Voter’s Choice Act - Sample Social Media Messages
Sacramento County
How to Use this Document
We created this customized social media message document for Voter’s Choice Act (VCA) education and outreach. The document is built around the timeline of key milestones for Voter’s Choice Act implementation. For each section you will find a goal. Please feel free to copy and paste the messages directly into your social media platforms.
In addition, we hope you will join the Twitter Storm each Tuesday in May and ALL DAY on Election Day. Look for the blue box in each section to see Twitter Storm Dates and suggested message. Tag your friends and partner organizationsto create greater visibility on important monthly milestones.
Best Practices for Posting
We recommend that you add the name of your county in every post. Not every county in California is implementing the Voter’s Choice Act. Your social media post will travel farther than your county boundaries. People that do not live in your county will read your message. To reduce the potential of confusing voters in other counties please add your county name to every post.
Give voters an action that will get them ready to cast their ballot or point voters to Sacramento.voteor another website where they can find more information on voting under the Voter’s Choice Act. Help voters make their plan for how, when and where they will vote.
Tag us at @FutureCAElectand @VotersChoiceCA.Tag all your friendsand partnersto help spread the message. Add hashtags like:#SacVotes #MoreDaysMoreWays#Vota #SacCountyVotes#GOTV
Messages now through May 6, 2018
Goal: Provide basic education on the Voter’s Choice Act, explain how the new law makes voting easier by providing options for voting that are convenient for voters.
Sample Message 1
Sac County Voters - Did you know that BIG changes are coming to county elections? You now have 3 ways to cast your ballot. Learn more at #MoreDaysMoreWays #SacCountyVotes
Sample Message 2
Sac County Voters - Did you know that EVERY voter will receive a vote by mail ballot. You can return it to ANYVote Center or Dropbox the County. You can also register at ANY Vote Center on the SAME DAY & VOTE! #SacVotes #MoreDaysMoreWays
Sample Message 3
Sac County Voters - Did you knowthat beginning May 7 EVERY registered voter will receive a ballot in the mail? They can be mailed in or returned to any Dropbox in the county! Find locations here Days, More Ways to Vote.#SacVotes
Sample Message 4
Sac County Voters - Did you know that for the June Election neighborhood polling sites are being replaced with VOTE CENTERS? At a Vote Center you can vote, registervote the same day, or drop off your ballot. Find a vote center near you #SacVotes
Sample Message 5
Sac County Voters - You can vote in-person ANYWHERE in the county starting on May 26th, weekends too! Find out where
Messages May 7 through May 21, 2018
Goal: Share that ballots are on their way and that ALL dropboxes are available and ready to receive ballots.
Sample Message 1
Ballots are on their way! Every registered voter in Sacramento County will receive a ballot in the mail soon! You now have 3 ways to vote. Get more info at
Sample Message 2
Sac County Voters - Check your mailbox daily starting May 7. Your ballot is on its way. Remember to sign your ballot before you return it. Learn more at
Sample Message 3
Find in depth information about what is on your ballot at #SacVotes
Messages May 22 through June 5, 2018
Goal: Inform people that even if someone missed the paper voter registration deadline, they can still register and vote on the same day by going to the county election office or ANY Vote Center in Sacramento County.
Sample Message 1
Sac County Voters - Did you know that for the June Election you can actually Register VOTE on Election Day?Register at any county Vote Center, with the first ones opening May 26th. Better yet, register online NOW:
Sample Message 2
Sac County Voters - You can register and vote in-person up through Election Day at any Vote Center near you or register online today at #SacVotes
Sample Message 3 – MAY 21st
It’s not too late to register! Today is the last day to register online at!Or register in person at a vote center near you. Find out where at #GOTV #Vota
Messages May 26 through June 1
Goal: Announce that some Vote Centers are open and provide the link of how to find them. Remind voters that if they are voting by mail, to send their ballot in as early as possible and remember to sign their ballot envelope.
Sample Message 1
Sac County Voters - Vote early. Visit a Vote Center near you. Find out more at #SacVotes
Sample Message 2
Sac County Voters - Voting is easy and convenient at a Voter Centernear you. Visit Sacramento.voteto find a Vote Center #SacVotes
Sample Message 3
Sac County Voters - Want to vote now? Find a Vote Center near you at #SacVotes
Sample Message 4
Voting by mail? Sign, Seal and Send your ballot in the mail as soon as possible. Don’t forget to SIGN. #SacVotes
Sample Message 5
How are you going to vote? You have 3 options. Find out more at #SacVotes
Messages June 2 through June 5
Goal: Announce all Vote Centers are open and provide a link to look up the new locations.
Sample Message 1
Sac County Voters –You can VOTE on Saturday, Relax on Sunday! Drop off your ballot or vote at ANYVote Center. Find where to go at
Sample Message 2
Want to vote this weekend? Stop by at any Vote Center in the county! Find a Vote Center at
Sample Message 3
Sac County Voters - Starting this weekend VOTE at any Vote Center. Find your nearest Vote Center at
Messages June 2 through June 5
Goal: Remind people to return their ballots. Ballot must be postmarked by Election Day. Remind voters to sign their ballot envelope
Sample Message 1
Voting by mail? It’s time to return your ballot! Don’t forget to sign and date the envelope! Envelopes must be postmarked by Election Day #SacVotes
Sample Message 2
Sac County Voters - Can’t make it to vote in-person? Sign your envelope and drop it at a Drop Box near you. No stamp is needed at a drop box. Find out where at
Sample Message 3
Voting by mail is convenient and easy. Complete your ballot, sign the envelope and seal your ballot. 3 steps and you are done! #SacVotes
Messages June 5 Election Day!
Goal: Remind voters it’s Election Day. They can still register and vote on the same day at any vote center.