McGinn Curriculum Vitae December 2015 page XXX
Thomas A. J. McGinn (615) 717-5489 (cell)
2933 Polo Club Road (615) 377-3855 (h/fax)
Nashville, TN 37221-4346
Curriculum Vitae as of December 2015
Special Areas of Interest:
Roman Law and Social History
Harvard College B.A. 1978
Cambridge University M.A. 1980
University of Michigan Ph.D. 1986
Title of Dissertation: Prostitution and Julio-Claudian Legislation: The Formation of
Social Policy in Early Imperial Rome
Teaching Experience
Tutorial in Latin Literature (summer 1981)
Elementary Latin (1981-1982)
Greek and Roman Classical Civilization (1982-1983)
(all at the University of Michigan)
Instructor in Roman History and Classical Sites for Rhode Island School of Design Rome
Program (summer, fall 1985)
Assistant Director of the Summer School of the American Academy in Rome, with Gerhard
Koeppel (summer 1986)
Assistant Professor, Classical Studies, Vanderbilt University
(fall 1986-fall 1993)
Associate Professor, Classical Studies, Vanderbilt University
(spring 1994-fall 2004)
Associate Professor, Women’s Studies (affiliated), Vanderbilt University
(spring 1995-fall 2004)
Associate Professor, Graduate Department of Religion (affiliated), Vanderbilt University
(spring 2004-fall 2004)
Professor, Classical Studies, Vanderbilt University
(spring 2005-)
Professor, Women’s Studies (affiliated), Vanderbilt University
(spring 2005-)
Professor, Graduate Department of Religion (affiliated), Vanderbilt University
(spring 2005-)
Professor, Law School (affiliated), Vanderbilt University
(fall 2014-)
Professor, Department of History (affiliated), Vanderbilt University
(fall 2015-)
Courses taught at Vanderbilt include:
Intermediate-level language:
3rd-semester Latin
4th-semester Greek
Upper-level reading courses:
Roman Comedy
Roman Historians
Julius Caesar
Graduate seminars:
Pliny’s Letters
Greek Orators
Roman Law (family law, delicts, criminal law, property, commercial law)
Classical Studies courses:
Roman Civilization (for the most part devoted to early Rome and the Republic)
Roman History: Empire
Roman Law (Delicts, Family Law, Property)
Women, Sexuality, and the Family in
Ancient Greece and Rome (cross-listed as a Women’s Studies course)
The Roman Family and Household (an undergraduate honors seminar)
Independent Studies:
Cicero, Roman Law (undergraduate and graduate levels), Satire, Early
Christianity (graduate level), Roman History (graduate level), Women’s
Andrew W. Mellon Professor-in-Charge of the Intercollegiate Center for Classical Studies
in Rome (1996-1997)
Andrew W. Mellon Professor-in-Charge of the School of Classical Studies of the American
Academy in Rome (2006-2009)
Visiting Professor, Facoltà di Giurisprudenza, Università di Napoli Federico II
(November 2015)
Honors and Awards
T.T. Lowell and A.L. Woodbury Scholarship (1975-1976)
D.T. Clark Prize (Latin Oration) (1978)
N.R. Landon Scholarship (1978)
A. Koumoulides Prize (1979)
Rackham First Year Fellowship (1980-1981)
Rackham Pre-Doctoral Fellowship (1983-1984)
American Academy in Rome Fellowship (1984-1985)
Fulbright Fellowship (1984-1985; extended Fall 1985)
NEH Summer Seminar Fellowship (seminar directed by Prof. S. Pomeroy on “The Family in
Classical and Hellenistic Greece”) (summer 1987)
Vanderbilt University Research Council award for summer research in Rome (summer 1988)
NEH Summer Stipend, supplemented by a URC award (summer 1989)
Vanderbilt University Research Council award (1989-1990)
NEH Summer Seminar Fellowship (seminar directed by Profs. R. Saller and J. Bodel on “The
Roman Family and Household”) (summer 1991)
Vanderbilt University Research Council award for summer research (summer 1993)
Kenan Venture Fund Committee award for course development (summer 1993)
Vanderbilt University Research Council award (1999)
CAMWS Award for Outstanding Publication (first ever - given for Prostitution, Sexuality,
and the Law in Ancient Rome) (2002)
Lucy Shoe Meritt Fund Grant for Publication Support (2010)
1. Prostitution, Sexuality, and the Law in Ancient Rome (Oxford University Press: 1998)
Paperback edition published by Oxford University Press in 2003
2. A Casebook on Roman Family Law (coauthor with Bruce Frier: Oxford University Press:
2004, hardback and paperback)
3. The Economy of Prostitution in the Roman World: A Study of Social History and the
Brothel (University of Michigan Press: 2004)
Second Printing 2005
4. Widows and Patriarchy: Ancient and Modern (Duckworth: 2008)
5. Obligations in Roman Law: Past, Present, and Future (sole editor: University of
Michigan Press: 2012)
6. Ancient Law, Ancient Society: Studies in Honor of Bruce W. Frier (co-editor with
Dennis P. Kehoe: in preparation).
7. Roman Law and Society (under contract for Blackwell Publishing)
Articles (Published or in Press):
1. (as co-editor and contributor), Puteoli 9/10 (1985/6) 41-78: Puteolana Analecta: Seven
Inscriptions in the Kelsey Museum
2. Helios 16 (1989) 79-110: The Taxation of Roman Prostitutes
3. Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte 107 (1990) 315-353: Ne Serva
Prostituatur: Restrictive Covenants in the Sale of Slaves
4. Transactions of the American Philological Association 121 (1991) 335-374: Concubinage
and the Lex Iulia on Adultery
5. Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 93 (1992) 273-295: The SC From Larinum and
the Repression of Adultery at Rome.
6. Encyclopedia of Social History (1994) 588-591: Prostitution
7. (with P. Tassini), in S. Panciera ed., Iscrizioni greche e latine del Foro Romano e del
Palatino: Inventario generale, inediti, revisioni (Rome 1996) (Tituli 7) 242-243
8. (with S. Pias), ibid., 254-255
9. Encyclopedia of Early Christianity2 2 (1997) 666-668: Roman Law
10. in N. Stelluti ed., Epigrafi di Larino e della bassa Frentania 2 (Campobasso 1997) 691-
715: Il Senatusconsultum di Larino e la repressione dell’adulterio a Roma (translation of
no. 5 above into Italian).
11. Classical Journal 93 (1997/8) 241-250: Feminae Probrosae and the Litter
12. Echos du Monde Classique / Classical Views n.s. 17 (1998) 95-107: Caligula’s Brothel on
the Palatine
13. Memoirs of the American Academy in Rome 42 (1997 [1998]) 73-116: The Legal
Definition of Prostitute in Late Antiquity
14. Tijdschrift voor Rechtsgeschiedenis 67 (1999) 57-73: The Social Policy of Emperor
Constantine in Codex Theodosianus 4.6.3
15. Proceedings of the Cambridge Philological Society 47 (2001) 81-102: Satire and the
Law: The Case of Horace
16. in J.-J. Aubert and A.J.B. Sirks eds., Speculum Iuris: Roman Law as a Reflection of
Social and Economic Life (University of Michigan Press 2002) 46-93: The Augustan
Marriage Legislation and Social Practice: Elite Endogamy vs. Male “Marrying Down”
17. Journal of Roman Archaeology (Supplement 47) (2002) 7-46: Pompeian Brothels and
Social History
18. Historia: Zeitschrift für alte Geschichte 53.2 (2004) 200-208: Missing Females?:
Augustus’ Encouragement of Marriage Between Freeborn Males and Freedwomen
19. in C. Faraone and L. McClure eds., Prostitutes and Courtesans in the Ancient World
(Madison, WI 2006) 161-176: Zoning Shame in the Roman City
20. Encyclopedia of Prostitution and Sex Work 1 (2006) 31-34: Ancient Rome
21. in D.C. Allison, J.D. Crossan, and A.-J. Levine eds., Documenting Jesus (series:
Readings in Religion) (Princeton, Princeton University Press: 2006) 309-322: The
Roman Law of Divorce in the Time of Christ
22. New Interpreter’s Dictionary of the Bible 1 (Nashville, TN, Abingdon Press, 2006) 528-
529: Caligula
23. in H. Heinen ed., Handwörterbuch der antiken Sklaverei (Stuttgart, Franz
Steiner Verlag: 2006): Gastgewerbe (Griechisch-römische Antike und Spätantike)
24. in H. Heinen ed., Handwörterbuch der antiken Sklaverei (Stuttgart, Franz Steiner Verlag:
2006): Nuncupatio: Ut manumittatur, ne manumittatur, ut exportetur, ne serva
25. in H. Heinen ed., Handwörterbuch der antiken Sklaverei (Stuttgart, Franz Steiner
Verlag: 2006): Prostitution (Römische Antike und Spätantike)
26. in P.A. Kelley, Imperial Secrets: Remapping the Mind of Empire (Washington,
DC, National Defense Intelligence College: 2008) xiii-xvi: Commentary (Secrets of
Empire: The View from Rome)
27. Ancient History Bulletin 22 (2008) 1-32: Something Old, Something New...: Augustan
Legislation and the Challenge of Social Control
28. New Interpreter’s Dictionary of the Bible 5 (Nashville, Abingdon Press, 2009) 609-610:
29. New Interpreter’s Dictionary of the Bible 5 (Nashville, Abingdon Press, 2009) 779:
30. in M. Gagarin and E. Fantham eds., Oxford Encyclopedia of Ancient Greece and Rome 6
(2009) 46-49: Prostitution, Roman
31. in F. Tuccillo and A. Polichetti eds., Diritto ed Economia in Età Tardoantica: Atti del
convegno internazionale (Napoli 30 novembre -Campobasso 1 dicembre 2006) (Salerno,
Gutenberg Edizioni, 2009) 91-147: Late Antique Legislation on Prostitution - What
Was the Point?
32. Revue internationale des droits de l’Antiquité 57 (2010) 265-298: “Communication and
the Capability Problem in Roman Law: Aulus Gellius as Iudex and the Jurists on Child-
33. in M. Peachin ed., Oxford Handbook on Social Relations in the Roman World (Oxford,
Oxford University Press, 2011) 643-659: Roman Prostitutes and Marginalization.
34. in M. Henry and A. Glazebrook eds., Greek Prostitutes in the Ancient Mediterranean,
800 BCE - 200 CE. (Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Press, 2011) 256-268:
Conclusion: Greek Brothels and More
35. in T.A.J. McGinn ed., Obligations in Roman Law: Past, Present, and Future (Ann Arbor,
University of Michigan Press, 2012) 1-39: A Conference on Roman Law: The Future of
36. in T.A.J. McGinn ed., Obligations in Roman Law: Past, Present, and Future (Ann Arbor,
University of Michigan Press, 2012) 334-348: Looking Ahead to the Roman Law on
Obligations: Reflections on Opportunities in Research and Pedagogy
37. in R.S. Bagnall ed., Encyclopedia of Ancient History (Chichester, UK, Wiley-Blackwell,
2013) 1599-1600: Coemptio
38. in R.S. Bagnall ed., Encyclopedia of Ancient History (Chichester, UK, Wiley-Blackwell,
2013) 1763-1766: Conubium
39. in R.S. Bagnall ed., Encyclopedia of Ancient History (Chichester, UK, Wiley-Blackwell,
2013) 2173-2175: Divorce, Roman
40. in R.S. Bagnall ed., Encyclopedia of Ancient History (Chichester, UK, Wiley-Blackwell,
2013) 2217-2219: Dowry, Roman
41. in R.S. Bagnall ed., Encyclopedia of Ancient History (Chichester, UK, Wiley-Blackwell,
2013) 3557-3559: Ius liberorum
42. in R.S. Bagnall ed., Encyclopedia of Ancient History (Chichester, UK, Wiley-Blackwell,
2013) 4047-4049: Lex Voconia
43. in R.S. Bagnall ed., Encyclopedia of Ancient History (Chichester, UK, Wiley-Blackwell,
2013) 4270-4271: Manus
44. in R.S. Bagnall ed., Encyclopedia of Ancient History (Chichester, UK, Wiley-Blackwell,
2013) 4836-4837: Nuncupatio
45. in R.S. Bagnall ed., Encyclopedia of Ancient History (Chichester, UK, Wiley-Blackwell,
2013) 5590-5592: Prostitution, Rome
46. in R.S. Bagnall ed., Encyclopedia of Ancient History (Chichester, UK, Wiley-Blackwell,
2013) 5804-5805: Repudium
47. in R.S. Bagnall ed., Encyclopedia of Ancient History (Chichester, UK, Wiley-Blackwell,
2013) 6428-6429: Stuprum
48. in R.S. Bagnall ed., Encyclopedia of Ancient History (Chichester, UK, Wiley Blackwell,
2013) 6890-6892: Tutela
49. Legal Roots: The International Journal of Roman Law, Legal History and Comparative
Law 2 (2013) 7-43: The Marriage Legislation of Augustus: A Study in Reception
50. in P. Erdkamp ed., Cambridge Companion to Ancient Rome (Cambridge, Cambridge
University Press, 2013) 369-385: Sex and the City
51. Nova Tellus Supplementum 5 (2013) 183-200: “Stranger Than Fiction: The Survival of a
Roman Rule in the Common Law of Twenty-First-Century Colorado”
52. in T. Parkin and J. Evans Grubbs eds., Childhood and Education in the Classical
World (Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2013) 341-362: Roman Children and the Law
53. in T. K. Hubbard ed., A Companion to Greek and Roman Sexualities (Blackwell
McGinn Curriculum Vitae December 2015 page XXX
Companions to the Ancient World) (Chichester, UK, Wiley-Blackwell, 2014) 83-101:
Prostitution: Controversies and New Approaches
54. in F. Milazzo ed., Ubi tu Gaius: Modelli familiari, pratiche sociali e diritti delle persone
nell’età del Principato: XIV Convegno Internazionale di diritto romano (Milan, Giuffrè
Editore, 2014) 427-459: Riflessi giuridici dei fatti dissolutivi delle unioni sessuali stabili
55. in S. Corrêa Fattori et al. eds., Estudos em Homenagem a Luiz Fabiano Corrêa
(Sao Paulo, Editora Max Limonad, 2014) 296-326, 483-497: Diocletian on Bigamy and
56. Online at Something
Old, Something New...: Augustan Legislation and the Challenge of Social Control
(June 2015) (n. 27 above translated into Bulgarian).
57. Roman Legal Tradition 11 (2015) 1-41: The Expressive Function of Law and the Lex
58. Rivista Giuridica del Molise e del Sannio 2/2015 (2015) 85-142: La funzione espressiva
del diritto
Review Articles:
59. Journal of Roman Archaeology 12 (1999) 617-632: Widows, Orphans, and Social History
(review article on Krause, Witwen und Waisen im römischen Reich I-IV).
60. Journal of Roman Archaeology 23 (2010) 572-582: Law & Order (review article on
Harries, Law and Crime in the Roman World)
61. Journal of Roman Archaeology 26 (2013) 610-633: Sorting Out Prostitution in Pompeii:
The Material Remains, Terminology, and the Legal Sources (review article on Guzzo
and Scarano Ussani, Ex corpore lucrum facere)
62. Ancient History Bulletin 27 (2013 [2014]) 168-187: Hire-Lease in Roman Law and
Beyond (review article on du Plessis, Letting and Hiring in Roman Legal Thought)
63. Iura: Rivista internazionale di diritto romano e antico 62 (2014) 208-250: The Roman
Law of Marriage in Late Antiquity (review article on Astolfi, Studi sul matrimonio nel
diritto romano)
64. Iura: Rivista internazionale di diritto romano e antico 63 (2015) 107-155: Child Brides
at Rome (review article on Piro, Spose bambine)
1. Archaeology Odyssey (January/February 2004) 18-25, 62: How to Find a Brothel in
2. Corriere della Sera (August 7 2004) 29: Nella tana delle “lupe” che sostenevano
l’Impero: Dai patrizi ai plebei - un giro d’affari che non conosceva distinzione di classe
3. University of Michigan Classics Convivium 17 (2007) 6: A Look Back
4. in C. Volpi ed., I Mestieri dell’Arte (Milan, Mondadori/Electa: 2007) 158-159: I Mestieri
dell’arte negli Stati Uniti: Istruzioni per l’uso
5. Iura: Rivista internazionale di diritto romano e antico 56 (2006-07 [2008]) 396-399:
Crossing Boundaries: Does Roman Law Have a Scholarly Future?
6. Il Sannio (September 23 2014) 10-11: La Funzione Espressiva del Diritto