Course Blueprint
Family and Consumer
Sciences Education
7035 Apparel I
Public Schools of North Carolina
State Board of Education • Department of Public Instruction
Office of Instructional and Accountability Services
Division of Instructional Services
Raleigh, North Carolina
Winter 2004 Modification,Version 2 / and appropriateness for industry
Nan Alexander Broughton High
Connie Johnson
Trinity High School
Regina Haynes
Tuscola High
Iris Locklear
Purnell Swett High
Team members for the Winter 2 listed on the last page. / Special thanks to the following educators and business people who developed, reviewed, and approved this blueprint for technical content
Pam Roberson
South View High
Sandra Shumaker
West Caldwell High
Melanie Tabor
Swain County High
Mary Jo Nason
Project Coordinator
004 modification are
VoCATS Course Blueprint
A course blueprint is a document laying out the framework of the curriculum for a given course.
Shown on the blueprint are the units of instruction, the core competencies in each unit, and the specific objectives for each competency. The blueprint illustrates the recommended sequence of units and competencies and the cognitive and performance weight or relative importance of the objective within the course.
The blueprint is intended for use by teachers in planning the course of work for the year preparing daily lesson plans, and constructing instructionally valid assessments.
For additional information about this blueprint, contact program area staff. For additional information about the VoCATS Competency
Achievement Tracking System, contact program area staff or VoCATS, Career-Technical Education, Division of Instructional Services, North Carolina Department of Public Instruction, 6358 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-6398, 919.807.3876, email:
Interpretation of Columns on VoCATS Course Blueprints
No. / Heading / Column information1 / Comp#
Obj.# / Comp=Competency number (three digits); Obj.=Objective number (competency number plus two-digit objective number).
2 / Unit
Titles|Competency and Objective
Statements / Statements of unit titles, competencies per unit, and specific objectives per competency. Each competency statement or specific objective begins with an action verb and makes a complete sentence when combined with the stem “The student will be able to. . .” (The stem appears once in Column 2.) Outcome behavior in each competency|objective statement is denoted by the verb plus its object.
3 / Time Hrs / Space for teachers to calculate time to be spent on each objective based on their individual school schedule and the students’ performance on preassessments.
4 / COURSE %
Cognitive / A percentage indicates the relative importance or weight of each unit within the total course or program, each competency within the total course or program, or each objective within the total course or program. Information in Column 5 is used to plan the yearly calendar of work and as a Test Blueprint for preassessments and postassessments.
5 / COURSE %
Perform / A percentage indicates the relative importance or weight of each competency within a specific unit or each objective within a specific unit. Information in Column 4 is used to plan the yearly calendar of work and as a Test Blueprint for interim assessments.
6 / Type Behavior / Classification of outcome behavior in competency and objective statements. (C=Cognitive; P=Psychomotor; A=Affective)
7 / Integrated Skill Area / Integrate Skills codes: A=Arts; C=Communications; H=Health|Safety; M=Math; SC=Science; SS=Social Studies.
8 / Core Supp / Designation of the competencies and objectives as Core or Supplemental. Competencies and objectives designated Core must be included in the yearly calendar of work.
Career-Technical Education conducts all activities and procedures without regard to race, color, creed, national origin, gender, or disability. The responsibility to adhere to safety standards and best professional practices is the duty of practitioners, teachers, students, and/or others who apply the contents of this document.
[Recommended hours of instruction: 135 -180]
Comp #Obj. # / Unit Titles/Competency and Objective Statements
(The student will be able to:) / Time Hrs. / Cognitive Weight / Performance Weight / Type Behavior / Integrated Skill Area / Core Supp.
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8
45% / 55%
CL01.00 / Select patterns, fabrics, and notions. / 4% / 9% / C3P / AICIM / Core
CL01.01 / Demonstrate procedures for taking body measurements. / 1% / 3% / C3P / CIM / Core
CL01.02 / Determine figure type, body build, and pattern size. / 1% / 3% / C3 / CIM / Core
CL01.03 / Use information found on the pattern envelope. / 1% / 3% / C3 / CIM / Core
CL01.04 / Recognize appropriate fabrics for garments apparel. / 1% / C1 / AIC / Core
CL02.00 / Demonstrate selection, and use, storage, and care of small sewing and pressing equipment. / 2% / 2% / C3P / CIHIM / Core
CL02.01 / Recognize types of small sewing equipment and pressing equipment. / 1% / C1 / C / Core
CL02.02 / Select appropriate sewing tools for specific construction procedures. / 1% / 2% / C3 / CIHIM / Core
CL02.03 / Demonstrate use, storage, and care of small sewing equipment and pressing equipment. SUPPLEMENTAL / C3P / CIH / SUPP
CL03.00 / Demonstrate the use and care of the sewing machine and serger. / 6% / 5% / C3P / CIH / Core
CL03.01 / Identify the parts of the sewing machine and their function. / 3% / C1 / C / Core
CL03.02 / Identify the parts of the serger and their function. / 1% / C1 / C / Core
CL03.03 / Demonstrate the use and care of the sewing machine. / 1% / 3% / C3P / CIH / Core
CL03.04 / Demonstrate the use and care of a basic serged seam and serged seam finish with the serger. / 1% / 2% / C3P / CIH / Core
Comp #
Obj. # / Unit Titles/Competency and Objective Statements
(The student will be able to:) / Time Hrs. / Cognitive Weight / Performance Weight / Type Behavior / Integrated Skill Area / Core Supp.
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8
CL04.00 / Demonstrate pattern and fabric preparation. / 4% / 7% / C3P / AICIM / Core
CL04.01 / Use information found on the pattern and guide sheet. / 2% / 2% / C3P / CIM / Core
CL04.02 / Prepare the pattern and fabric for construction. / 1% / 2% / C3P / AICIM / Core
CL04.03 / Use pinning, cutting, and marking procedures. / 1% / 3% / C3P / CIM / Core
CL05.00 / Assemble an apparel product garment from selected designs and fabrics. / 9% / 24% / C3P / AICIMISC / Core
CL05.01 / Construct basic seams and seam finishes. / 2% / 6% / C3P / CIM / Core
CL05.02 / Use pressing techniques. / 1% / 3% / C3P / CISC / Core
CL05.03 / Demonstrate ways to reduce bulk in plain seams. / 1% / 3% / C3P / CIM / Core
CL05.04 / Demonstrate ways to control fullness in garments apparel.. / 1% / 3% / C3P / CIM / Core
CL05.05 / Demonstrate ways to apply fasteners and closures. / 1% / 4% / C3P / CIM / Core
CL05.06 / Use interfacings, facings, and waistband applications. / 2% / 3% / C3P / CIM / Core
CL05.07 / Use hemming techniques. / 1% / 2% / C3P / CIM / Core
CL05.08 / Evaluate the construction of garments. / C3P / AIC / Core
CL06.00 / Interpret factors involved in selecting apparel. / 5% / C2 / AICIHISCISS / Core
CL06.01 / Explain factors influencing clothingapparel decisions. / 2% / C2 / AICIHISS / Core
CL06.02 / Discuss criteria for choosing ready-made garmentsapparel. / 3% / C2 / AICIHISS / Core
CL06.03 / Relate characteristics of clothingapparel for individuals throughout the life span and with special needs. SUPPLEMENTAL / C2 / AICIHISC / SUPP
CL07.00 / Summarize apparel and textile care. / 1% / C2 / CIH / Core
CL07.01 / Explain ways to care for clothingapparel. / 1% / C2 / CIH / Core
CL07.02 / Explain ways to repair for clothingapparel. SUPPLEMENTAL / C2 / C / SUPP
CL08.00 / Demonstrate apparel and textile cleaning procedures. / 2% / C3 / CIHISC / Core
Comp #
Obj. # / Unit Titles/Competency and Objective Statements
(The student will be able to:) / Time Hrs. / Cognitive Weight / Performance Weight / Type Behavior / Integrated Skill Area / Core Supp.
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8
CL08.01 / Identify products used in caring for apparel and textiles. / 2% / C1 / CIHISC / Core
CL08.02 / Use appropriate products and techniques for stain and soil removal. / C3 / CIHISC / Core
D / TEXTILES / 5% / 3%
CL09.00 / Summarize fibers and fabric construction. / 5% / 3% / C2 / CIMISCISS / Core
CL09.01 / Recognize characteristics of natural and manufactured fibers. / 4% / C1 / CISC / Core
CL09.02 / Outline characteristics of fabrics. / 1% / 3% / C2 / MISCISS / Core
CL10.00 / Describe fabric designs and finishes. SUPPLEMENTAL / C1 / AICIMISCISS / SUPP
CL10.01 / Recognize structural and surface designs.SUPPLEMENTAL / C1 / AIMISCISS / SUPP
CL10.02 / Match the type of fabric finish to the end use of the product.
CL11.00 / Recognize historical influences on fashion. SUPPLEMENTAL(Portions taught in 6.01) / C1 / AICISS / SUPP
CL11.01 / Highlight the evolution of fashion.SUPPLEMENTAL / C1 / AIC / SUPP
CL11.02 / Identify the fashion cycle.SUPPLEMENTAL / C1 / AICISS / SUPP
CL12.00 / Analyze the use of elements and principles of design in fashion. / 2% / 4% / C3 / AICIMISCISS / Core
CL12.01 / Explore the effect of the elements of design on clothingappareldesign. / 1% / 2% / C3 / AICIMISCISS / Core
CL12.02 / Explore ways lines, shapes, and spaces create fashion.SUPPLEMENTAL / C3 / AICIMISCISS / SUPP
CL12.03 / Examine how elements and principles of design are used in apparel. / 1% / 2% / C3 / AICIMISCISS / Core
CL13.00 / Apply career preparation skills. / 2% / 1% / C3 / CISS / Core
Comp #
Obj. # / Unit Titles/Competency and Objective Statements
(The student will be able to:) / Time Hrs. / Cognitive Weight / Performance Weight / Type Behavior / Integrated Skill Area / Core Supp.
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8
CL13.01 / ListDemonstrate career preparation strategies. / 2% / 1% / C13 / CISS / Core
CL13.02 / Demonstrate professional practices in the workplace. / C3 / CISS / Core
CL14.00 / Recognize occupations and careers in the apparel and textile industry. / 3% / C1 / CISS / Core
CL14.01 / Highlight occupations and careers in the apparel and textile industry. / 2% / C1 / CISS / Core
CL14.02 / List traits needed for success in apparel and textile careers. / 1% / C1 / CISS / Core
This blueprint and the corresponding course outline were modified by a curriculum team in Winter 2004. The goal of the team was to reduce the amount of material in the course, allowing teachers and students to increase the focus on major concepts. This course was formerly known as Clothing Design. The July 2000 curriculum guide, Clothing Design, must be used with this blueprint/classroom assessment guide.
Whole objectives and sections of objectives were made supplementary. Areas marked SUPP on the blueprint and outline are NOT a part of the core course and are NOT included in statewide testing. These supplementary areas should be used to enhance the class when time allows.
The course outline provides further details about the areas designated supplementary. In some cases, portions of the material deleted on the blueprint have been moved to other objectives. It is IMPERATIVE that teachers and students review the course outline version that corresponds to this revised blueprint. This outline provides significantly more detail about the core content of the course, and indicates the supplemental sections within objectives. The outline expansion did NOT increase the course content, but provides students and teachers with more detail about the core curriculum.
The classroom assessment bank is enhanced to include more questions about the core sections. Core questions relate specifically to content in the outline. This classroom assessment bank is titled Apparel Development I, Modified Version 1.1. This classroom assessment bank was validated before release.
Teachers are VERY STRONGLY encouraged to use a pacing guide to teach this course.
Winter 2004 Curriculum Modification Team Members
Elaine Cory Becky KincaidMyra Spitzoff
Davidson County High School Forbush High School Hopewell High School
Jane Hamrick Pam Lineberger
Crest High School Jack Britt High School
Elizabeth Harris Mary Martin
Northern Nash High School Weddington High School
Winter 2004 Modification 7035 Apparel Development I – Page 1