24th of April 2018, Paleis der Academiën, Hertogsstraat1, 1000 Brussel
9.30: Venue
10.00: Plenary session (Troonzaal, 1st Floor of Palace)
Welcome address
byProf. Ides Nicaise, chair of the VLIR-working group Equal Opportunities
10.10 – 11.00: Setting the scene
- Integration of refugees in Flanders: lessons learned
by Prof. Marc De Vos (Itinera Institute)
- Experiences of refugees at Flemish universities
Interviews with (former) refugees: Dr.ArzooBahamand (fertility specialist, UZ Gent), dr. ZaferKizilkaya (dr. Political Sciences VUB), NN. (student)
11.00 – 12.00 : Initiativesof universities
- Brief presentation of a few initiatives of Flemish universities
Linguapolis (UAntwerpen – by Christine Engelen); UNDIVIDED (KU Leuven – by Jeroen Van Malderen); Buddy-programmeUGent (by Hagar Rebahi) - Videoclip UAF (Dutch fund for integration of high-qualified refugees)
- Opportunities for refugees at universities in Flanders – and abroad
by dr. Martina Vukasovic (CHEGG,UGent) - Plenarydiscussion
- Practical guidelinesforroundtables
12.15 – 14.00: Lunch, poster marketand networking session
(Atrium, ground floor Throne Building next-door)
14.00 – 15.30: Thematic roundtables(in and around Troonzaal, 1st floor Palace)
See next page for a brief presentation of the themes
The roundtables start from a working document (downloadable from they will discuss the experiences and opinions of refugees and other stakeholders as well as good practices, and prepare concrete recommendations to various levels of action and governance: daily practice, university policy, VLIR, the Flemish, federal and European authorities.
15.30 - 15.40: break
15.40 – 16.15 : Plenary closing session(Troonzaal)
Presentation of the main recommendations and action points proposed by the roundtables.
16.15 – 17.00 : Reception(Atrium, ground floor Throne Building next-door)
- Information and outreaching
How can higher education institutions get a better overview of the (potential) inflow, characteristics and expectations of the target group? And how do refugees / newcomers get smoother access to information about the opportunities offered by universities?
- Social services
‘As inclusive as possible, as specific as necessary’: humanitarian aid, student funding, student services, psycho-social assistance, legal support…
- Recognition of competencesandqualifications
The procedures are long, sometimes expensive, and untransparent. How does the VLIR-NARIC co-operation function in practice? How can the processes of recognition and validation be further accelerated and simplified? Can we learn from experiences abroad?
- Preparatorypathways I
Admission policy, student career guidance, language acquisition, flexible (blended) pathways… How can refugees start studying more quickly? What are the legal obstacles?
- Preparatory pathways II & mainstream education programmes
What supporting services raise the chances of success for refugees? What social and intercultural competences do the teaching staff need?
- Involvement of students in the integration of refugee-students
Buddysystems, solidarityin student associations… How can students collaborate with their institutions to support refugees? What roles can they play and how can this be facilitated?
- (7+8) Transition to the labour market & academic careers
Are there any further obstacles in the transition to work after graduation? (career counseling, alternatives for additional diplomas, free movement… What partnerships can work better? What specific facilities are desirable for refugees in academia? (specific fellowships, ‘bridging programmes’, international solidarity movements…)