Brant Masters, Past Masters and Warden's Association
Thursday May 18, 2017
President Allan Durnford welcomed all and called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.
Regrets; W. Bro. Don Wolan, W. Bro. Jim Arindale, and W. Bro. Paul Johnson
The minutes of the April 20th meeting were read and with no errors or emissions were moved for adoption by W. Bro. Michael Hodgson, seconded by W. Bro. Dean Bauer and carried.
Committee Reports;
Regalia; V. W. Bro. Fred Topp reported that the regalia had been delivered.
Social; W. Bro. Durnford reported a positive balance of $7.20.
Membership; Rt. W. Bro. Elliott added a life membership to W. Bro. Ron Rowe Jr.
Treasurer's Report; The Secretary gave a quick overview of the report, stressing the fact that all District Lodges had paid their Annual Assessment, W. Bro. Bauer moved for the adoption of the report, seconded by Rt. W. Bro. Sebring and carried.
DDGM Report; Rt. W. Bro. Sebring presented the President with a Certificate of Appreciation, from Grand Lodge, for the donations received from the district towards Prostate Hope. The Certificate will remain in the possession of the DDGM, for the rest of his term, then displayed in the Brant District Display Case.
New Business;It was moved by W. Bro. Bauer, seconded by V. W. Bro. Mitchell, that a cheque, in the amount of $850.00, be issued to W. Bro. Allan Hall, for the regalia, carried. It was moved by V. W. Bro. Mitchell, seconded by Rt. W. Bro. Dekruyf, that a cheque be issued in the amount of $113.13 to the secretary for postage and ink, invitations Candidates, carried.
Adjournment; Having no further business, W. Bro. Michael Hodgson called for adjournment.
Candidate's Night
Rt. W. Bro. Sebring had each of the seven candidates for Grand Lodge Office, introduce themselves then asked them to respond to the following questions;
* If elected, what would you do to increase lodge memberships?
* What are your thoughts on the 4 months between degrees?
* What are your thoughts on Grand Lodge Officers giving directions, in the work, during the business section of a Craft Lodge?
* Do you think that a two year term will become reality for the DDGMs and District Secretaries?
* What qualifications do you pose that would make you a good Grand Lodge Officer?
Following the question and answer period, the floor was open for questions from the floor.
There was considerable concern with the amount of emails, from Grand Lodge and their Committee Chairmen, being sent and reviewed by the lodge secretaries; they were inundated with an overload of extra work.
There was also a concern that lodge memberships are decreasing at a rate of 3% per year, there was no feasible answer to this situation.
Having no further questions, the meeting was adjourned for refreshment.