


Report of the Cabinet Member for: /

Children’s Services

at the Council meeting held on: / 18th June 2008
This report provides the opportunity to report to the Council the latest developments on various matters relating to the Children’s Services portfolio.

Change for Children Programme

The Children’s Trust members have discussed the following major items and decisions are listed.
Information Sharing Protocol
In order to achieve better outcomes for all children in Blackpool it is essential that all organisations work more closely together, making them more reliant upon effective information exchange. This Protocol is intended to act as an agreement between the Children’s Trust partners in the safe and proper sharing of personal information. With this in mind the main purpose of the Protocol is to make sure that personal data is protected from misuse by unauthorised disclosure or processing. Another purpose is to increase the efficiency and make practical the common sense sharing of data.
The Blackpool Children’s Trust approved the Protocol and it was requested that correspondence should be sent to each partner listed within the Protocol that make up the Blackpool Children’s Trust to seek their individual sign up to the Information Sharing Protocol.
Commissioning StrategyThere is a need for clear strategic commissioning and the Trust agreed that this vision should be delivered through the proposed new child health structure and the newly appointed integrated team structure.
Working in partnership with schools and other agencies across the Borough, the newly established Children’s Division looked to improve health outcomes by transforming the delivery of services such as Children and Adolescent Mental Health Service, Psychology, Health Visiting, School Nursing, Sexual Health, Maternity Services and other preventative services in order to improve access, quality and effectiveness
Young People’s IssuesA Young People’s Conference will be held on 21st October 2008 and the keynote speaker is Sir Al Aynsley, Children’s Commissioner for England.
The Blackpool Young People’s Council held their Annual General Meeting in April 2008 and had elected a new committee as follows;
·  Nicola Burke from St Mary’s Catholic College (Chairman)
·  Claudia Kearns from St Mary’s Catholic College (Vice Chairman)
·  Matthew Smith from Palatine Community Sports College (Secretary)
·  Saffy Horton from Montgomery High School (Treasurer)
·  Liam Coulston, who is above school age (PR)

Loss and Bereavement Plan

The three-year plan aims to work out how the young people can be adequately supported in their loss and also to develop improved resilience in children. Loss can include that of a family pet or loss in a wider context such as loss of peer group through change of school
Anti-Bullying Policy
The draft Anti-Bullying Statement for Children and Young People has been endorsed by the Board and Executive, and will be supported by detailed operational guidance.
Learning and Achievement
School inspections
Claremont Primary school was judged to be a satisfactory school. St Nicholas Church of England Primary school was judged to be a good school, and Highfield Humanities College was judged to be a satisfactory school with good features.
Developing head teachers of the future
We have successfully bid for money to support NPQH (National Professional Qualification for Headship) graduates in their journey towards headship. As part of a Blackpool programme we are identifying four or five serving head teachers who would support a small group of graduates, acting as mentors. We are also seeking to support schools that are likely to have a change of leader in the next two years and are offering support to governors, via Governor Services, and inset sessions on such topics as recruitment in faith schools and new models of leadership.
Blackpool Music Service
Almost 50 colleagues attended our 'Sing up' INSET course. This is a great sign that music teachers are making a real effort to improve their choirs, repertoire and techniques.
Support from schools has never been stronger and this is really appreciated. As a consequence we have now appointed a deputy manager of the service as from September. This will ensure that all primary schools will have additional support with their Wider Opportunities. A total of 98% of 8 year olds will have a free instrumental lesson every week and learn to play music on a brand new instrument throughout 2008 and 2009. We believe that this is unique to Blackpool.
'Schools Alive' (4th, 5th, 6th and 7th February) had more pupils from more schools than ever before. Each school performed a 15-minute themed programme to capacity audiences. We also included Schools United where primary schools performed with high school pupils for the first time at Schools Alive.
The Primary School Pop Idol competition is now in it's 6th year and going strong. The High school Pop Idol is just as strong, but in it's second year. The standard of contestants is breath taking and school based competitions are being held to find the finalist to represent each school.
Our High School Pop Idol rehearsal was partly covered by BBC Lancashire for the first time and new initiatives are being reviewed which would benefit all. Similarly, Park school brass band and Montgomery High Wind band have played on the radio.
The Choir of the Year competition is now so strong that we have had to provide two rounds in order to choose four finalists for the grand finale. Eliminating competitions were held on 21st and 22nd May with the final being held on 18th June.
Finally, we are involved in six staff conferences and several events during Veterans week. It is important to have such opportunities to showcase all our Blackpool pupil talent.
British Council 2 week Primary Teachers Project
We have eight teachers from eight different Primary Schools spending two weeks improving and developing their Language skills in France. One week is in school time and the other week is over the Half Term holiday. They will be staying with host families in Besançon (near Dijon and two hours from Paris by TGV) The training will be in the form of Primary Pedagogy and in the use of the Foreign Language in the KS2 classroom and there is also a job shadow element in French Primary schools. The teachers will be expected to get involved in the class routine, teach some lessons in English and talk to the French staff and children about life in England. There will also be the opportunity to make links with the French Primary schools and our own Blackpool schools.
After the visit, the teachers will be expected to share their knowledge and experiences with other teachers in their own schools and with others in the Authority. This should be a fantastic experience for all those involved and the group is very enthusiastic and excited about the project. The British Council has provided the funding for the visit.
Targeted Support for Children With Additional Needs
Youth Offending Team
Andrew Lowe has now taken up post as the Youth Offending Team Service Manager, one of Andrew’s immediate tasks is to formulate and implement an action plan to address outstanding issues identified in the recent re-inspection. The formal re-inspection report will be published in July, but initial feedback indicates some progress since the last inspection, but further work to be completed.
One management post within the Youth Offending Team will be vacant from the end of May, but interviews are scheduled for mid-June. Andrew will then have a full management team supporting him in driving the service forward. He has already developed links with crucial partners and is developing a clear vision for the team.
Assessment and Care Management
On 30th April, Sheila Sutherland opened the redeveloped Family Centre at Stonyhill and Family Support provision recommenced in the centre the following week. Stonyhill is the first of three locality bases to be established and will provide accommodation for the South Social Care Locality team in addition to the Family Centre.
It is planned that the first Social Care Area Team will relocate from Progress House to the base during the summer.
The restructure towards locality working continues to progress, with six of the seven key management posts now filled, the final post is to advertised late May.
The property, 331 Bispham Road has had a recent inspection and verbal feedback from the Inspector indicates that the provision is good in all, but one area, which is deemed satisfactory. The overall judgement will be good. This shows sustained improvement over the last two inspections. The building work at Hornby Road is progressing well and will be completed by mid-June. The recent inspection of Hornby Road gave an overall judgement of good and the Inspector indicated that had it not been for the disruption of the building work this judgement would have been outstanding.
The Adoption Team will be subject to annual inspection in the week beginning 16th June and preparations are in hand for this. The Foster Care Handbook was launched on 4th June, all carers will be provided with a copy, which provides them with detailed guidance in relation to their caring role and responsibilities.
The relocation of the Leaving care Team to Church Street has been successfully managed and the team are now well established in that location.
Services to Children with Additional Needs
Aiming High for Disabled Children - Central Government has identified funding over the next three years to support the provision of short break services for Children with disabilities. John Powell is leading a project team, with the PCT and other stakeholders to produce evidence based proposal for developing and enhancing the provision of short breaks for children and families across the town and which will best utilise the funding available to expand the range of options available.
Mick Connelly, Children With Additional Needs Team and Blackpool Tiggers Group jointly planned and hosted a conference on 2nd May “Teenage Tantrums and Transitions”. The conference was very well attended and the quality of presentation and content was excellent.
Services to Children and Young People in the Community and To Promote Inclusion
A successful cheese and wine evening took place with the Private and Voluntary Sector at the De Vere Hotel in February to promote and raise awareness of the Integrated Processes being developed to support work with children and young people. A DVD produced in Blackpool was shown to approx 72 people engaged in work with young people and provided information on the Common Assessment Framework, Lead Professionals and Budget Holding Lead Professionals as well as contact Point and Service Directories. Members of the IdEA Peer mentoring team who were in Blackpool as part of the Beacon Council health bid were also in attendance.
The Early Years and Childcare Team has successfully secured funding of £17,000 to support a network for practitioners who are undertaking the Early Years Professional Status. They have a target of an Early Years Professional in every early years setting and Children's Centre by 2015 and this funding, although only for one year, will help to support those practitioners who are currently undertaking this qualification.
On Sunday 8th June, the Early Years and Childcare Team held a Family Fun Day at the Zoo. Lots of activities were provided for families to take part in, including den making and creative workshops. All children accessing a childcare place gained free entry to the zoo and their parents/carers had discounted admission.
Blackpool was one of only 25 authorities to bid successfully for one of the Mental Health in Schools pilots. This will mean additional investment from Department for Children, Schools and Families of £780,000 over three years to provide additional support to about 15 schools in the town over the course of the pilot with the aim of rolling it out to all schools by 2011.
Young Carers are being invited to apply for funding from a pilot Small Grants Scheme, which will also have the full involvement of young carers in the planning, application and management stages of the bids. The purpose of this initiative is to assist young carers in achieving the five outcomes of the Every Child Matters agenda. Supported by the Council, Blackpool Carers Centre and Blackpool Advocacy, a panel of young carers will be assessing the applications in April and an award ceremony will follow.
The newly developed Tier 3 Substance misuse service commenced on 31st March, with additional doctors’ hours, a new nursing post and a full time key worker, an exciting development, which will support our most vulnerable young people in Blackpool.

A successful “Information, Advice and Guidance Fortnight” was held during February for all young people in Year 9. There were many school-based activities provided by Aim Higher, Connexions and Learning Providers amongst others and the fortnight culminated in a well-attended Careers Convention at the Hilton Hotel. The 2007/08 performances against the target for reducing the proportion of 16 – 18year olds Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET) has been published and Blackpool has achieved 9.6% which is well under its target of 10.8%.

The Under 18 Teenage Conception rate figures for 2006 have also recently been published. The provisional 2006 rate of under 18 conceptions for Blackpool is 66.4 per 1000 young women. This rate is 0.4 above the 2005 rate of 66 per 1000 meaning that the falling rate over the last two years has at least been maintained. The Teenage Pregnancy strategy and delivery plan are currently being reviewed in light of the support provided by the National Support Team.
The transition of Group Intervention Panel (GRIP) (a preventative approach to young people at risk of offending behaviour) to Integrated Youth Services has now been finalised and is to be re-named Innovate. The revised project will be delivered locally, yet set within multi disciplinary teams with local management as well as access to the wider multi-agency locality models of integrated working linked to family support. A key worker will work in each of the three locality youth teams supported by a Positive Activities for Young People (PAYP) worker and managed by an Advanced Youth Work Practitioner. The Innovate team, integrated into the three areas, will work exclusively with young people at risk of offending with the added value of being able to wrap a range of other services into their key work and intervention plans.