1The boxes contain the names of things that plants need to grow well.
Match each word in the boxes to the function it has in the plant.
aNeeded to make glucose during photosynthesis.
bNeeded to make chlorophyll.
cThe more there is the faster photosynthesis happens.
dLack of this means the plant has small, weak roots.
eWithout this the plant wilts and goes yellow.
2Japanese Bonsai trees are specially grown to stay very small. They are put into small, shallow pots with very little soil. Their branches are pruned every few weeks and their roots are cut back every two years. A full sized bonsai tree may only be 50 cm tall. Bonsai trees need to be in very good light and must be watered at least twice each week.
Copy and complete the following sentences.
aBonsai trees must be watered more often than normal trees because … .
bBonsai trees must get very good light because … .
cGrowers must add fertiliser to bonsai tree pots regularly because … .
3Tong′s Dad wants to plant some carrots in a patch of ground in their garden. The patch is under some trees, where it is quite dry and shaded. Tong has noticed that the plants in his garden grow better in some places than in others. The ones under the trees are small and pale. Those in the flowerbeds in the middle of the lawn are taller and greener. Tong thinks that the plants under the trees do not do well because they are shaded and lack light. His Dad says that it will be fine if he waters them regularly. Tong tells his Dad that he will do some experiments to see who is right.
aFirst Tong sets up an experiment to find out if light is important.
iGive two variables that Tong should control to make his experiment a fair test.
iiSuggest one thing that Tong could measure.
iiiTong used just two plants in his experiment. Suggest what he should do to improve the reliability of his results.
ivWhy will this improve the reliability of his results?
bNext Tong investigates the need for water. He has two plants and waters them both every day. He keeps everything else the same. They are away from the light.
iName the variable that Tong must change this time.
iiHow much light should each plant get to make it a fair test?
iiiOne of Tong′s plants is nearer to the window than the other. Explain how this will affect Tong′s plants.
cNeither of Tong′s sets of plants grow well. Say whether his Dad′s idea that the carrots will only need watering is a good idea or not and explain why.
4aExplain the following statements.
iPlants in greenhouses can be destroyed by disease faster than plants grown outdoors.
iiPlants grown in greenhouses are ready for harvesting before those grown outside.
iiiCarbon dioxide is often pumped into greenhouses.
ivThe soil in greenhouses needs more fertiliser than the soil outside.
bFarmer Green spreads fertiliser onto his grass. The fertiliser costs £2.50 per kilo and is usually applied at a rate of 10 kg per 100 square metres.
iHow much will it cost Farmer Green to fertilise his 750 square metre field? Show how you arrive at your answer.
iiFarmer Green also has a 400 square metre field that is in very poor condition. He wants to double the amount of fertiliser that he spreads. How much will it cost him to do this?
© Harcourt Education Ltd 2004 Catalyst 3
This worksheet may have been altered from the original on the CD-ROM.