Volume 11, Issue 4 – October, 2010 Concordia University, Saint Paul
The Faculty Bulletin can be accessed directly from the Academic Affairs web page: Or go to the Faculty/Staff Portal, click on “Academic Affairs,” and then click on “Faculty Bulletin.” The bulletin emphasizes faculty policy and business issues, upcoming events, professional development opportunities, and deadlines. News items for the faculty and the Concordia community are publicized through the weekly CSP Update. Articles for publication in the Faculty Bulletin may be submitted via email to at least three working days prior to publication. The next issue will be sent on November 1, 2010. The submission deadline for articles for the next issue is October 27, 2010
DH=Dining Hall BEC=Buenger Education Center BMA=Buetow Music Center Auditorium
GC=Gangelhoff Center GMC=Graebner Memorial Chapel
October 8, FridayFaculty Senate meeting (2 pm)
October 14-17 Thurs-SunFall Break (traditional students)
October 18, MondayMidterm/end of first half semester courses (traditional
October 20, WednesdaySecond half semester courses begin (traditional students)
November 8, MondayLast day to withdraw from a full semester course
(traditional students)
November 9-12, Tues-FriRegistration for spring semester
November 11, ThursdayConcordia Café Recruiting Event (5:30 pm in BEC)
November 12, FridayFaculty Senate meeting (2 pm)
November 24-28 Wed-SunThanksgiving break (No classes)
President Holst to Retire in 2011: Call for Nominations
The Rev. Dr. Robert Holst has announced his intention to retire at the end of the 2010/11 academic year. The following Call for Nominations has been released by the Search Committee.
Concordia University – St. Paul seeks nominations for the position of president. The president is the chief executive officer of the university’s Board of Regents and serves as the university’s spiritual, academic, and administrative head. The official functions of the office of the president are described in the 2007 LCMS Handbook, Section
The following qualifications are required of all nominees. They must:
Be a member of an LCMS congregation, faithful to the Scriptures as the Word of God
and to the theological positions of the LCMS.
Possess an advanced academic degree and be committed to Lutheran higher education.
The following qualifications are sought in all nominees. They should exhibit:
Communicative leadership, with the ability to represent the university to its
constituencies and to convey a vision that inspires confidence.
Educational leadership (earned doctorate preferred), placing a high value on academics
and on seeking and retaining high-quality faculty.
Team leadership, able to work effectively with faculty, staff, students, parents, alumni,
the church-at-large and the community.
Organizational leadership, with a demonstrated ability to lead a complex organization and
to recruit and retain quality administrators and staff.
Visionary leadership, with the ability to lead strategic planning and the execution of that
plan for the future of the university.
Resource-generating leadership, with the ability to discover and cultivate human and
fiscal resources for the university.
Spiritual leadership, able and willing to set the Christian tone for the university by
publicly demonstrating his public Lutheran spirituality and conveying the faith expressed in our Lutheran Confessions.
Synodical bylaw governs the process for selection of the next president. This bylaw permits the faculty to nominate candidates to be reviewed in the selection process. The call for nominations is open from September 1 through October 31, 2010. Correspondence regarding nominees will be received from November 1 through December 31, 2010.
Presidential Search Committee Seeks Faculty and Staff Opinions
Dear Concordia University Faculty and Staff:
After 20 years of service to Concordia University, St. Paul, President Holst will be retiring at the end of the 2010-2011 academic school year. The search is underway for a new President and Concordia would like you to have a voice in the selection process. A survey will be available for all members of the Concordia community (faculty, staff, students, alumni, and benefactors) from Oct. 6 – 16. The objective of this survey is to collect your input about the selection of the next University President and direction the University should take over the next five years.
This survey should only take a few minutes. All of the information obtained will be completely confidential and will only be used for the needs assessment of the University and desired characteristics of the new President. To access the survey, please use the following link:
As a thank you for your time and input, upon completion of the survey you will be asked to submit your name and email address to be entered in a drawing to win one of six $25 Target gift cards!
Your opinions will be extremely helpful in the selection of the next President of Concordia University, St. Paul.
Concordia Presidential Search Committee
International Student Travel Experiences for 2010/11
A variety of academic-related trips and service learning experiences are planned for the 2010/11 year. Student groups are planning to visit a variety of sites in Europe, Costa Rica, Haiti, Israel, Mexico, Nicaragua, and Shanghai. Further information is available at the following website:
Thank You to All Homecoming Participants
Congratulations and thank you for all who planned, worked for, and participated in the 2010 CSP Homecoming activities. Your work rewarded the campus with excitement and inspiration. Graduates who returned for the All-Alumni Reunion often commented onthe warm welcome and care they received from CSP students, staff and faculty.
Thank you and God’s blessings,
Robert Holst, President
Participation Deadlines for the Annual Research and Scholarship Symposium
The Annual Concordia University Research and Scholarship Symposium will be held on Wednesday, April 27, 2010. This is an opportunity for undergraduate students to showcase the research and/or scholarship that they have completed either in the context of a course or with a faculty mentor. Research is typically displayed using a poster format, but other display needs can be accommodated. Please be planning for this as you teach your fall and spring courses! Questions can be directed to Jessica Allen () or Sharon Mosgrove ().
Deadline for Registration: March 31, 2010.
Minnesota South District President’s
Conference on October 21
iRest, scheduled for October 21 in Mankato, is the Minnesota South District President’s Conference for everyone on the Minister of Religion-Ordained and Minister of Religion-Commissioned rosters. Dr. Bev Jahnke and Dr. Steve Arnold will be leading plenary and sectional sessions, and it is a great place to network with hundreds of colleagues from around the District. The $30 registration cost is being covered by the office of the Vice President of Academic Affairs. Those who use the CSP carpool option will have their transportation paid. More information on the conference is at the MNS District website at If you are interested in attending, please contact Kat Hagen by 12:00 noon on Friday, October 8 at or ext. 8892.
Brown Bag Discussion Sessions for 2010/11 Book of the Year
Thank you to facilitators Don Helmstetter, Michele Pickel, and George Guidera and everyone who attended the Three Cups of Tea brown bag discussion held Wednesday, September 29. The discussion was stimulating and informative, and it was an excellent illustration of how CSP strives to be an educational community where the Good News of the Christian faith provides the context for intellectual inquiry and committed service to church and society.
Please mark your calendars for the next brown bag discussion on Wednesday, November 10 from 11:30 am to 12:30 pm in the President’s Conference Room. Three Cups of Teais available at the Concordia Bookstore.
Hoffman Institute Series
The Hoffmann Institute has begun a series of “Walking/Talking Mission Book” presentations. These are designed to allow students to have lively interaction with mission-minded and mission-experienced people. Don Leonard was our first “Walking/Talking Book,” presenting students with the potential of how video can tell the story of the Gospel. Our next conversations will be as follows:
Monday, 10/11 5:00 pm Luz Guerrero (President’s Conference Room)
Wednesday, 10/275:00 pm Maynard & Shirley Dorow (Carlander Room)
Tuesday, 11/2 11:30 am Jim & Jane Vehling (President’s Conference Room)
Tuesday, 11/1611:30 am David & Radka Fiala (Carlander Room)
Students and faculty/staff alike are welcome to attend and participate in the lively conversation about God’s mission in today’s world.
Professors Seeking Study Abroad Presenters
The CALL Center would like to invite professors to schedule time to have a 15 minute in-class presentation on study abroad opportunities at CSP. We also have representatives from our partner study abroad programs who will be on campus this fall and available to make a short presentation in classes. If you are interested in requesting a speaker, please email with the requested date, time, and your course title.
New Writing Center Policies
In order to better serve our students, a few new policies are being enacted in the Writing Center:
If a student misses three appointments in the same semester without calling or
e-mailing to cancel, she/he will not be able to make an appointment for a tutoring session until the beginning of the next semester.
Students will only be allowed to make two tutoring session appointments per week. This will encourage students to take what they learn in a session and apply it to their own work before returning.
If a student is 15 minutes late for an appointment, she/he forfeits the session and it can go to another student.
The Writing Center thanks everyone who supports the center, its students, and services.
Academic Advising Office Hosts Faculty Advising Workshops
The Academic Advising Office has begun hosting Faculty Advising Workshops. The purpose of these workshops is to further develop advising knowledge and skills and update faculty on new technologies and effective advising strategies. The second Faculty Advising Workshop will take place on Wednesday, October 27:
What: Faculty Advising Workshop – Polices and Procedures with Jody and Renee
When: Wednesday, October 27 from 3:00 – 4:00 pm
Where:TBA (check your calendars)
Description:Jody Ragan (Registrar) and Renee Rerko (Director of Traditional
Advising) will review policies and procedures that impact advisors and students.
Outcomes: After attending this session, advisors will be more knowledgeable about
policies and procedures and will be better equipped to effectively advise students.
Concordia Banner Available for Student Portfolios on eFolios
Big News! A Concordia University customized banner is now available for student portfolios that are created through eFolioMinnesota. Students who have already created a portfolio site, can apply the Concordia design by choosing it from the Design Tab on the administrative side of their portfolio site. The Concordia banner will be the default setting for students creating new accounts. For more information, visit
Feel Free to Rearrange the Furniture but….
Please return classrooms to their original configuration when you are done. Faculty and staff are encouraged to rearrange classroom furniture in order to facilitate learning activities or meetings, but please be sure you erase the boards, leave rooms clean, and return the rooms to their original arrangement. Please afford to your colleagues the courtesy that you would expect of them by leaving classrooms in ready-to-use condition and be sure to pass this information along to all adjuncts in your area. Thanks for your cooperation.
Concordia Learning Communities (CLC)
At last count 55 fulltime faculty were involved in a CLC. If you have not joined a CLC group yet, please contact Dr. Joel Schuessler or a member of the Faculty Development committee and we will help find a group that coincides with your interests and passion related to learning and teaching.
Wednesday Convocations
This year, Wednesday Convocations are being held from 11:45 am – 12:45 pm in the Buenger Education Center (BEC), unless otherwise noted. For a complete list of this academic year’s Convocations go to
Thanks to all who participated in the September 15 Convocation: CSP’s Mission in Action.
Thanks to some significant teamwork, our September 15 convocation on “CSP’s Mission in Action” was a rousing success -- particularly if attendance was the primary criteria. A reported 318 students, faculty, and staff attended and heard testimony to the way our mission comes to life for our students, faculty, and staff. Thanks to all the instructors who invited students to attend. A special thanks to Kelly Matthias, Cheryl Chatman, Rich Carter, and Jim Gimbel for leading student interviews. If you missed it, visit
Upcoming Convocations include:
October 20: Promoting Human Dignity - Men's Role in Preventing Violence against Women
Jim McDonough, East Saint Paul Commissioner
Ramsey County Commissioner Jim McDonough’s talk will be the keynote address for a week of events and activities planned for our campus to coincide with National Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Concordia’s initiative, Promote Human Dignity: End Violence Against Women, will explore and engage this issue at four levels: global, national, local, and personal, and is intended as an invitation for each of us individually to find a response that is personally meaningful, and collectively to join together in a wider message of healing and hope.
With a positive message, Commissioner McDonough has championed the efforts to reduce violence against women in our society and has spoken on this topic for many local organizations and events. He advocates for collaboration among concerned men and women as the best approach in addressing and solving this serious problem.
November 3: A Dummy’s Guide to Social Media
Dr. Richard Brynteson and Jason DeBoer-Moran
You can run but you cannot hide. Social media is with us. Learn about the fundamentals of Social Media and how you might harness these tools for your own life and profession. Our own Dr. Richard Brynteson and Jason DeBoer-Moran will lead us and share how their study is driving toward writing a book on this important phenomenon.
Faculty Development Quasi-Endowment Awards
The goal of the faculty development quasi-endowment grant program is to provide faculty with financial assistance for scholarly activity. The Faculty Development Committee, serving in an advisory role to the Vice President for Academic Affairs, administers the program. Last year, over $11,000 was awarded to nine faculty members. The fall deadline for applications is Monday, November 1, 2010. For more information see:
Upcoming Collaboration for Learning Conference
For information on the upcoming Collaboration for Learning Conference November 18-20 go to:
October 2010
Friday, October 29, 2:00 – 2:50 pm – Buetow Music Center
Student Recital Hour (NATS Singers)
Friday, October 29, 7:30 pm – Buetow Music Center Auditorium
Instrumental Ensembles Fall Concert (Band/Percussion/Strings)
Sunday, October 31, 3:30 pm – Buetow Music Center Auditorium
Faculty Artist Recital Series
Paul Kovacovic, piano, and Shari M. Speer, soprano
Christmas concert tickets go on sale after October 15
Friday, December 3 7:30 pmBuetow
Saturday, December 4 4:30 pm Music
Sunday, December 5 3:00 pm Auditorium
The 2010 Fine & Performing Arts Christmas Concert
Tickets on sale after Oct. 15 at Ovation TIX at 1-866-811-4111
Or online at
Tartuffeby Moliere
Directed by Carin Bratlie, Artistic Director, Theatre Pro Rata
E.M. Pearson Theatre October 21, 22, 23 at 7:30 pm,
October 24 at 2:00 pm
Orgon's family has it all: money, fortune, fame. But Dad's new friend is going to spoil all of the fun. Tartuffe works his magic, brimming with religious fervor. But is his piety genuine or is he an imposter bent on destroying every last shred of the family’s domestic happiness? Reset in a high fashion, high stakes, and big bucks world of the modern top 1%, Moliere’s classic comic tour de force explores religious hypocrisy which lies in stark contrast to true Christian virtue.
College of Arts and Sciences Scholars Series
The College of Arts and Sciences is pleased to announce its Fall Schedule for First Fridays: College of Arts and Sciences Scholars Series. This lecture series will be showcasing the extensive research and scholarship currently being conducted by the CAS faculty.
Fall Schedule: First Friday of the Month 12:00 – 12:50 pm.
November 5:Prof. Theresa FitzPatrick, Presentation of Lilly Fellows Seminar on Gender and Christianity
Buetow Music Center Auditorium
Prof. FitzPatrick, Department of English and Modern Languages faculty and Director of Writing Center, was selected to participate in the 2010 Lilly Fellows Program Summer Seminar at Seattle Pacific University.
December 3:Dr.Thomas Saylor,“Constructing Suburbia: Richfield in the Postwar Era”
Library Classroom214
Dr. Thomas Saylor, Professor of History, won the David Stanley Gebhard Award, given every second year by the Minnesota chapter of the Society of Architectural Historians for the best article on architectural history or the built environment.
Circulation DeskReference Desk
Monday - Thursday 7:45 am - 11:00 pm Monday - Thursday 10:00 am - 8:00 pm
Friday 7:45 am - 5:00 pm Friday 10:00 am - 5:00 pm
Saturday 10:00 am - 5:00 pm Saturday 12:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Sunday 1:00 pm - 11:00 pm Sunday 4:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Additional Blackboard Training
In October and November there will be daily blackboard trainings! The six basic sessions offered last summer will be repeated on Mondays at 12:00 pm, Wednesdays at 9:00 am and Fridays at 10:00 am.