CSUDH Academic Senate Meeting

Loker Student Union 10/23/02

Voting Members Present:

Auth, C. Johnson, Casten, Chlebicki, Christie, Cokelez, Cruise, Dominguez, Furusa, Gasco, Goders, Gould, Jennings, C. Johnson, J. Johnson, Jacobs, Jennings, Kaplan, Kowalski, L. Smith, Long, Lyons, Malamud, McDermott, Moy, Parker, Robles, Saunders, Sheu, Solache, Sturm, Todd, Turk, Valle, Vanterpool, Waller, Watson, and Welch.

Voting Members Absent:Charnofsky, Frickel, Furtado, Ganezer, Goders, Kim, Leonard, and Moscovici

Non-Voting Ex-Officio Members Present: Ambrosetti, Bowman, Lindsay, Pardon, Parham, A. Rodriguez, Walton, and S. Williams

Guests:Abramovitch, Bell-Waters, Boggs, Frieze, Mellblom, and Porter

1. Call to Order: 2:40 p.m.

2. Approval of AgendaAmendedM/S/P

3. Approval of Minutes from 10/9/02 Amended M/S/P

Senator Vanterpool was concerned that the minutes did not reflect all the details of what happened at the Senate meeting, and that there were some remarks he made that were not included in the minutes that he believed were important and should have been there.

4. Chair’s Report

Chair Whetmore announced that CSUDH student Jerry Anderson died suddenly this past week. Jerry was in many plays here at the University as he was a Theater Arts major, and was involved in the PanAfrican Student Union. A memorial service has been scheduled. The Senate sends its sympathy to his family and friends.

Whetmore said that he attended the CSU Chair’s meeting at the Chancellor’s office. Whetmore and Vice Chair Waller attended a CFA Meeting last weekend at which there was an hour and a half presentation on budget. The good news is that the legislature was able to produce a budget by cobbling together a number of things— about 20% or so of the short fall is made up of one time only funding items. The bad news is that in 2004-05 the real difficulties will begin unless the economy picks up.

Whetmore said the Senate web page would be revised and updated soon and would include a discussion thread.

He announced the CFA/Senate and President’s Office “Get Out The Vote” luncheon to be held on October 24, 2002 from 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. in the Sculpture Garden.

Whetmore discussed the “nature of service” to the University and what it meant. He thanked all of the Senators for serving and giving their time.

Whetmore said that MPP Data was sent to all Senators by email and that he does have a couple of faculty members who are willing to analyze the data. This issue will be taken up again at the next Senate meeting.

5. Parliamentarian

Parliamentarian Johnson conducted elections. Election 1: Enrollment Management Committee. One faculty was nominated—Margaret Blue. Blue was elected by acclamation.

Election 2: President’s Strategic Planning Task Force. Cappel, Carrier, Crill, Plank, Suchenek, and Smith were nominated. Smith withdrew his name. Cappel, Carrier and Plank were elected.

Election 3: Center For Teaching and Learning Faculty Advisory Committee. Chin, Esposito, Furtado, Press, and D. Williams were nominated. Chin was elected.

Election 4: The National Training Center Taskforce. One faculty member must come from each school or college. Two faculty were nominated from SOE—Carol Casten and Mike Ernst. Casten was elected. One faculty member was nominated and elected from CAS—Rudy Vanterpool. There were no nominations from SBP. One faculty member was nominated and elected from the SOH—Cynthia Johnson. Ernst was elected as a member at large.

6. Second Reading Items:

Exec 02-17 Pre-tax Parking Payroll Deduction- This resolution recommends that unit 3 employees who pay for parking through payroll deduction pay for such fees with pretax dollars. M/S/P

FPC 02-14 Scholarship, Research and Creative Activity Award- Revised-This resolution is designed to recognize faculty working at the frontier of their discipline and contributing to knowledge while bringing innovation in the disciplines. FPC Chair Christie introduced the resolution. Vanterpool proposed to change the wording to read “Eligibility: All CSUDH probationary and tenured faculty are eligible.” Senator Gould said that the amendment was not a friendly amendment and he was opposed. It was also suggested that line 6 should read “Award Content: The monetary award should be the same as other University Awards…” Senator Malamud wanted to table the motion until FPC brings forth changes to the Lyle Gibson and Outstanding Professor award. There was a vote to table the motion M/S/NP. The discussion continued.

Senator Moy suggested that a plaque be issued to the recipient of this award. Malamud said that he was for this award but by not putting all the awards together the faculty won’t know what each award is. Christie said that this award had no bearing on other awards. Senator Todd said that the award could stand the way it was and if it didn’t work it could be revised. Senator Jennings said the Senate should try to pass this resolution. Senator Auth wanted to know who was eligible, what would be required to get the award and what they would win. Christie said that any faculty on campus would be eligible. Senator Robles said that she and Senator Ganezer have post-doctoral researchers working under them and felt that they should not be eligible because they are not faculty. Senator McDermott said that for the last two years the Leaves and Honors Committee had requested clarification of the Lyle Gibson and Outstanding Professor Award. Vanterpool’s amendment was brought up again “All CSUDH probationary and tenured faculty….” Porter said only tenure-track and tenured faculty were eligible for the Lyle Gibson and Outstanding Professor Award. Senator Saunders said that part-time faculty at CSUDH are committed to the University and have done extensive work and research and should be included in the award, hence, he was against the amendment. Malamud said the Senate could consider an award for part-time faculty. Senator Gasco said that part-time faculty should be considered and was also against the amendment. The amendment limiting eligibility to probationary and tenured faculty was M/S/NP. The main resolution was M/S/P.

FPC 02-15 RTP Guidelines, Supplementary Information Form and Working Personnel Action File Length- This resolution creates new RTP length guidelines for faculty under review. FPC Chair Christie said that young faculty are under increased pressure to add to the file, and there is no control over the size of the file. Quantity has become a larger issue than quality. Christie said that in the second draft that all acronyms would be spelled out. Senator Smith asked how the page length was determined and said that in all writing that he was aware of double space is the standard. Smith made a friendly amendment to change the spacing from single space to double space changing the page length from 10 to 20 pages. Whetmore asked if there was any one who objected to this change. Malamud asked if Whetmore had read Roberts Rules because he wasn’t sure that Whetmore was following the correct procedure. Whetmore read directly from Roberts Rules where it indicates that the maker of a resolution can either object or approve the changes. Whetmore said that he would have to do further research on this.

Senator Kaplan wanted to know what criteria the committee used to come up with the 10- page length. Vice Chair Waller said it came from a sample that was shown to new faculty. Most RTP files that the committee looked at were 10 pages long and singled spaced. Malamud said that he was for the resolution but would rather see a separate binder for research instead of having to go to a website. Senator Welch was confused about the spacing issue and wanted clarification on what was decided. Christie suggested that faculty could do either 10 pages singled spaced or 20 pages double-spaced and Gould suggested to add “or the equivalent” to the document. Welch asked if there would be a mechanism for evaluating the process. Christie said that this has been considered. Jennings added that the word “data” is plural and “emails” should be “email.” The resolution was M/S/P

7. President’s Report

The President said that there is a new push from the Board of Trustees to address graduation rates. Whetmore said that this criterion would put us near the bottom because many of our students attend in the evening and are part-time, and so the “one size fits all” criteria would not work for CSUDH.

8. Provost’s Report

The Provost said that the budget forms for 2003-04 would be due this week and she applauded the hard work of many. She said there were a number of recommendations to simplify the process. She thanked George Pardon for attending the Council of Deans meeting. Vice President Pardon was surprised to learn that some on campus were alleging that he had $1 million hidden away—or $2 million. Pardon was pleased to explain how the rumor probably got started and where that money actually was. The Provost said that $150,000 was left and Pardon put it on the table for the schedule. The Provost said that the University would maintain a robust schedule for the spring and would hopefully overachieve. She said that the University has been asked to provide information on how we evaluate service. The Provost asked the FPC and the Senate to find some way to quantify service. She also said that the University should consider another way to evaluate teaching other than using Perceived Teaching Effectiveness (PTE) forms.

9. Other Reports

Whetmore asked Christie to announce the members of the Faculty Policy Committee (FPC): Hay, Chlebicki, Waller. Whetmore then asked Jennings to announce the members of the Educational Policy Committee (EPC): Butler, Moscovici, Henschel, and Seeley.

Pardon said that the campus would have the opportunity to use recycled water, which would reduce our water bill significantly, and over 7 years would cover the cost to bring the recycled water to the University. He said that by using recycled water the University would be able to provide water to areas on the campus where currently water does not exist. The large pipes on the Victoria side of Welch Hall are back flow preventors the fire department requires that they be accessible to the fire lanes. Pardon said that he was aware that faculty wanted to know how the University would generate revenue from the NTC. He brought 20 copies of the ground sub lease for faculty to peruse. Senator Chlebicki asked if the library would be included in the funding from Proposition 47 and Pardon said that it would not be, but if the proposition passes it would be in the next bond in 2004.

Smith noted that all Senators received electronically a copy of two documents. One was a survey of campuses that have writing intensive programs throughout the United States and the other document was a survey of the GWAR requirement for the system. Research has shown that the most effective teachers of writing in a discipline are the faculty educated in the discipline. The University should move away from generic business writing, and technological writing and move towards writing within the various disciplines. On November 7 there will be a discussion with Mary Lynch Kennedy on writing across the disciplines from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. in SBS E116. On Friday November 8th Kennedy will lead a workshop on designing effective assignments, 10-12, in SBS B115. The workshop includes lunch and a $100 coupon so faculty can buy books related to writing within the faculty discipline. The handbook she sent is exemplary; it has an extensive bibliography on writing across the disciplines available on the website: Smith also announced that on Friday, October 25th there would be a workshop from 10:00-12 in the Center for Teaching and Learning on the ECLP grant and how one finds data to support grant writing. Smith is putting together a list of websites that contain data that would support the kinds of things faculty might want to do.

10. Open Forum

Waller thanked Malamud for his expertise and help with FPC items. McDermott wanted us to remember our friend and colleague Hal Charnofsky in our thoughts and prayers.

Note: The tapes of this Senate meeting are available in the Senate office for Senators who wish to listen to them.

Meeting adjourned at 4:35p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,


Mary E. Brooks, Chair’s AssistantEdd Whetmore, Chair