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UMR Fall Tournament – December 1, 2007

Round Nine – Tossups

1. It carries momentum and has a polarization but, due to quantum mechanics, these values are not always well defined. The gauge boson of the (*)electromagnetic force, it is the only particle found to date that is its own anti-particle. FTP name this elementary massless particle most commonly seen as light.


2. One of this man's works is owned by the National Gallery of Australia and is noted for its being split by eight vertical lines. That work is Blue Poles, but his best-known work takes its name from a line in Shakespeare's The Tempest. (*)Full Fathom Five is, FTP, a work by which American "action painter," whose technique of dripping paint on canvas led to his nickname, "Jack the Dripper"?

Jackson Pollock

3. When he was First Captain at West Point, he commanded the Honor Guard that escorted the funeral of Grant. He was then promoted to General of the National Army at the beginning of the Great War and led the (*)American Expeditionary Force into Europe. FTP—who held the highest rank, the General of the Armies, in WWI?

John Joseph “Black Jack” Pershing

4. The phrase directed toward this man was used in skit in a satirical show in Mexico and used as a playful greeting in San Salvador. His actions at the Iberoamerican Summit in calling the former prime minister of (*)Spain, Jose Maria Aznar, a fascist and constantly interrupting the current prime minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero prompted the response. FTP, name this man who was told to “shut up” by King Juan Carlos at a summit of leaders of the Spanish-speaking world in Santiago, Chile.

Hugo Chavez

5. The "Day of the Dupes" refers to an event in which enemies of this man mistakenly believed he would be removed from power; three years earlier, he commanded the French army during the (*)Siege of La Rochelle. Upon his 1642 death, he would be replaced by Mazarin. FTP name this "chief minister" to Louis XIII.

Cardinal Richelieu (or Armand Jean du Plessis de Richelieu, Cardinal-Duc de Richelieu)

6. Nathans, Aber, and Smith won the Nobel Prize in 1978 for the discovery of these compounds. The compounds possess very specific endonuclease activities that allow them to be used by (*)bacteria as defense against invading DNA material. Examples utilized in today’s lab setting include Spe1 (SPEE – 1) and Xba (X – Bah). FTP, what are these compounds that are used to cut strands of DNA?

Restriction enzymes (restriction Endonucleases)

7. Stephen Hawking provides the narration for the song “Keep Talking” by this band. Early works, like “Careful with that Axe, Eugene” and “See Emily Play”, were far more psychedelic than their later distinctive sound on albums such as (*)The Division Bell and Wish You Were Here as well as more famous works. This is, FTP, what band responsible for such albums as The Wall and Dark Side of the Moon.

Pink Floyd

8. This poet proclaims that “Much have I travell’d in the realms of gold” in his “On First Looking into Chapman’s Homer,” and he wrote of the romance of Porphyro and Madeline in “The Eve of St. Agnes.” Famous lines from his poems include “Thou wast not born for (*)death, immortal Bird!” and “Thou still unravished bride of quietness,” describing the titular piece of pottery. FTP, name this poet of “Ode to a Nightingale” and “Ode on a Grecian Urn.”

John Keats

9. Pencil and paper ready. You want to buy some apples. You can buy 3 apples and 2 oranges for $1.70. You could also get 4 apples and 3 oranges for $2.35. If you have 5 dollars, FTP, what is the maximum (*)number of apples you can buy?


10. In the French and Indian war he fought in the Battle of the Monongahela, taking command of his regiment upon the commander’s death, and was wounded in a failed attempt to capture Fort Ticonderoga. He was responsible for the massing of troops that led to the (*)Boston Massacre of 1770. FTP name this British General of the American Revolution that led troops in the Battle of Lexington and Concord.

Thomas Gage

11. This man and Tris Speaker are the only two players to ever hit 50 doubles and steal 50 bases in the same season, and he played a record 2,564 games before his first World Series appearance in 2005. This (*)second baseman recorded his 3,000th career hit on June 28, 2007, and retired at the end of the 2007 season. FTP name this "Killer B" who spent his entire career with the Houston Astros.

Craig Biggio (bid-gee-oh)

12. This author’s most recent novel tells of the widow Heed and Christine, granddaughter to Bill Posey and is called Love. Characters she created include a man who loses interest in people when he discovers they cannot fly called Milkman Dead; and Pecola Breedlove, who desperately desires the titular orbs, in her novels (*)Song of Solomon and The Bluest Eye. However, she is perhaps best known for a novel in which Sethe (seth-uh) kills her daughter to save her from a life of slavery. For ten points, name this author of Beloved.

Toni Morrison (accept Chloe Anthony Wofford)

13. Since its founding in 1980 at the Lenin Shipyards it has grown to over 10 million members at its height and still has over 1.1 million. It promoted non-violence and contributed greatly to the downfall of (*)communism. Since the fall of communism it has become a more traditional trade union. FTP name this 27 year old Polish labor union famously led by Lech Walesa.


14. One minor character in this play is a flirtatious maid named Cathleen. Another is Doc Hardy, who wants to see one character about a cough that turns out to be tuberculosis. Major characters include Jamie and Edmund and their mother (*)Mary, who is addicted to morphine because her husband James hiring a cheap doctor during childbirth. These four characters constitute the Tyrone family in, FTP, what Eugene O’Neill play?

Long Day’s Journey into Night

15. This equation shows the dependency of the rate constant on the temperature and activation energy for a chemical reaction. Increasing the temperature or decreasing the (*)activation energy will increase the rate of the reaction. FTP, name this equation named for the Swedish chemist who provided a physical justification.

Arrhenius Equation

16. Located in the sandy Valley of Abraham, 45 miles from Jeddah and 50 miles from the Red Sea, this city shares its name with the English word meaning “a place that is regarded as the center of an activity or interest”. The (*)Kaaba and Zamzam Well, both of which all pilgrims make an effort to visit, are located in this city. FTP name this Islamic holy city in Saudi Arabia and the destination of the Hajj.


17. The title character of this story claims that he never actually lost a swimming contest as was rumored, and in fact killed many sea monsters in the process. Characters in this story include Unferth and (*)Wiglaf, and it was famously translated by Seamus Heaney (shame-us hay-ney). As a favor to the king of the Danes, Hrothgar, the title character kills Grendel and his mother. FTP name this Old English epic poem.


18. Pencil and paper ready. A girl leaves her apartment and walks 150 feet down the street. She turns around and notices that the top of the lamppost 5 feet behind her lines up directly with the top of her apartment building. If the lamppost is 10 feet tall, then, FTP, how tall is her apartment (*)building?

300 feet

19. In one of the legends concerning him, this god performed a number of unusual feats, such as failing to win a wrestling match against an old woman, nearly drinking the ocean in order to win a drinking contest, and bringing goats back from the dead. He is better known for killing lots of (*)giants with his hammer, mjollnir (mih-jaw-l-nir), and for having a day of the week named after him. For ten points, name this god of thunder from Norse mythology.


20. This man's essays include "The Place of Science in Modern Society." With JohnCommons, he was influential in starting the institutional economics movement. His works in economics include The Theory of Business Enterprise, but is better known for a work in which he coined the term (*) "conspicuous consumption." FTP, name this Norwegian-American economist and author of The Theory of the Leisure Class.

Thorstein Veblen

21. Composed in 1772, its conclusion expressed a desire for the orchestra to return to their wives. Written in F-sharp minor, the fourth movement starts as an extremely fast in sonata form, but the coda is striking in that as each member of the (*) orchestra finishes their part, they snuff their candle and leave. FTP, what is this Haydn symphony that sees the entire orchestra slowly leave?

“Farewell” Symphony (accept Symphony No. 45)

22. Products contain Uracil, termination is activated by the formation of a hairpin-loop or the binding to a rho factor, RNA polymerase activity creates the product, the template DNA strand is read from the (*)3 prime to 5 prime end, FTP, this is the process of converting DNA information into RNA code.
