6th Grade – Old Testament Midterm
Name: ______
Directions: There are three types of questions on the exam: Multiple Choice, Short Answer, and “Understating Concepts”. Please be sure to read each question carefully, and answer all parts of the question.
NOTE: Multiple Choice questions may ask you to circle more than one answer, so be sure to read all choices so that you can answer the question in full. For Short Answer questions, just answer the questions with as much or as little words as it takes – sometimes you can answer these questions with just one word. For the “Understanding Concepts” questions, I ask that you use complete sentences; you should be able to answer these questions with (about) a paragraph (depending on the question).
Multiple Choice: circle the correct answer(s) .
1) Catholics refer to the first sin in the following ways (CIRCLE ALL THAT APPLY):
a) Original Sinb. Revelation
b) First Failured. The Fall
2) Salvation is ______:
a) an action that condemns usc) an action that feeds us
b) an action that saves usd) an action that punishes us
3) This term describes what something is – it’s “whatness”.
a) gracec) reason
b) natured) person
4) When God reaches out to humanity and reveals something about Godself, we call this:
a) salvationc) revelation
b) contritiond) adoration
5) In Genesis 1, how does God create the universe?
a) out of clayc) out of tiny marshmallows
b) out of ribsd) out of nothing
6) What are the two Trees mentioned in the Garden of Eden? (CHOOSE TWO)
a) The Tree of Evilc) The Tree of Life
b) The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evild) The Tree of Plenty
7) Eve was created from what part of Adam?
a) His pinky fingerc) his rib
b) His heartd) his brain
8) A symbol is something that has ______.
a) a complex namec) a scary subtext
b) a deeper meaningd) a joke inside
9) Before being re-named Abraham and Sarah, their names were ______and ______. (CHOOSE TWO)
a) Abey Abesonc) Sarai
b) Abram d) Siri
10) The Sign of Abraham’s Covenant was ______.
a) Circumcision c) A rainbow
b) A big sign that said “remember” d) A necklace
11) The wife of Isaac is ______.
a) Rebac) Leah
b) Racheld) Rebekah
12) The wives of Jacob are ______and ______. (CHOOSE TWO!)
a) Lou Louc) Rachel
b) Leahd) Rebekah
13) Isaac and his wife have twins, and their names are ______and ______. (CHOOSE TWO)
a) Shmulec) Jacob
b) Josephd) Esau
14) These terms refer to the passing on of the family inheritance and God’s special relationship to the first-born son”. (CHOOSE TWO)
a) Blessingc) Salvation
b) Birthrightd) Covenant
15) Advent is a season of ______in the Catholic Church.
a) Restorationc) Vitalization
b) Actualization d) Preparation
16) Every covenant needs ______, which reminds the parties of the agreement (CHOOSE ONE!).
a) written documentationc) signatures
b) a witnessd) a sign
17) How many sons did Jacob have?
a) 11b) 13
b) 12d) 14
18) Joseph’s brothers became jealous of him for these reasons (CIRCLE ALL THAT APPLY):
a) Joseph had dreamsc) Joseph was his dads favorite son
b) Joseph was a great cookd) Joseph had a fabulous coat
19) Eve gives birth to twins and their names are ______and ______(CIRCLE TWO):
a) Esauc) Cain
b) Jacobd) Abel
20) Moses’ brother and sister are named ______and ______(CHOOSE TWO).
a) Aidenc) Miriam
b) Aaron d) Mary
21) This is the name that God revealed to Moses in the burning bush:
a) Yahwehc) El Rey
b) Elohimd) Christ
22) These items of food were miraculously given to the Israelites in the desert (CHOOSE TWO):
a) Matzae) lamb
b) Mannad) quail
23) This person is the wife of Moses:
a) Zippora c) pharaoh’s daughter
b) Miriam d) Yoshebel
24) Baby Moses is found on the banks of the Nile River by ______.
a) Miriamc) The Pharaoh’s Daughter
b) Aarond) An Egyptian Servant
25) The Israelites are led out of Egypt and headed toward ______(before going to the Promised Land).
a) The Nilec) Ethiopia
b) Mt. Sinai d) Canaan
26) The liturgical color of Ordinary time is ______.
a) Redc) Green
b) Orange d) Purple
27) The liturgical color of Advent is ______.
a) Red c) Green
b) Orange d) Purple
28) A ______is a sacred agreement between God and chosen people of God.
a) iTunes Terms and Conditionsc) Covenant
b) Lawd) 10 Commandments
Short Answer: answer the question with as many or as little words as you choose. You do not need to use complete sentences.
29) What does the phrase “Imagio Dei” mean?
30) How does God appear to Moses when they first speak for the first time?
31) What does the name Yahweh mean?
32) What are the two “Comings” that we prepare for during Advent?
33) What is repentance?
34) What is Manna?
35) Jacob gets his name changed to what?
36) What leads the Israelites out of Egypt?
37) Who (or what) does Jacob wrestle?
38) Why is Moses sent down the Nile at the beginning of the Exodus story?
39) List the Days of Creation
- Day One:
- Day Two:
- Day Three:
- Day Four:
- Day Five:
- Day Six:
- Day Seven:
40) Fill in the Creation Formula for the FIRST DAY:
The 1st Day of Creation
41) Why does Moses flee Egypt?
42) Advent is a time of reflection. What, or who, do Catholics reflect upon
43) What is sin?
44) What is the Promised Land?
45) What is “The Law”
46) List some of the symbols within the second story of creation and explain what their deeper meaning is.
Understanding Concepts: answer the question using complete sentences.
47) Describe the Passover.
48) Describe the Sinai Covenant. Be sure to include the three parts of the covenant that we talked about in class.
49) What is Divine Inspiration?
50) What are the differences between Abraham and Noah’s Covenant? Cite at least three examples.
51) Describe Divine Providence and site examples of Divine Providence from the story of Joseph.
52) Who are the chosen people?
53) How do the covenants relate to Salvation History; what role do they play in the big scheme of things?
54) Compare and Contrast Genesis 1 and Genesis 2.
55) Using evidence from Genesis 1 and 2, what is so special about human beings? BE sure to use some of the vocabulary terms we discussed in class.
56) Compare and Contrast the two Arks (Moses’ Ark and Noah’s Ark).
Understanding Concepts – Reflection Question (Should be several paragraphs):
57) Using Evidence from our notes and discussions, how does God’s relationship with humans change from Genesis to Exodus?
What does Ex Nihilo mean?
What does the word Advent literally mean?
Name the 8 (or 9) reindeer of Santa’s Sleigh!