

W. J. Christian K-8 School

Course Expectations

Facilitator: Mr. Carlos D. Calhoun

E-mail Address: or

Phone #: 205-231-5272

Textbook: Harcourt Science

School Website:

Course Description: The science curriculum in grades 4-5 focuses on building on student’s prior knowledge to allow them to progress from the foundation gained in early science experiences to actively constructing new knowledge. In these grades students will develop process and inquiry skills and exercise them in solving meaningful problems.

Students in grades 4-5 will be immersed in activities that are hands-on, interactive, and engaging. Often these activities will be extended through homework, field trips, and special projects. I look forward to working with you as your child embarks on an exciting adventure in the world of scientific inquiry.


  1. Class begins promptly at 8:00 a.m. Please make sure that your student is in the classroom and ready to begin the school day.
  2. Respect your teacher and your classmates by treating others the way that you want to be treated.
  3. Come to class with all necessary supplies for each class.
  4. Each student should know their contact numbers in the event of an emergency.
  5. Make each day better than the previous day.
  6. Make sure that the work that is submitted is neat and legible.

Class rules

  1. Respect your teacher and your classmates by treating others the way that you want to be treated.
  2. Stay in your seat during class time.
  3. Please refrain from eating, drinking, or chewing gum in the classroom
  4. Make sure that the work that is submitted is neat and legible.
  5. Please keep your hands, feet, and objects to yourself.


  1. A notebook that is divided into sections. The notebook should include the following sections: notes, question of the day, and labs.
  2. Science Book
  3. Pencils/Erasable pens (blue or black only)
  4. crayons/markers

Assessment Methods:

  • Students will be assessed using test, pop quizzes, projects, take home labs, class work, blogs (Students will respond in an online journal in which students will type their responses to a question that has been presented in class), and class participation.
  • Each student is required to complete a science fair project.
  • Students will have a question of the day test every Monday. The question of the day questions are taken from questions that are completed in class on a daily basis. If Monday falls on a holiday the question of the day test will be moved to the next day.

The mission of William James Christian K-8 School is to ensure that every student is prepared to compete in the vastly changing global society and become productive, lifelong learners; by providing a diverse, rigorous, and nurturing learning environment; through positive and continuous collaboration among all stakeholders.