Jan. 4, 2018
Volume 18 – Number 1
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Finding Direction...
Together we are a Faith Community. We believe we are at our best when we are committed to: Growing, Caring, Connecting, Serving, Giving and Leading.
Our Blog: We hope you'll join us for words of inspiration, wisdom or just plain musings of the GPS Faith Community staff.
This week: “New Year, New Ministry Opportunities”
By Pastor Rob James
Missed a sermon? Click here to listen to our archives.
Coming up this week:
Sunday, Jan 7th: WORSHIP 9 & 10:45 am, 8:45
Sunday School 8:45 am
Tuesday, Jan. 9th: Senior Center 10 am - 2 pm
Wednesday, Jan. 10th: Bible Study 11 am - Noon
Thursday, Jan. 11th: Helping Hands Pantry Noon - 3 pm
Sunday, Jan 14th: WORSHIP 9 & 10:45 am,
Sunday School 8:45 am
GPS INVESTMENT ACCOUNT: Anyone have access to stock you can transfer? Thanks to a members urging, we have set up an Investment Account. What does this mean? If you have stock investments you can make a transfer to GPS. Not only will you avoid tax payments by cashing yourself, but you will also get the tax benefit of making a donation to a non-profit. All of this while supporting the ministry we are called into together as GPS Faith Community! Can you make a donation and help usthrive in ministry with the resources we need for all that God is calling us into? If you have questions, contact the GPS office for more information!
THRIVENT MEMBER? If you are a Thrivent Member let Pastor Rob know so we can you to the list to help apply for $250 Action Grants.
GPS Events and Activities
Please submit information for the bulletin and/or e-newsletterno later thanWednesdaymorning for inclusion that week. Information should be sent to .
View the full GPS calendar here
UNDECK THE HALLS: Please stay after the 10:45 am worship NEXT SUNDAY to help take down the Christmas decorations. Many hands help the make the work light—thank you!
SUNDAY SCHOOL RESUMES CLASS on January 7th and teachers and helpers are needed! Lessons are provided. Sign up in the foyer. Email for more info.
MAPLE VOLUNTEERS: On January 9th from 9:00-2:30 Maple Elementary will once again have their PBIS Reward Store. We need trinkety treasures to donate and we need volunteers to sign-up for a shift (9 per slot).
CONGREGATIONAL MEETING: We will have a brief congregational meeting on Sunday, January 28th at 10:00 am. All are encouraged to attend.
MINISTRY TEAMS ARE BACK! Now's a perfect chance for you to get involved in the various ministries of GPS. Teams include Building & Grounds; Community Life; Family, Children, & Youth; Prayer & Care; Social Ministry; Special Events; and Worship. Teams will meet the first Monday of the month from 6-8 pm beginning in February. There are more detailed descriptions for each team outside of worship. Take a look and sign up for one that interests you.
EMPTY NESTERS: Join us Friday, January 12th at 8 pm for Elvis Tribute Artist Spectacular at the Coronado. Contact for information.
HELPING HANDS: Come out to the Helping Hands Pantry onThursday, Jan. 11thto help us hand out food to those in need. Volunteers needed atnoon. 7620 Elm Ave, MP.
PATHWAYZ LOCK-IN: 6th-8th grade youth are invited to a lock-inJan. 14th-15th. For info join the Pathwayz Facebook Group.
WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY: Women are invited to join us on the first Tuesday of the month 6:30 – 8:00 pm for a Bible study and discussion. We are currently viewing the series “That the World May Know: The Life and Ministry of the Messiah.” No advance preparation needed, just show up. We will not meet in January.
CARD CAMP FELLOWSHIP:Saturday, January 27th at 11 am - 3 pm.For $10 you can make and take 4 cards and enjoy a light lunch. Sign up and pay outside of worship. Please make checks out to Nora Molitor.
EMPTY NESTERS: Are you an empty nester looking to connect with others from GPS? In a new chapter of life, not yet seniors. A new group is forming and you are invited. Contact Kim for more
TOP BOX FOODS: Top Box Foods is a non-profit bringing high quality meat and produce to communities at very reduced prices. Anyone can purchase. First come, first served, see the sample boxes, make your purchase (cash, credit card, Link/Snap) take your receipt to the truck and get your food. Every 3rd Saturday, 9:00-10:30 am. We need 6 volunteers each month - if you are interested in being a regular volunteer, please talk to Pastor Rob.Join us Saturday, January 20th!
YARN GROUP: Meets at GPS every other Wednesday beginning November 8th from 1 - 3 pm. Bring your yarn craft along or learn how to knit if you’re new to the craft! Check the GPS Calendar if you're unsure about the date.
ADULT CARD NIGHTS: At 6:30 pm. Learn card games and enjoy an evening of play. Bring your own beverage of non-alcoholic nature, and finger snacks to share. We meet on the 1st and 3rd Fridays of the month.Please note that the 1/19/18 Adult card night has been moved to 1/26/18. The one on 2/2 will go as usual.
SECOND SUNDAY: High school youth are invited to Katie’s Cup every second Sunday of the monthfrom 7-8:30 pm for worship, games, & more.
DAYTIME BIBLE STUDY: The Book of Acts. Open to all. Wednesdays at 11 am.
FAITHFUL READERS BOOK CLUB: Like to read? Want to discuss good books with others? Join our book club! We meet at GPS on a Thursday evening at 7 pm, every 4-6 weeks, to discuss books of interest. Open to all adults. You are welcome! Check our schedule on the GPS calendar for future dates and books.
SENIOR CENTER: All seniors (and anyone who is young at heart) are invited to join us for a few hours each Tuesday for games, cards, entertainment, and fellowship from 10 am to 2 pm. Lunch will be offered for $5 or bring your own. Contact for more information.
THE BREAKFAST CLUB: For all who have experienced loss. We meet the 2nd Saturday of the month at 9 am at Sophia's Restaurant (5467 Bridge St, Roscoe.) Order off the menu. For info contact .
RAINBOW CONNECTION: For LGBTQI Christians and their allies. We meet for fun and fellowship. Contact for information.
CONFIRMATION: Worship at 9:00 then class begins at 10:30 on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month. Register your 6th-8th grader on the GPS website
SUNDAY AM VOLUNTEERS: Sign up to help with hospitality on Sundays. Sign up to bring treats, help at the host table and set up communion. Check the Volunteer Table. Help as an usher, greeter or to hand out bulletins as you join us each week. Take a job tag as you come into church.
Opportunities to Serve in the Community
WANTED: YOUR CLEAN, EMPTY PRINGLES CANS. Please donate them directly to Rita Weber 815-654-3428 or ().
EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE FOR LENDING: Sharon and Jay Adler have a collection of items they would be willing to lend to members who have seniors or handicap needs. Contact them to borrow: 4 ft. and 3 ft. wheelchair ramps, walker with seat, portable toilet, raised toilet seat with rails. Contact if you are interested and we'll put you in touch with them.
Community Events and Programs
Thursday, January 11: Katie's Cup Book Club and a Second Thursday Concert featuring Denny Diamond!
Tuesday, January 16: Katie's Cup Conversation: There goes the Neighborhood, based on the book by Ali Noorani, facilitated by a panel discussion.
Thursday, January 18: BUNCO returns!
Friday, January 19: Bernstein on Seventh! Musical pieces from Westside Story songs: "Tonight" and "Somewhere" Also: Trouble in Tahiti, Candide, On The Town and 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue and several others. $20.00 DONATION. Sweets and treats available. RSVP to Katie’s Cup.
Tuesday, January 23: Katie's Cup Conversation: Returning Citizens Support Services, presented by LSSI.
Tuesday, January 30: Katie's Cup Conversation: Dark Money, based on the book by Jane Mayer, with discussion led by Dr. Karen Blake Ruffner.
SATURDAY MUSIC AT KATIE’S CUP, 12:15 - 1:45 pm - A favorite of both patrons and musicians! Take a break each Saturday, and catch great acoustic sounds from a wide variety of area musicians.
How to Reach Us
FOR PRAYER:If you have concerns you wish to have lifted up in prayer please notify the prayerline by email , call the church office at(779) 221-8491or fill out a prayer slip available at the Prayer and Care table at the back of the worship area.
HOSPITALIZED?If you are in the hospital and would like to be on our prayer chain or have a pastoral visit, you must call the church office at(779) 221-8491. Also, please notify the hospital of your affiliation withGPSFaith Community when you check in.
MEAL TRAIN: Would you be willing to bring an occasional meal to otherGPSfolks in a time of joy or need? Sign-up and join our growing list of volunteers. Requests are emailed out as needed, and you can always say no if the timing is not right for you. Need a meal? r call the church office!
Pastor Rob:
Monica Proefrock, Family, Children, & Youth Ministry Director,
Volunteer Angela Wedding, Financial Secretary:
TJ Hill, Worship Leader,
Leadership Team:
Bulletin andNewslettervolunteer: Pat Hendren,