Logue Name: ______
Period ______Date: ______
Vocabulary, Caught’Yas 1-14
ingenuous / free from reserve, open, innocentpuerile / childish, immature
otiose / lazy, idle
garbed / dressed in distinctive clothes, clothed
fey / having magical powers, like a witch or wizard
awry / amiss, going differently than is expected
uttering / speaking, saying something out loud
putrid / decaying, rotting, foul, very unpleasant
waggish / playful, roguish, mischievous, fun-loving
lame / weak, implausible, feeble, halting, dull
vapid / uninteresting, uninspired, boring, tedious
sagacious / wise, clever, knowledgeable
clamor / racket, loud noise, rumpus
erudite / scholarly, educated, intelligent
eloquent / fluent, expressive, persuasive
regaled / amused, entertained with
aspiration / hope, ambition, goal
articulate / fluent, expressive, understandable
deter / discourage, put off, scare off
affront / insult, offense, outrage
glower / look at someone in an angry or sullen way
insipid / lacking interest or flavor
deftly / skillfully and quickly
ensued / happen or occur afterwards or as a result
concurred / be of the same opinion, agree
fervor / intense and passionate feeling
queried / ask a question about something, have suspicions about
chartreuse / a pale green with a yellowish tinge
abode / home, residence, dwelling