VOL. 1, NO 30 To/For Descendants of Silas Kyle Sims 07/15/2013

HOWDY, seems as if I keep getting further behind. This issue of the COUSINS newsletter is slightly behind my intended publication schedule. I want to highlight the date for this year’s annual Sims Reunion. IT IS AUGUST 18, 2013. The second Sunday in August was already booked. Please mark your

calendar for the 3rd Sunday in August!

Thank you to those who emailed me your email address. We have been able to reduce the number of issues mailed via U.S. Mail. Please continue to email me if you have the capability to receive emails but are still receiving the COUSINS via U.S. Mail. My email address is


The Sims Reunion will be held Sunday, August 18, 2013 in the Brick Pavilion at Fox Ridge State Park on Route 130, south of Charleston, IL. We look forward to seeing you all again! Reunion President Judy Kemp, Charleston IL will be assisted by Vice-President Carol Rohr, Janesville WI and Secretary/Treasurer Lisa Sims, Springfield IL.

Pack your picnic basket because EATING BEGINS AT 12:30 P.M. Group photographs by family branches will be taken DIRECTLY after the meal, followed by a short business meeting and the raffle drawing.

Note: The annual meeting and election of SKS trustees and directors is scheduled for 11:30 a.m., August 18 prior to the Sims Reunion’s gregarious 12:30 p.m. meal.


ANDREW D. SIMS, son of David and Melanie Sims received one of the $750.00 Scholarship Awards. Andrew graduated from Brownsburg High School, Brownsburg IN. He plans to study both Mechanical Engineering and Business at the University of Kansas. Additionally Andrew plans to join the Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps, the Jayhawk Marching Band and Jayhawk Motorsports. His hope is to become a developmental engineer and work to develop and test new technology for use in the battlefield. Andrew’s Sims lineage is David > Howard Sims > Edward Kyle Sims > William Howard Sims > Silas Kyle Sims.

LAUREN LYONS, daughter of Larry and Dawn (Sims) Lyons received one of the $750.00 Scholarship Awards. Lauren graduated from Chelsea High School, Chelsea MI and has completed her freshman year at Spring Arbor University, Spring Arbor MI. She is an Accounting Major with plans to become a Certified Public Accountant. Her wish is to work for a large church as their financial planner. This would allow her to work with families within the church and assist them with their finances. Lauren’s Sims lineage is Dawn > Gerald Sims > Eugene Sims > Silas Albert Sims > Silas Kyle Sims.


After the April 1 application deadline, two copies of all the applicants’completed applications and documents were made. The original copy along with the two xerox copies were given to the Scholarship Screening Committee. The 3-member Scholarship Screening Committee is comprised of a retired University History Professor, a retired University Education Professor and a retired University Financial Aid Director. All are unrelated to the Sims Clan and all serve or have served on other scholarship screening committees. (1) Each Screening Committee member independently reviewed each application and documentation and ranked the applicants. Each applicant is ranked on a scale of “1” low to “5” high as to worthiness to receive a scholarship in the categories of academic achievement, career goals, school and community activities, personal and family financial background. (2) The Screening Committee next met together to collectively prepare a ranking of the applicants. (3) The committee’s written report, which included a ranking of all of the applicants was submitted to the Silas Kyle Sims Foundation Board of Directors. (4) In the April meeting, the SKS Board of Directors accepted the Screening Committee’s report as submitted. The applicant with the highest ranking by the Screening Committee was awarded an SKS Scholarship. The applicant with the second highest ranking by the Screening Committee was also awarded an SKS Scholarship.


Blank SKS scholarship application forms may be requested by contacting Judy Kemp via email or by telephone 217-549-5398. The completed application forms are due April 1 each year.

The scholarships are academic based with emphasis also on school and community activities. To qualify, one must be a high school graduating senior or one who has graduated within the last two years of the date of application.

Members of the SKS Board of Directors are Jack Sweeney-President, Michael Sweeney-Vice President, Kirk Brackenoff-Secretary, Rosalee Myers-Assistant Secretary, Judy Kemp-Treasurer, Donald Stewart, Chris Sims, Jerry Sims.

The Board meets 3 or 4 times a year. The meetings are held in the Charleston IL area.


Current members of the SKS Board of Trustees are Teri Matthews-Chairperson, Joy Castle-Vice Chairperson, Kathryn Ryder Sarah McKinney, Lisa Sims, Myra Beachy, Rob Kemp, Lorelei Sims, Barbara G. Sims, Frank Sims, Karen Blade, John Sims, Michael Ryder, Delbert Rexrode Jr, Kent Botkin, Keneth Sims, David, Rohr, Michael Sims, Jessie Hasken, Carol Rohr, Jacqie Sims

Currently there are 3 vacancies on the Board of Trustees. If any one is interested in serving a 3-year term on this Board, contact Joy Castle-Vice Chair, 217-967-5936 or The Board of Trustees meet annually in August on the same day as the Sims Reunion at Fox Ridge State Park.

We welcome and need your help with information for the Newsletter. Write an article, send us a suggestion for a story, send us new or old family photos (they will be returned), and please send us the latest news about your family. Send your contributions to Judy Kemp, 5221 N County Road 2100E, Charleston, IL 61920, or email


Andrew Mark Henry was born May 28, 2013 to John and Christina Henry, Oakland IL. Sims lineage: Andrew > Christina (Sweeney) Henry > Jerry Sweeney > Jack Sweeney > Mary (Sims) Sweeney > Hamilton Sims > Silas Kyle Sims.

Liam Seabright Rees was born July 8, 2013 to Sean and Christine Rees, Branson MO. Sims lineage: Liam > Sean Rees > Brian Rees > Jane (Sims) Rees > Raymond Sims > Hamilton Sims > Silas Kyle Sims.

Jackson Lacy Hanger was born April 18, 2013 to Drew and Ashley Hanger, Charleston IL. Sims lineage: Drew > Ashley (Berner) Hanger > Krista (Sims) Berner > Max Sims > Pinckney Sims > Silas Kyle Sims


Gene Davis of West Union IL died June 29, 2013 in St.Anthony Memorial Hospital in Effingham IL. Gene was the husband of Wanda (Stewart) Davis. Sims lineage: Wanda > Alberta (Sims) Stewart > Silas Albert Sims > Silas Kyle Sims.


The SKS Scholarship Foundation is again offering an Apple iPad for our raffle prize this year. We had great success last year with the hard work everyone put into it and hope to continue that again for this year. Thank you to all who worked so hard to make those ticket sales!

The model offered this year is the iPad 4 with Retina display, Wi-Fi – 32GB in white. This model will have the newer, faster A6X processor, a SMP iSight camera with 1080P HD video recording. There are of course other features, however, space is short and so is my understanding of all this stuff! It works, it’s exciting and we have it! So please make those tickets available to your family, friends and co-workers and continue to support the SKS Scholarships.


The SKS Scholarship Foundation is selling raffle tickets for this year’s fundraising raffle. The white 32 GB iPad4 to be raffled is valued at $599.00. Tickets are $2.00 each or three for $5.00. A sheet of blank tickets is included with this issue of COUSINS. Print it out, copy it and sell! sell! sell! The drawing will be held at the Sims Reunion, August 18. Tickets and money can be mailed to Judy Kemp, 5221 N County Road 2100E, Charleston, IL 61920. Or, if you prefer, wait and give the sold tickets and money to Judy at the Sims Reunion.


Don’t burn yourself in those hard to reach candles, light a stick of spaghetti and light the wick with that.

A frozen, saturated sponge in a bag makes an icepack that won’t drip all over whenit melts.

Gasoline pump nozzles have 3 stages. Low med & high. The faster it fills the more vapor is created allowing some vapors to be sucked back into underground tank through vapor return on hose which means you are getting less worth for your money--so pump on low mode.

Fill up of a morning while ground is cooler. The colder the ground the more dense the gasoline. Gasoline expands as it gets warmer so your afternoon gallon is not exactly a gallon

Pleaseforward notices of births, marriages, deaths and changes of address to:

COUSINS c/o Bill Harrison, 916 Seventeenth Street, Charleston, IL 61920

or via e-mail to:

Bill maintains the genealogy records showing our ancestry. His records begin with James Sims, who was Silas Kyle Sims’ grandfather and include meticulously recorded entries for births, marriages and deaths of Silas Kyle and Virginia Sims’ descendants. By supplying Bill with new information, you will be helping maintain records of our family history.

Hope to see you all August 18 at the Sims Reunion!!!


In this issue of C O U S I N S you will find

  • Information About the August 18 Sims Reunion
  • Information About iPad4 Raffle
  • SKS Scholarship Recipients
  • News about family members


5221 N COUNTY ROAD 2100 E