Students will be scheduled by KHHS Administration based on criteria below, as well as teacher signature required. Please understand that course selections are not guaranteed and subject to change based on based on end of year performance data.

Language Arts #1001070 / ·  All 8th grade students who are not enrolled in an advanced course
Language Arts Advanced #1001080 / ·  All 8th grade students who scored at or above 1010L on Spring 20107 administration of Achieve 3000.
U.S. History #2100015 / ·  All 8th grade Level 1 and 2 students and/or students with a Lexile of 884L level set or below of the current school year.
U.S. History Advanced #2100025 / ·  8th grade students who are a Level 3 or higher on the 7th grade FSA reading.
·  8th grade students with a Lexile of 970 and on the Spring 2017 Achieve 3000 administration or an 885L level set of the current school year.
Comprehensive Science #2002100 / ·  All Student who scored a Level 1, 2, or 3 on 7th grade FSA reading.
Comprehensive Science Advanced #2002110 / ·  Students who scored Level 3, 4, or 5 on 7th grade FSA reading and who earn an “A” or “B” as the final grade in Comp Science 2 class.
·  Student with a Lexile of 970 and above on the Spring 2017 Achieve 3000 administration or an 885L level set of the current school year.
·  Must have teacher recommendation: (Science Teacher)
Pre-Algebra #1205070 / ·  All students who scoring a Level 1, Level 2, or Low Level 3 and who have successfully completed M/J Grade 7 Mathematics Standard or Advanced.
Algebra 1 Honors #1200320
High School 1 Credit-student must pass EOC / ·  Students scoring a high level 3, 4 or 5 on the FSA
·  These students will take the FSA EOC for Algebra 1 at the end of this course.

SELECT: 1 year-long OR 2 semester courses (1,2,3,4) in order of preference

YEAR-LONG ELECTIVE COURSES / #Preference / Course Code
Band 2 / 1302140
Band 3 / 1302142
* Spanish 1 / 0708340
*Agriscience Foundations / 8106810
*Digital Information Technology / 8207310
*French 1 / 0701320
Applied Computer & Business Skills 1 / 8200320
Peer Counseling 1 / 1400300
Personal and Family Finance / 8500120
SEMESTER ELECTIVE COURSES / #Preference / Course code
Drama 1/TPTV / 0400000
Exploration of Agriscience / 8100210
Emphasizing Art / 0101010
Fundamentals of Culinary Careers / 8809200
Exploratory Tech. / 8600020
Business Keyboarding / 8200110
Exploring Health Occupations / 8400310
Orientation to Career Clusters / 8000400
Physical Education: Gym / REQUIRED / 1501120

Students scoring in the lower quartile of FSA Reading/Math will be required to take a year-long intensive reading/math class.

* High School Credit/pre-requisite required.

Counselor Conference Date: ______Counselor Initials:______

Requests Entered Date: ______Counselor Initials: ______


Band 2 (Y) / Beginning instruction on musical instruments. Attendance at some before and after school rehearsals and performances is required.
Band 3 (Y) / Students with one year of experience in beginning band on the same instrument. Activities will include a variety of performance opportunities. Attendance at some before and after school rehearsals/performances will be required.
*Digital Information Technology (Y) / High School 1 Credit class is often a prerequisite to continue in other business programs at the high school level. Students must have completed Business Keyboarding (8200110) with a grade of 85% or higher and recommendation of their Business Keyboarding Teacher, and have a top quartile FSA reading score from 7th grade.
*Agriscience Foundations (Y) / High School 1 Credit. Students must be recommended for advanced science for the 2016-2017 school year. This is a Gold Seal course and counts as a science credit. This course will not replace your 8th grade Science class. Top quartile FSA Reading Score from 7th grade.
*CVA Spanish 1 (Y) / High school 1 credit. This is an advanced Clay Virtual class taken in computer lab. This class will count towards fulfilling your online high school class requirement and one of the two foreign language class requirements for university admission.
*French 1 / High school 1 credit. Students will develop exceptional listening skills by acting out French commands from the teacher and performing French stories. Students will re-tell, read, and write variations of these stories. Students will learn, master andcommunicate using approximately 500 vocabulary words. Students will learn an introduction of French culture and grammar. Students need to pay attention, focus, and listen to the teacher for the entire class to be successful.
Physical education: gym (S) / Students are required to dress out and participate in individual and team sports.
Peer counseling 1 / The purpose of this course is to enable students to develop basic knowledge and skills in communication, meeting human needs, and conflict resolution. Virtual class taught in computer lab, .5 High school credit earning class.
Theatre/TPTV (S) / In this semester course, students will spend one quarter exploring the world of theatre by creating props, costume and sets for productions, participating in performance or technical competitions and spend the second quarter being introduced to the basics of Television Production and help in the creation of the school morning show, TPTV.
Personal and Family Finance (S) / They say money makes the world go round; but how? In this course, students learn how money impacts their world. Why do we pay taxes? How do credit cards work? How can students learn to spend money without going into debt? This course teaches students how to manage money properly to achieve financial success. Students learn how to avoid common financial mistakes, as well as how to invest for their future. After completing the course, students understand how the financial world works and have the knowledge to manage their personal and family finances effectively. Virtual class taught in computer lab, .5 High school credit earning class for academically responsible students.
Art (S) / The purpose of this course is to enable students to explore produce and appreciate 2 and 3 dimensional works of art. Students will examine artists and participate in production activities including drawing, painting and constructions using paper and clay. Students will concentrate on developing art skills using a variety of media (pencil, collage, painting, charcoal, pastel).
Applied computer & Business Skills 1 / Learn how to type and knowledge of the basic Microsoft Office applications in this semester class. Emphasis is placed on developing proficiency with touch keyboarding and fundamental word processing applications, so that they may be used as communication tools for enhancing personal and work place proficiency in an information-based society. Virtual class taught in the computer lab, .5 High School credit earning class.
Intensive Reading/Math / Students who do not earn a passing score on the FSA (Florida State Assessment) will be placed in an intensive reading class for reading remediation. This class will focus on the specific needs of your child and serves as the best way to prepare him/her for the assessment the following year. The intensive reading course also satisfies the on-line course requirement for graduation.Students scoring in the lower quartile for FSA Math will be required to take this year long intensive math course place of 1 elective.
Exploration of Agriscience (S) / This course gives students exposure to a broad range of career opportunities relating to agribusiness and natural resources, including job requirements and tasks performed. Hands-on laboratory and field experiences are an integral part of this class.
Fundamentals of Culinary Careers (S) / This course will explore the careers in the culinary industry as well as food safety and sanitation; safe, proper use of culinary tools; interpreting recipes and developing menus. Instruction and learning activities are provided in a laboratory setting using hands-on experiences with the equipment, materials and technology.
Exploratory Technology / The purpose of this course is to give students an opportunity to explore the areas of technology and associated careers. Students will be introduced to knowledge and skills to be used in engineering problem solving and explore requirments for careers in engineering. Students will discover the history and development of automation and robotics and will work together to solve technical problems. Laboratory activities revolving around traditional and modern technological tools, machines, and devices will provide students with hands on activities. LEGO Robotics and First LEGO League (FLL) will be incorporated into this class.
Orientation to career clusters (S) / The purpose of this course is to assist students in making informed decisions regarding their future academic and occupational goals and to provide information regarding careers in the seventeen career clusters. This course is a compilation of modules for each of the seventeen career clusters. It is designed to provide flexibility in course offerings. Any number of modules can be selected to comprise a course that meets the needs of students.
Business Keyboarding / This course is designed to provide instruction in introductory keyboarding, word processing, electronic presentation computer hardware and software skills for business applications. Students will learn to key by touch. This course is required.
Exploring Health Occupations / A one semester course introducing students to careers in health care. They will also learn character qualities of a health care professional, basic problem solving and time management skills, basic medical terminology, math, how technology is used for diagnosis and treatment, and basic first aid skills.

Students need to return this sheet to Guidance by March 8th . FAILURE TO RETURN WILL RESULT IN


Please call your 8th grade counselor, Erin Schmidt at 904-336-7775 with any questions.