Module 1 Reference guide

1.00– Take your pre-test and don’t worry about your score. Remember it’s a pre-test, you’re not supposed to know it all yet. This is to help you and me with what you need to spend the most time learning.

1.01 – La pronunciation

Voice activity– Here are some words that are commonly mispronounced.

French word / Pronunciation
Dîner / Dee-nay
Hôtel / o-tell
Livre / Leave-ruh

Written assignment– do this in ENGLISH! We want to get to know you! 

1.02 – There is no assignment for this lesson, but be sure to spend time reviewing the material you learned.

1.03 – Les mots apparentés

A cognateis a French word that looks like the English word and it means the same thing it looks like.

A false cognateis designed to TRICK you, it looks like an English word, but it means something completely different.

A borrowed wordis a word that the French have taken from English and adopted into their language; for example, le tennis.

1.04 – Comment çava?

This is a voice assignment– remember to include a written version of your sentences so that your teacher can give you the best feedback possible.

Remember to answer using COMPLETE sentences in French!

The question ‘qui est-ce’ means ‘who is this’. Answer using ‘c’est + a name’. (Any name, but not your name!)

1.05 – La Classe

Remember to use COMPLETE sentences in your answer, don’t just identify the school objects.

For the question ‘qu’est-cequec’est?’ answer using ‘C’est + item’(NOT il y a).

1.06 – Je suis de

This is a voice activity-- Record yourself using COMPLETE sentences, don’t just say the place. Remember to include a written version of your sentences so that your teacher can give you the best feedback possible.

Remember that #1-4 you are talking about other people, so only use ‘je suis de’ for #5.

Canada is a masculine word, therefore uses ‘du’ in front of it.

You live in Florida so in French we say ‘la Floride’.

French word / Pronunciation
De / duh

1.07 – Le monde Francophone

Look around your house, no need to stress about this assignment, and see if you can find something with some French on it.

Look at:

  • Make-up, lotion, shampoo, etc.
  • Electronics manuals
  • Your car (airbag, seatbelts)
  • Car seats (if you have little brothers and sisters)

There are so many things in your house that have French on it, I’m sure you can find something really easily.

Take a picture of the French you found, submit that as your assignment and be sure to include a short description in English of what you found so your teacher knows what it is!

1.08 – Review

CALL your Teacher as soon as you get to this assignment for your DBA! You don’t want to forget what you learned.

1.09 – Exam

Your teacher will give you a password to access your exam when you have finished your DBA.