Audits Review-14WFPC AUDITS REVIEWDraft-1

for Internal Audit-15 Item Ref: (16)



Each year the Internal Auditor asks to see the minutes of how WFPC has addressed and resolved any issues or concerns which had been raised in the previousyear by the Internal Auditor and/or the External Auditor.

2.Internal Audit-14

Last Year-14 which ran from 1 Apr 2013 to 31 March 2014 the Internal Auditor found "NO evidence of any irregularities" and he thanked the Clerk for "the excellent way in which the accounts had been prepared."

3.External Audit-14

Last Year-14 which ran from 1 Apr 2013 to 31 March 2014 the External Auditor raised NO "qualifications" (problems) whatsoever on the Annual Return nor did the auditor mention ANY "other matters not affecting our opinion which we draw to the attention of the council." In other words this was a totally clean audit.


Last Year-14 which ran from 1 Apr 2013 to 31 March 2014 there we NO financial matters for the Parish Council to address and so there can be NOTHING TO REPORT in this Audits Review-14 from last year.

5.Relevant Minutes Extract from WFPC Minutes 149 dated Tues 9 September 2014

6.2Annual Return-14 Mazars External Audit-14 plus Internal Audit Report-14: no further action required.

a.The Clerk was congratulated on his accounts which passed External Audit without any faults of any kind.

b.In his Audit Report-14 our Internal Auditor Bernard Townson congratulated the Parish Council as follows:

"The new Parish Council should be congratulated on the way it now carries out its duties. It is once more taking an active role in supporting the groups and projects which make up the life of the village." NOTED

c.It was felt that this progress has resulted mainly from the WFPC practices outlined in 3.2 above ↑ NOTED

6.3General Review-15 of papers required for Audit-15 year ending 31 Mar 2015: the following updates from the Clerk were all APPROVED unanimously: Financial Rules-15 Clerk's Pay-15 Clerk's Expenses-15

The Council's Assets-15 Standing Orders-15 Publication Scheme-15 Managing Records-15 The Clerk's Contract-15 Clerk's Duties-15 Assessment of Risk-15: all are on the Meeting Papers page of our website.

Note:Protocol-14 from 141-11.1 is now included as Special Exemption D in the Clerk's Duties-15. APPROVED


Update for Year-16 subsequent to Minute 6.3 above all the Clerk's papers have been revised as from 1 Apr 2015.

Note:This Audits Review-14 was presented to WFPC Meeting 153 under Minute 153-6.2 on Tues 10 March 2015.

See: Minute 153-6.2Ian A. Hutchinson

On Tues 10Mar2015West Felton Parish Clerk

Ian Hutchinson Parish Clerk Parish Office Montford Bridge Shrewsbury SY4 1ER Tel: 01743 850504

"Audits Review-14"COUNCIL'S OWN AUDITS REVIEW10 March 2015