PG Meeting 25 April 2017


Present: SS, AM, MMcD, PH

Apologies: DF, SM, MP


1 'Historic'

16/04738/PPP Turnhouse/W Craigs village; p/p refused 20/4. Uncertainty of footbridge over ECML, and loss of Green Belt (our objections) were included in the reasons

2 Current

17/01109/PAN mixed use, 159 F'bridge; Exhib'ns 18 and 19 May (all)

17/01014/PAN hotel, restaurant, retail, comm'l, Victoria St/Cowgate; exhib'n 10 May 2-8pm Grassmkt Comm'y Project. AM can go (all)

17/01481/AMC res dev Granton Harbour (5 May); nothing to object to

17/01648/PAN Edmondstone. Exhibs 13, 14, 15 June various locations; important for potential cycle routes to and through (all)

New CEC 'town' consultations - Nicolson St,(DF), Stockbridge (MMcD), P'bello (RG)

CEC Guidance for Householders consultation (by June 2); refs to bike pkg fact sheets have been dropped (DdF)


1 Canal and alternatives (MP 22/2); another mtg 15/3; MP sent Minutes 27/3; AM went to 'walkshops' to look at potential for improvements. Possible workshop 11 May (AM)

2 Midlothian TRO A6094/B7003 Rosewell; PH sent comment re cycle track crossing

3 Boroughmuir res dev: Dev't Management sub-cttee hearing 25 Apr.; PH made a 5-min submission re too much parking; several Cllrs took up on this; decision 7-5 to refuse the app

4 Leith St closure mtg (MMcD 30 Mar.); discussions with developers re the whole area were useful

5 Sheriffhall - option B preferred (DdF 3 Apr). We need to point out obligation to provide for cyclists, for whom this junc is a serious barrier; costs of doing this may affect which option is chosen; Our preferred is Option C. SEStran and SESplan favour a ped/cycle bridge (AM to write to TS)

6 Cycle carriage on new HSTs Edin/Gw to Abdn/I'ness (AM 4 Apr); Parl'y debate?

7 Cycle pkg Lidl Craigmillar (member alert); SM to follow up

8 Steel plates inadequately protected (ER letter 22/4)

9 Magdalene Glen: 'no cycling' markings, chicanes, and humps on NCN1; ER has written; main issues are illegality of some measures, damage to national asset, and lack of consult'n (PH to write Access Officer)

Consultations and Events

1 LAF 12 Apr (PH, SS) PH sent out Notes 13/4; (incl. Magdalene Glen); other issues were WoL path at Dean Village (long-term problem for CEC), Salvesen Steps (ditto - but not really a cycle route)

2 Edin Design Guidance Review consultation (10 Apr); workshop 15 May, 3.30-5pm or 6-7.30pm (by June 2); possible changes we might seek: 1) allow carfree devs without obligation for permits in surrounding streets; 2) cycle pkg standards need to apply to small s'markets ('Metro' etc); 3) development sites to be designed with 'desire lines' for ped/cycles where cars go long way round, as in Netherlands

3 Hustings 6 April were a success

4 Future Vehicle Showcase (incl bikes), 7 Apr., ECCI 11-4pm; Resources Gp had a stall there - very useful

5 PoP 22 Apr. - great turnout

7 WCCC Conf 14 June, Gw; SS may go; Spokes will have a stall (IM)

8 I/structure ride for US visitors 21-25 May, probably 24 May (MMcD, PH)

9 NCIG: mtg planned for June 27th, at CS offices; PH to contact CS Chief Exec re relevance/future purpose of it

10 Pavement Parking Bill consultation (by 30 June) (MMcD and possibly TK)

11 Cycle route consultations - CEC website has reports for info; detailed designs coming later. PG members who responded initially to be asked to follow up; replacements where they are no longer available; details on spreadsheet

12 Operation Close Pass - media launch; Spokes members got good publicity

13 City Deals (DdF/Transform - maybe Spokes should comment re need for cycle links); still too much secrecy; elections may change things; SEStran likely to support pub trans and cycling, not more trunk roads

Next meeting:

Tues. 30 May, 7.30pm at 7/2 London Street EH3 6LZ (to include the broader issues we identified at last meeting)