Volunteer Application

Name: Birthday: / /

Last Name First MI

Phone Number: Email:

Street Address:

City/State/Zip: ______

In case of emergency notify:


Phone (Home) Phone (Cell)

Education: Please only provide information on your highest level of education.

School/University Degree obtained

Do you know any foreign languages? Yes No

If so, in what languages are you fluent?


Most recent or current employment information

Have you ever been employed by Fauquier Health? Yes No. If so, What Dept.?

Have you ever volunteered at a hospital before? If so, Where?

Other volunteer experience:

Special skills, interests, hobbies:

I would prefer to be placed in one of the following areas if possible:

O Clinical/Medical/Patient Care O Administrative/Office Work O Doesn’t Matter

Please list a specific facility or volunteer area you wish to be placed

Would you be willing to give extra hours to help out with a special event? Yes No


·  Have you ever been convicted of a crime? ___ yes ___ no

·  Have you ever been ordered to perform court-ordered community service? __ yes __ no

·  If yes to either or both of the questions, please explain. Include type of crime(s) involved:

Criminal Record Checks will be performed on volunteers over the age of 18. This information will be kept in strict confidence. A criminal conviction record will not necessarily bar you from being a volunteer. In making our decision, we will consider many factors, such as your age and type of the offense, the seriousness and nature of the violation.

The information provided in this application is true in all respects, without any willful omissions. I understand that if this application is false in any way, I will be dismissed without notice regardless of when the false information is discovered.


By volunteering your time at Fauquier Health you have become an honorary member of the Fauquier Hospital Auxiliary.