2006-2007 VOMBO Scholarship Application (Internet Content Track)

Application and Internet Project must be received by February 1, 2007

A team or an individual may develop the Internet Content. Team members will each fill out a separate application. Non-US residents, please submit information that most closely relates to the requested specifics.


Name ______

(Last) (First) (Middle)

Home Address: ______


Phone numbers ― Home: (_____) ______; School: (_____) ______

Social Security #: ______Grade in School (Check one) 12th____College___

E-mail address: ______

Please note: We will not be able to award your winnings without your Social Security number. Your Social Security number will only be used to report your scholarship winnings to the IRS. We realize and respect your wish to keep this information private at this time.


Number of years participating in creative problem solving (CPS) ______

Have you or your team received a creativity award? ______If so, when? ______

For what? ______

List Problems and/or Challenges you have worked and/or are working on…

(Continue on separate sheet…)

List other Destination ImagiNation involvement, e.g. tournament official, team manager, etc.

(Continue on separate sheet…)

What College/University do you attend, or intend to attend? List preferences, if more than one.



Applicants must provide the following. See the 2006-2007 VOMBO Scholarship Announcement for instructions where to send this project and information.


Challenge: Create internet content related to The VOMBO Charter.

Time: You will have until February 1, 2007 to submit your application and solution.

The Scene: The VOMBO Charter

The purpose of VOMBO is three fold:
First, to promote the idea that Internet communications related to creativity and teamwork competitions for children will be a global playground and information resource for the global community, providing a safe place where creative problem solvers of all ages can try out ideas, concepts and thoughts without fear of ridicule. Where through open communications and shared knowledge, the entire world can be part of the "team" in which the end goal is "...to make the world a better place in which to live."
Second, to act as a scholarship arm of Destination ImagiNation raising money to assist participants, or officials, in furthering their education.
Third, to promote Destination ImagiNation, taking on such tasks as mutually developed from time to time.

Materials:Contents must be submitted in a form distributable via the Internet (i.e. free of intellectual property infringements and viewable with a standard browser).

Scoring: You will receive

A. Points for creativity.

B. Points for relevancy.

C. Points for creative problem solving participation.

D. Points for correct grammar and spelling (you ARE going to college, after all!)


All files and links are case sensitive. We suggest using all lower case when naming your files and do not use spaces (Use underline characters _ instead). (Please see notes about hosting provisions on our home page.) Your home page should be under 35KB in all cases, and your entire site should be under 1000KB if it is to be hosted by VOMBO. We will point to it from the URL you specify. Please send an email toTheScholarshipChairslisting your contact information and the URL of your entry in the body of the mail, or you can push it via the email by please providing a directory, e.g. zip it.

If this is a team application, fill out a separate application for each team member. The award will be split evenly among team members.

Please note that your Social Security number will only be used to report scholarship winnings to the IRS. We cannot award winnings without your Social Security number.

Applicant must sign the following. It may be signed on paper then scanned and electronically submitted, but a hard copy of the document must follow and be on file with the Committee before February 1, 2007when all materials are due.

If I am a scholarship recipient, I agree to the use of my name and information contained in this application package for advertising and promotional purposes for the benefit of VOMBO and Destination ImagiNation Inc. without further compensation or notification. The information on this form and contained in the application package is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and free of intellectual property infringements as evidenced by my signature.


(Applicant's signature)(Parent/Guardian if under 18) (Date)

(Please print off all pages of this Application form.)

Please be sure to read and follow ALL instructions on this form and on the 2007-2007 VOMBO Scholarship web pages carefully! If you have any questions, do not hesitate to email: . Be sure to allow adequate mailing time for the materials to reach the committee by February 1, 2007.No late entries will be accepted.

For Team Applications only… Enter the names of all team members here. Include yourself. The award will be distributed evenly among the team members:








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