Vocabulary #4 – Period 5
1. /moribund [mawr-uh-buhnd, mor-]
1. / in a dying state; near death.2.
2. / on the verge of extinction or termination.3.
3. / not progressing or advancing; stagnant: a moribund political party.Origin: 1715–25; < L
2. / nefarious[ni-fair-ee-uhs]–adjective
extremely wicked or villainous; iniquitous: a nefarious plot.
Origin: 1595–1605; < L
3. calcified/ kal-suh-fahy]
1. / Physiology. to make or become calcareous or bony; harden by the deposit of calcium salts.2. / Geology. to harden by deposition of calcium carbonate.
3. / to make or become rigid or intransigent, as in a political position.
Origin: 1830–40
1. the supernatural power of seeing objects or actions removed in space or time from natural viewing.
2. quick, intuitive knowledge of things and people; sagacity.
Origin: 1840–50; < F
5. trangression [trans-gresh-uhn, tranz-]
an act of transgressing; violation of a law, command, etc.; sin.
Origin: 1400–50; late ME < L
6. crinoline (krĭn'ə-lĭn)
1. A coarse stiff fabric of cotton or horsehair used especially to line and stiffen hats and garments.
2. A hoop skirt.
7. demagogue[dem-uh-gog, -gawg]
1. a person, esp. an orator or political leader, who gains power and popularity by arousing the emotions, passions, and prejudices of the people.
Origin: 1640–50
8. malign muh-lahyn] Spell
1.to speak harmful untruths about; speak evil of; slander; defame:
to malign an honorable man.
2.evil in effect; pernicious; baleful; injurious:
The gloomy house had a malign influence upon her usually good mood.
3.having or showing an evil disposition; malevolent; malicious.
9. nuance
noo-ahns,] Spellnoun,
a subtle difference or distinction in expression, meaning, response, etc.
10. griot/0. 10 / [gree-oh, gree-oh, gree-ot]
a member of a hereditary caste among the peoples of western Africa whose function is to keep an oral history of the tribe or village and to entertain with stories, poems, songs, dances, etc.Origin: 1955–60; F