To: English 12 Students
Subject: VFW Voice of Democracy Essay Competition
The Veterans of Foreign Wars and its Ladies Auxiliary is sponsoring their annual Voice of Democracy Essay Competition.
Q: So, how does this essay involve you?
A: Every 12th grade students is REQUIRED to write a 3 page paper on a topic provided by the VFW
Q: What is this year’s topic?
A: "American History: Our Hope for the Future"
Q: How do I get started?
A: Start brainstorming for ideas.
Q: What is the format of this paper?
A: 1” margins
Double spaced
12” pitch (no large types allowed)
Acceptable fonts: courier, times roman, bookman, Garamond
Length: 3 full pages (Not 2 ½ pages, but 3 full pages of typed text!)
Cover page (see back)
Please note: No triple spacing between paragraphs
No name or title should be on the first page of text
Q: When is this paper due?
A: Uploaded by 11:59pm September 11th
Q: When will the names of the finalists be announced?
A: Week of October 9th
Q: When will the finalists record their speeches for the members of the VFW?
A: Weeks of October 9th and 16th
Q: What happens if I fail to submit this paper by the designated due date?
A: TEN points will be deducted every day the paper is late
Q: How will this paper be graded?
A: One grade will be given for grammar and overall presentation (in other words, did you follow the directions listed above). A second grade will be given for Focus of Topic, Organization, Content and Originality. These two grades will be averaged together and will count for 25% of the first marking period.
For example, Grammar/Presentation = 82%
Focus of Topic, Organization, Content, Originality = 89%
Therefore 82% + 89% = 171/200 = 86% (overall average)
American History: Our Hope for the Future
Submitted By:
Susan B. Anthony
Submitted For
English 12
Ms. Robbins
September 11, 2017