Meeting Minutes

December 5, 2017

1. Welcome

Pat McCay welcomed everyone; everyone introduced themselves, identified their organization

(if applicable), and stated why they were interested in human trafficking.

2. Treasurer’s Report – Pat McCay

Previous balance was $4,406.79. Current balance is $3,173.79. Expenses in the amount of

$1,233.00 have been submitted for reimbursement for July film screening, November 16

Speaker fees and food expenses; and printing expenses.

3. Meeting Minutes for November 7, 2017 meeting are available on the website and will be approved next month.

4. Bracelets – Pat McCay

Bracelets have arrived and were distributed at the meeting to those who wanted them. The

bracelets will be used as handouts at various speaking and booth activities in the future.

5. Alabama Human Trafficking Task Force Meeting

• David Pinkleton and Pat McCay attended the Alabama Human Trafficking Task Force

meeting on November 15.

• We were not able to attend the November 16 meeting with Chair Representative Jack

Williams, National Conference for State Legislatures (NCSL), Shared Hope; Vice Chair

Barry Matson to begin work on putting comprehensive anti-trafficking legislation

together to file for the upcoming legislative session in January 2018. Shared Hope’s input will be to address “Demand”.

• SAVE THE DATE: Alabama Human Trafficking Summit, February 8 and 9, 2018, in Montgomery. Speakers will be contacted in the next few weeks to finalize the agenda. There will be a discussion at the Summit of the role of pornography and its relationship to and impacts on human trafficking; 9 break-out sessions; a discussion on Cyber Safety; and speakers from two national organizations that fight human trafficking.

6. Fall Awareness Event – Shelia Champion

• Shelia Champion chaired this event. A BIG THANK YOU to Shelia for a great job!!!

• A BIG THANK YOU to Spencer Schneider and Rick Nelson for leading the Q&A session at the event. Our speaker was Urcel Staples and she presented both sex trafficking and labor trafficking information. Unfortunately, we had a small turnout. Only about 30

people were tin attendance.

7. Northeast Alabama Community College – Panel Discussion

• Carolyn Potter from The WellHouse and Pat McCay fielded questions at this event. Students as well as several individuals from the Rainsville community were in

attendance. Approximately 40 attendees were very interested in the subject and asked

lots of questions.

·  One of the College Sororities had developed a Human Trafficking exhibit for viewing in the Lyseum area of the college. It was 37 pairs of shoes representing the 37 cases of human trafficking that were reported in Alabama in 2017 from the National Human Trafficking Resource Center (NHTRC). It was a simple exhibit but very compelling visually.

North Alabama Human Trafficking Task Force

Meeting Minutes

December 5, 2017

Page 2

8. January Awareness Event

Kay West is the Chair for the January Awareness event. Please SAVE THE DATE. The date has changed to January 20, 2018 at Trinity United Methodist Church (New Room). Ministers, social workers, teachers, and nurses an receive Continuing Education credits for attending the event.

9. Training Coordinator – Rick Tate

• Rick Tate is very interested in setting up additional film screenings for the movie “8

Days” specifically in the Scottsboro area.

• He also reminded everyone that all speaking and training requests should be directed to

Him so that we have a central record of all that the task force is accomplishing in the


10. Speaker’s Bureau – Pat McCay and Rick Tate

Speaker’s Bureau training will be set up soon. A sign up list was passed around for those who are interested in being part of the Speaker’s Bureau. Training will begin in mid-January 2018. Specific dates will be announced at the January 9 task force meeting.

11. No new business.


The next scheduled meeting will be the second Tuesday of the month due to the New Year’s

holiday. The next meeting will be January 9, 2018, at 2 p.m. at the National Children’s Advocacy Center.

13. The meeting adjourned at: 2:55 p.m.


December 5, 2017

Activities Completed/Planned:

• November 15, Alabama Human Trafficking Task Force meeting, Montgomery

• November 16, Labor Trafficking Event, UAH CTC Exhibit Hall, Shelia Champion

• November 28, Hospice Family Care, Dowdle Center, Pat McCay and Lisa Rhodes

• November 30, Northeast Alabama Community College, Panel Discussion, Rainsville, Pat


• December 14, Williamson Middle School, Booth Display, Pat McCay

• January 11, Alabama Human Trafficking Awareness Day, Pat McCay/Alabama Human

Trafficking Task Force

• January 20, Task Force HT Awareness Event, Trinity United Methodist Church, Kay West

• January 20, Cove Church Conference, Hampton Cove, two presentations (break-out


• January 23, Film screening of “9 Days”, Rick Tate

• January 26, Joint meeting of Alabama U. S. Attorneys’ HT Task Forces, Montgomery, Pat

McCay and Rick Tate

• February 8 and 9, Alabama Human Trafficking Summit, Montgomery, Embassy Suites,

Pat McCay and David Pinkleton

• February 10, GFWC Fundraiser, 805 Campus Entertainment Event

• February 17, Booth display and short presentation, 9 – 11 a.m., ???????

• February 24, Panel Discussion, TBA, Rick Tate???

• March 9, University of Georgia IMPACT program, Birmingham, Pat McCay and Rick Tate

• March 19-22, National Children’s Advocacy Center Symposium, Huntsville

• March 21, Tuscaloosa School of Alcohol and Drug Studies Conference, Tuscaloosa, Pat


• May 9, Christian women’s Job Corps, Arab