grocery purchases went to the school. If you’ve never purchased HyVee Cards, now’s the time to start! You can get them at Cedar Security Bank, The Carpenter Shop (just south of HyVee) and also from Mary Schaefer, Ruth Wiebelhaus, Lora Wiebelhaus, or at the school. Let’s take full advantage of this program!

West Catholic Scrip Card Program

The retailers in the program are undoubtedly businesses that you already patronize. The school can purchase their cards at a discount, and then sell them to you for the face value. The difference is for the school to keep. Lots of popular cards are kept on hand for your convenience. Check with Ruth Wiebelhaus at 402-841-5624. Order your cards from any of our three friendly coordinators:

Beth Stevens Lori HoebelheinrichRuth Wiebelhaus

357-2500357-3762357-3570 or 841-5624

Hundreds of retailers participate. Visit .