AUCTIONEER: a person in charge of an action who announces the items for sale and calls out the offers of prices (comisario de una subasta)
CROUPIER: the person in charge of a particular gambling table in casino (crupier)
FOREMAN: a person, especially a man, in charge of a group of workers (capataz)
// the foreman of a jury is the person chosen as their leader (presidente del jurado)
FORENSIC SCIENTIST: a person who discovers information about a crime by scientifically examining objects involved in it (investigador forense)
GAME-KEEPER: a person who takes care of the wild animals or birds that are kept on someone's land for shooting or hunting (guardabosques)
GRAVE DIGGER: the person who digs graves in a cemetery (enterrador)
HAULIER: a person who runs a business that transports goods by road (dueño de una empresa de transportes)
LIFT ATTENDANT: the person who repairs and controls the lifts in tall buildings (ascensorista)
MIDWIFE: a nurse who is trained to deliver babies and to advise pregnant women (comadrona)
PAINTING AUTHENTICATORS: the teams who see through art fraudsters to differentiate between true versus fake paintings (personas que certifican si una obra de arte es auténtica o falsa)
REPO MAN: (parecido al cobrador del frac)
UNDERTAKER: a person whose job is to look after the bodies of people who have have died and to arrange their funerals (=mortician) ( empleado de pompas fúnebres)
WINDOW- DRESSER: a person whose jobs is arranging goods attractively in a shop window (escaparatista)
WINDOW WASHER for skyscrapers: (limpiacristales que trabaja en rascacielos)
ZOOKEEPER: the person who feeds and looks after the animals in a zoo (cuidador de animales en el zoo)
TO BARK: ladrar (dogs)
TO BLEAT: balar (sheep, goats)
TO CACKLE: cacarear (hens)
TO CLUCK: cloquear (hens)
TO HOWL: aullar (wolves, dogs)
TO MEW (= TO MIAOW): maullar (cats)
TO MOO: mugir (cows)
TO NEIGH (= TO WHINNY: to neigh softly): relinchar (horses)
TO PURR: ronronear (cats)
TO ROAR: rugir (lions)
A BEAR CUB: osezno
A CALF: ternero (también: cría de jirafa, búfalo, ballena o foca)
A CHICK: pajarito, pollito, polluelo
A KITTEN: gatito
A LAMB: corderito
A LEOPARD CUB: cachorro de leopardo
A LION CUB: cachorro de león
A PUPPY (plural: PUPPIES): cachorrito, perrito
A WOLF CUB: lobezno
a band of musicians: una banda de músicos
a board of directors: una junta directiva
a bouquet of flowers: un ramo de flores
a brood of chickens: una cría de pollitos
a bunch of flowers: un ramo de flores
a bunch of grapes: un racimo de uvas
a bunch of keys: un manojo de llaves
a bundle of sticks: un haz de leña
a choir of singers: un coro de cantantes
a crowd of people: una multitud de gente
a fleet of ships / cars: una flota de barcos / coches
a flight of birds: una bandada de pájaros
a flock of sheep: un rebaño de ovejas
a gang of thieves: una banda de ladrones
a herd of swine: una piara de cerdos
a herd of cattle: un rebaño de ganado
a hive / swarm of bees: un enjambre de abejas
a litter of pups: una camada de cachorros
a pack of wolves: una manada de lobos
a pack of dogs: una jauría de perros
a range of mountains: una cordillera de montañas
a shoal of fish: un banco de peces
a staff of employees: una plantilla de empleados
a team of players: un equipo de jugadores