Ballan Strategic Directions - Questions and Answers
What is the Ballan Strategic Directions Paper?
Ballan Strategic Directions (BSD) is a plan for future land use in Ballan. It outlines proposed changes to land use and zoning that will best support the needs of current residents, business owners (including farmers) and growth in Ballan.
The proposed changes to land use will better support a mix of housing types for current and future residents. The BSD prioritises the retention of local character within Ballan.
The Ballan Strategic Directions builds on and in many cases supersedes elements of the Ballan Structure plan.
If adopted, Ballan Strategic Directions will enable Moorabool Shire Council to prepare new planning scheme amendments for Ballan. These amendments are required to manage residential growth in Ballan and the protection of its local character. Changes to the planning scheme are also necessary to manage buffers and the expansion of incompatible land uses like heavy industrial areas.
The BSD aims to provide greater certainty over land use and densities for current and future residents of Ballan, the business community which includes our farming community, and the development industry.
How is Ballan Strategic Directions different to the Ballan Structure Plan?
Ballan Strategic Directions has addressed a number of deficiencies and inconsistencies identified by the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) in the Ballan Structure Plan. In particular the BSD:
· Strengthens the strategic justification for the proposed amendment and changes to land use in Ballan.
· Removes inconsistencies in analysis and recommendations, providing greater certainty to current and future residents, businesses which includes our farming community, and developers.
· Provides a clearer explanation and reasoning behind the application of the Zones in the western and southern growth corridors.
· Includes a number of zoning changes to ensure that local character is retained and that the township is maintained as a compact area. Council has also recently completed the West Moorabool Heritage Study which proposes that a future planning scheme amendment apply to the Heritage Overlay part of Ballan.
· Proposes the use of three ‘settlement types’ within Ballan. Each settlement type plays a different role in meeting Ballan’s current and emerging housing needs. Collectively the settlement types will contribute towards a sustainable community that provides for a range of housing choices to meet the needs of current and future residents.
· Removes recommendations for a Design and Development Overlay in parts of Ballan.
Why is this work being done?
The Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) identified a number of deficiencies and inconsistencies in the Ballan Structure Plan. Through the process of addressing DELWP’s concerns and revising the Ballan Structure Plan, it became clear it would be simpler to provide a new document to the community for their feedback.
Why is the community being asked to comment again?
The Ballan Strategic Directions document builds on and in many cases supersedes elements of the Ballan Structure plan. Public comment is required for the Ballan Strategic Directions Plan to be considered for adoption by Council and to be used as the basis for a planning scheme amendment.
What happened to my other comments?
Community comments on the Ballan Structure Plan were considered and incorporated into the final version of the Structure Plan. The Structure Plan forms the basis of the draft Ballan Strategic Directions document.
What is the timeline for this consultation?
Comment can be made between Friday 9 June, 2017 and Monday 17 July, 2017.
How can I comment?
Mail to: Ballan Strategic Directions Consultation c/- PO Box 8, Ballan VIC 3342
Where can I get further information?
Information events:
· Monday 26 June from 4pm to 6pm, Ballan Council Chamber, 15 Stead Street, Ballan
· Monday 3 July from 4pm to 6pm, Ballan Council Chamber, 15 Stead Street, Ballan
If you require further information, please contact:
· Geoff Alexander, Strategic Planner on 5366 7100 or at
· Andrew Goodsell, Manager Strategic and Sustainable Development on 5366 7100