COD Technical Reference

Volume III – Direct Loan & Pell Grant

Combination System Supplement

Table of Contents

Volume III, Section 1 – Implementation Guide...... III-1-1

Table of Contents...... III-1-1

Overview...... III-1-3

What it Means to be a Combination User...... III-1-3

Organization of this Guide...... III-1-4

Enhancements and Changes to EDExpress for 2005-2006...... III-1-5

EDExpress — Global...... III-1-5

COD Setup...... III-1-9

COD Prior Year Import...... III-1-9

COD Processing (Pell and DL)...... III-1-10

Pell Only Processing...... III-1-10

Direct Loan Only Processing...... III-1-12

Business Rules...... III-1-16

2005-2006 COD Message Class Options...... III-1-16

2005-2006 Updates to Valid DateRanges...... III-1-17

New COD Reports...... III-1-18

Direct Loan Ancillary Services...... III-1-19

Direct Loan MPN, PLUS Credit Decision, and Disclosure Statement...III-1-20

System Options...... III-1-28

EDExpress for Windows...... III-1-28

Combination EDExpress/Custom System...... III-1-29

Interface with Other Software Systems on Campus...... III-1-29

Benefits to Using EDExpress...... III-1-29

PC Requirements for EDExpress...... III-1-30

The Basic Process for Combination Systems...... III-1-31

Combination System Message Classes...... III-1-33

Documents...... III-1-33

Combination System Record Layouts...... III-1-35

Imports...... III-1-35

Pell External Imports...... III-1-39

Direct Loan External Imports...... III-1-41

External Exports (Pell and Direct Loan)...... III-1-49

File Formats...... III-1-50

The Query Function...... III-1-53

Combination System Edits...... III-1-56

Example End-of-Entry Edits and Resolution Steps...... III-1-56

Volume III, Section 2 - Combination System Message Classes...... III-2-1

Table of Contents...... III-2-1

Overview...... III-2-2

Pell Grant Message Classes...... III-2-3

Direct Loan Message Classes...... III-2-4

COD Message Classes Used by EDExpress...... III-2-5

COD Pell and Direct Loan Data Types...... III-2-5

COD Pell Reports...... III-2-6

COD Direct Loan Reports...... III-2-7

Volume III, Section 3 - Combination System Record Layouts...... III-3-1

Table of Contents...... III-3-1

Pell Grant Combination Layouts...... III-3-2

Pell Grant External Origination Add/Change Record...... III-3-2

Pell Grant External Disbursement Add/Change Record...... III-3-14

Direct Loan Combination Layouts...... III-3-18

Direct Loan External Import Loan Origination Add File...... III-3-18

Direct Loan External Import Change Record...... III-3-32

Direct Loan, Loan Origination External Import Change Field
Numbers Sorted by Field Name Alphabetically...... III-3-37

Direct Loan, Loan Origination External Import Change Field
Numbers Sorted by DL Change Number...... III-3-51

Direct Loan External Export...... III-3-64

Entrance Counseling Results...... III-3-87

Exit Counseling Results...... III-3-88

Volume III, Section 4 - Combination System Edits...... III-4-1

Table of Contents...... III-4-1

Pell Grant EDExpress Edits...... III-4-2

Direct Loan EDExpress Edits...... III-4-15

August 2005 (2005-2006)COD Technical ReferencePage III - 1

Volume III – Direct Loan & Pell Grant Combination System Supplement