PLEASE EMAIL: when you find additions or corrections.

The HOMEPAGE for this site is:

If you arrive at this page directly off the internet, please click my Homepage link above.

The following are some instructions on how to use the pages on my website.

Use Ctrl-F to find information. Last updated: September 11, 2002

  1. My documents are by generations. A number has been assigned to each person, it is shown to the left of the name.
  2. If the person you are looking at has a + to the left of their number, then there are more generations listed.
  3. USE ‘BACK’ to return to previous page, if you are using Explorer.

If you are using AOL, CLICK FILE, and EXIT.

For NETSCAPE use LEFT ARROW, to return to previous page.

4.If you want to print the chart, you DO NOT have to print the whole document, only the pages you need!! Find the page you want to print. This is usually in the lower left corner. When you send the page to print, specify which page or pages you want to print.

  1. BY NAME: When searching for a name, be sure to try different spellings.

Also, try American forms of German names for the German lines, and vice versa.

Examples: Heinrich = Henry;

Johannes = John;

Wilhelm = William;

Ludwig = Louis or Louie

Katherine: could be Catherine, Cathrine, Catharine etc etc etc

Elizabeth = Elisabeth, Lizzie ***If Elizabeth is the name, also try with ‘s’. Elisabeth.

Anne Marie = is often Emma

Remember also, that many people were called by their middle names.

Johann Georg = George

Johann Conrad = Conrad or Coonie

Johann Adam = Adam

Johann Heinrich = Henry

Katherine Elizabeth = Lizzie

SEARCH for various names. If you can’t find the family name you are looking for, do a search on the husband or wife’s name.

There aren’t as many with the same name.

5. BY DATE: When searching by date, look around. Years and dates may be off by 1. Census records can be off by a year.

Start by searching for just the month and date.

Cntl F example: Jun 12 The first 3 letters of the month only.


If you find errors or information that is different from yours, please contact me.

If you find information missing, i.e. birth, death, marriage information, dates and places.

This is a listing of names that will get you into the website.

I have listed these, because the German spelling in my document is different than the American spelling. This may help get you into my website.

Heinrich Brehm

Henry Brehm

Johannes Brehm

John Brehm

Georg Brehm

Johann Georg Brehm

George Brehm

Adam Brehm

Conrad Brehm

Connie Brehm

Wilhelm Brehm

William Brehm

Heinrich Yost

Henry Yost

Johannes Yost

John Yost

Georg Yost

George Yost

Adam Yost

Conrad Yost

Connie Yost

Wilhelm Yost

William Yost