Meeting Minutes

Meet-Me Conference Call

January 28, 2008

1:30 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.

Welcome & Introductions

Malik Ali, President of the Florida Minority Supplier Development Council, Inc. presided and welcomed everyone to the conference call meeting. Attendance was taken to ensure there was a quorum. Council Members in attendance included Malik Ali (FMSDC), Ben Harris (City of Tallahassee), Terry Castro (American Data & Computer Products, Inc.), Franklin Cross (City of Tampa’s), Keevin Williams (Florida Black Business Investment Board-FBBIB), LaVern Kelly (KNA Services, Inc.),Cliff Li (CommerNet, Inc.), and Tony Lesesne (In-Focus Magazine). Also in attendance from the Office of Supplier Diversity were Torey Alston, Director, Thad Fortune, Certification Administrator, Carla Pierre, OMC Manager and Denise Wright, Administrative Assistant.

Purpose of Conference Call Meeting:

Mr. Ali went over the purpose of themeeting, which was for the Council to review, discuss and make changes if needed, to OSD’s 2006-2007 Annual Report before it’s printed. Mr. Alston stated that the finalized copy of the report was at the printers, but if there were any significant changes, he would go to the Communications Department after the meeting to submit those changes. Mr. Ali, Mr. Cross and Ms. Kelly voiced their concerns about the discrepancies in the numbers on the report. The members had an understanding that they would review the report before it went to the printers to discuss any changes if needed.

Mr. Li had a concern about the Reference on (page 6) of the report. Chapter 38A60A-9, Florida Administrative Code should read 60A-9 - which is for the Office of Supplier Diversity, 38A - was for the Department of Labor and Employment Security, a department OSD/MBE office was previously under, but that department no longer exists.

Ms. Kelly had two concernson the report. (1) was about the Director’s letter on (page 4), she stated that the letter and throughout the report, OSD was emphasizing a lot on non-certified businesses, she also said that when the letter says “outreach and matchmaking, minority-owned businesses, both certified and non-certified” that starts downplaying the emphasis on getting certified. (2) was under the Mission on (page 2). Ms. Kelley stated that the Council has been talking about the partnership with large corporations, large corporations’ non-minorities, large corporations’ mentorship protégé relations and she didn’t see any of that throughout the report.

Mr. Cross voiced his concern about Secretary South’s letter on (page 3), he said she talked about during the past fiscal year, State Agencies and Universities spent over $1.1 billion with certified minority- and women-owned businesses and on the Director’s letter on (page 4), Mr. Alston talked about a total minority spending exceeded $3 billion, Mr. Cross asked,“was that for both certified and non-certified?” Mr. Ali stated that the $3 billion was for certified and non-certified, including non-profit. Mr. Ali suggested that the Director’s letter read “total certified, non-certified and non-profit spending exceeded $3 billion.”

Ms. Kelly had another concern about Construction Spending on (page 9). She stated that when non-profit organizations are under construction that may raise a lot of issues because non-profit organizations normally are not into construction. She also said that “you would not find a non-profit construction company”.

Mr. Ali initiated the discussion about some spending may be in the wrong category (page 8-12). Mr. Alston stated there may be some spending lumped together, but he would check on the concerns.

Mr. Ali requested that the Council have the State Agencies Business Plans emailed to them; it would be helpful in helping them understand the nature of the report on (page 7).

Ms. Kelly suggested that on (page 5), under Accountability, it should state that the State Agencies Business Plans be reported to the Council. She also said that the language out of the law should be used and she would email it to Mr. Alston and the Council Members. Mr. Cross stated that on (page 5), the Council should be mentioned. Ms. Kelly stated that any changes made to the Annual Report, needs to be communicated to the Legislators. Mr. Alston stated that he will get an email to the Council Members on the outcome of the changes made to the Annual Report.

Mr. Ali suggested the Council would like to add on (page 5), under Technology, to automate the reporting process. Also, a recommendation was given to strike out Grant Writing Trainingunder Economic Development. It was suggested that it reads “to provide training and assist women- and minority –owned businesses”.

Mr. Ali asked the Council if the group want to provide specific language for the Council to be mentioned in the Annual Report or have Ms. Kelly to provide the language. Ms. Kelly will provide the language.

The Council voted that the suggested changes be made to the Annual Report and a revised copy be sent to the members. Mr. Alston stated that as soon as the meeting was over, he would go to OSD’s Communication Department to submit the changes from the Council Members.

Mr. Li recommended that the Administrative Code concerning the Office of Supplier Diversity, be reviewed to see if some of the information is obsolete.

Mr. Ali suggested that a meeting be scheduled as soon as the changes is made to the Annual Report and asked that Mr. Alston send the Council an email with that information.

The meeting was adjourned at 2:12 p.m.