w/c: 06/03/2017 ADULT-LED ACTIVITIES: Planning from Next Steps
Observations / Activities / Areas of LearningJF 27.2.17
JJ 27.2.17 / Play a turn taking game such as the Shopping List game or a memory card game.
Encourage children to enjoy playing a turn taking game together to support a developing friendship. / PSED: Making relationships
OJ 2.3.17 / Parachute play with teddy. Encourage children to bounce the teddy across the parachute to a friend, saying their friend’s name. / CL: Speaking
PSED: Making relationships
FB 1.3.17
OD 2.3.17
MF 3.3.17 / Provide props for Three Bears Role Play.
Incorporate talk about story events, settings and characters. / L: Reading
EAD: Being imaginative
SK 3.3.17 / Read the story ‘Cinderella’. Talk about what happens in the story. Using three picture cards, order the beginning, middle and end of the story. / L: Reading
M: Shape space and measure
CB 3.3.17 / Read the fossil finding book ‘Digging for Dinosaurs’.Talk about how dinosaur fossils are found and prepared for the museum. (To follow up child’s interest) / L: Reading
UW: The World
LR 28.2.17
NB 28.2.17 / Mark making on tin foil using paints and PVA glue.
Involve children in experimenting with different marks and encourage copying simple letters from name (NB) / L: Writing
EAD: Exploring and using media and materials
PD: Moving and Handling
AO 1.3.17 / Provide writing materials to support children in recognising and writing their names. / L: Writing
PD: Moving and Handling
EC 2.3.17 / Provide cut and stick play food (pizza, cake, fruit) to help children understand that one thing can be shared into pieces. Look at the shapes and count the pieces. / M: Shape space and measure
M: Numbers
AL 28.2.17
MN 28.2.17 / Encourage construction with the wooden blocks to support children in recognising shapes and using shapes appropriately for tasks. / M: Shape space and measure
EAD: Exploring and using media and materials
AM 28.2.17
SD 28.2.17
DR 28.2.17 / Provide programmable Bee-bot floor robot to develop ideas of cause and effect and encourage remote thinking skills; interpreting and using controls, reading arrows and using directional language. / UW: Technology
M: Shape space and measure
IJ 28.2.17
BR 28.2.17 / Ice play. Provide ice cubes for children to explore and feel. Talk about texture. Investigate how the ice cubes melt and change form. Provide warm water for children to pour on ice cubes. / EAD: Exploring and using media and materials
UW: The World
PN 3.3.17
AG 3.3.17 / Shaving foam play. Encourage children to explore and talk about texture. / EAD: Exploring and using media and materials
LG 27.2.17
LA 27.2.17
WM 27.2.17
EM 27.2.17 / Provide masking tape and Star Wars stickers to make a lift-the-flap Star Wars picture
Talk about shape, size and position of flaps. Encourage children to try a different way of fixing. / EAD: Exploring and using media and materials
M: Shape space and measure
PD: Moving and Handling
NP 28.2.17 / Provide musical instruments to encourage children to experiment with sound and movement. / EAD: Being imaginative
PD: Moving and handling