Short Curriculum Vitae

Vivienne Catherine Riches

BA, Dip.Ed., MA (Hons), PhD, MAPS.


Centre for Disability Studies

PO Box 6

RYDE, NSW 1680

Tel: (61 2) 88780500

Fax: (61 2) 98077053




1969University of NSWBachelor of Arts

1970University of NSWGraduate Diploma in Education

1980Macquarie UniversityMaster of Arts (Honours)

1998Macquarie UniversityDoctor of Philosophy

1971NSW Department of EducationTeacher Certificate

1987International Institute for Creative Ministries: Certificate in Ministry

1988International Institute for Creative Ministries: Advanced Certificate in Ministry

2002ASEAN Training & Education ServicesCertificate IV in Assessment &

Workplace Training (BSZ40198)

Appointments and Positions



1998 -Centre for Disability Studies: Senior Research Fellow, Psychologist

University of Sydney: Clinical Senior Lecturer

1999 - Royal Rehabilitation Centre:Sydney, Clinical Psychologist

2001-2005University of Sydney, School Occupation & Leisure Sciences: Senior Research Fellow

1990-2002Hillsong International Leadership College: Coordinator & lecturer, Pastoral Counselling

1989-1997Macquarie University Unit for Community Integration Studies: Senior Research Fellow

1979-1981Macquarie University Unit for Rehabilitation Studies, School of Education: Program Assistant

1977-1979Macquarie University, School of Education: Snr Research Assistant Grade II

1976Macquarie University, School of Education: Snr Research Assistant, Grade I


2007 - currentPsychologist

1996 - 2006Tavraki Pty. Ltd., Hillsong Health Centre, Castle Hill: Psychologist two days per week

1983- 1989Department of Community Services and Health Commonwealth Rehabilitation Services Branch (CRS): Sessional Clinical Psychologist

1970-1974NSW Department of Education, Northmead High School, Partially Seeing Unit: Graduate Assistant

Membership of Professional and Scientific Organizations

  • International Society for the Study of Intellectual Disability (IASSID)
  • Australian Society in Intellectual Disability (ASID) and ASID NSW
  • Australian Psychological Society (APS)
  • NSW Psychologists’ Registration Board
  • APS Psychology and Christianity Interest Group
  • Association of Psychologists in Developmental Disability (PSYCHDD)
  • Health Care in Christ Inc.

Currently Board member ASID and Vice President ASID NSW

Awarded Australian Institute for Inclusive Communities (AIIC) Scholarship for Research in Developmental Disabilities, 1997.

Research, Development and Evaluation

Specific research and evaluation activities have involved working in a collaborative sense with Government and non government departments, agencies and sectors, at local, state and federal levels. Areas of research and expertise include:

Assessment and classification of support needs for people with disabilities;

Active support and staff training and evaluation,

Forensic issues & disability;

Socio-emotional assessment and intervention;

Pro-social and interpersonal skills assessment and interventions;

Transition from school to post school for students with disabilities, including individual and inter-agency planning processes within the various school sectors in NSW; evaluation of vocational training courses, inter-agency community transition teams and longitudinal evaluation studies;

Community based training models of vocational training and vocational assessment;

Employment outcomes for youth with intellectual disabilities involved in work preparation and work experience programs and predictor variables affecting success,

Attitudinal research studies,

Development, coordination and evaluation of a postgraduate distance education course involving school authorities, vocational training providers, professional associations and universities in NSW and the ACT, offered through Macquarie University 1994-1996.

Significant projects have included program and policy development, assessment and classification, program intervention and curriculum development.

Clinical Practice

Provision of clinical services includes assessments in cognitive functioning, adaptive behaviour, challenging behaviour, emotional and mental health areas, forensic issues, and social and vocational competence for adolescents and adults with and without disabilities.

Dementia assessments of older people with Down Syndrome an international Randomised Multicenter Trial of Vitamin E in Aging Persons with Down Syndrome

Individual and group interventions have been developed and delivered in the areas of employment, social and communication skills, behaviour intervention and support, and anger management for individuals with intellectual disabilities.

Clinical services provided and evaluated in community settings across a range of areas including depression, anxiety, stress management, low self esteem; anger control, grief and loss, relationships, sexual abuse; social interpersonal skills, and eating disorders.

Provision of individual and small group supervision sessions for approx 20 intern psychologists under Board approved two year programs with the NSW Psychologists Registration Board

Supervisor for a range of counsellors and pastoral care workers in individual and group arrangements

2005- 2007: Advisory Board Member Sexual Abuse Freedom and Education Programs (SAFE): Hillsong Church.

Currently seeing clients with disability at the NSW Developmental Disabilities Health Unit

Teaching and Presentations

  • 1970-1974 Taught mainstream and special education classes at the secondary level
  • Lectured at tertiary undergraduate and postgraduate levels since 1978.
  • Co-developer and Course Co-ordinator of the Postgraduate Seminar Developing the Transition Process for teachers of students with disabilities through the key competencies, Macquarie University. Distance Education 1996-1998
  • Developed and delivered modules in Counselling for the Diploma in Ministry and Pastoral Care Counselling Certificates Year 1 and Year 2, Hillsong International Leadership College, Castle Hill, 1984 – 2002.
  • Unit of study co-ordinator, Mental Health of People with Developmental Disability, Graduate Program in Developmental Disability Studies, University of Sydney, 2005-2009; and Lecturer GSDD 5006: Enquiry Topic offered as part of the Postgraduate Courses in Developmental Disability, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Sydney.
  • Developed and delivered modules Diploma in Disability Studies, Singapore 2004-current
  • Presented more than 80 papers at regional, state, national and international conferences and presented in excess of 80 workshops and professional staff development activities for a range of government and non government agencies and departments.

Recent Keynote addresses at Conferences;

Riches, V.C. (2009). Who Supports the Support Staff? Keynote Address, ASSID NSW Annual General Meeting, October 29th, 2009.

Riches, V.C. (2010). Managing Transitions Keynote Address, NDS Accommodation and Social Participation Conference, Conrad Jupiters, Gold Coast, May 6th, 2010.


In excess of 100 articles, books, book chapters, research and evaluation reports, and curriculum materials have been written and published in the areas of disability, employment, vocational training, transition, social and interpersonal skills, and emotional adjustment.

Recent Peer reviewed articles

  • Riches, V.C., Parmenter, T.R., Wiese, M., & Stancliffe, R.J. (2006). Intellectual Disability and Mental Illness in the Criminal Justice System. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, 29(5), 386-396.
  • Riches, V.C. (2008). Unrecognised and Unsupported: Grief Among People with Intellectual Disability, Grief Matters, 11 (2), 48-53.
  • Riches, V.C., Parmenter, T.R. Llewellyn, G., Hindmarsh, G., & Chan, J. (2009a). I-CAN: A new instrument to classify support needs for people with disability: Part I. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disability, 22, 326-339.
  • Riches, V.C., Parmenter, T.R. Llewellyn, G., Hindmarsh, G., & Chan, J. (2009b). The reliability, validity and practical utility of measuring supports using the I-CAN instrument: Part II. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disability, 22, 340-353.
  • Riches, V.C., Harman, T., Keen, D., Pennell, D., Harley, J.H., & Walker, M. (2009). Implementing Active Support in Queensland Australia. 2nd IASSID Asia-Pacific Regional Congress,Journal of Policy and Practice In Intellectual Disabilities, 6 (2), 144.
  • Arnold, S.A., Riches, V.C., Parmenter, T.R., & Stancliffe, R. J. (2009). The I-CAN: Support needed for inclusion and empowerment. 2nd IASSID Asia-Pacific Regional Congress,Journal of Policy and Practice In Intellectual Disabilities, 6 (2), 93.
  • Arnold, S.A., Riches, V.C., Parmenter, T.R., & Stancliffe, R. J. (2009). The I-CAN: Using e-Health to get People the support they need. Electronic Journal of Health Informatics (eJHI), 4 (1):e
  • Arnold, S.R.C. & Riches, V.C. (2009). Supports, Empowerment and Self-Direction: The Emerging Paradigm in the Disability Sector. InPsych, 31(6), 16-17.
  • Riches, V.C. (2010). Staff support and satisfaction. Intellectual Disability Australasia, 31(2), 5-8.

Books include Standards of work performance: A functional assessment and training manual for training people with disabilities for employment. Sydney: Maclennan & Petty (1990) and Everyday social interaction: A program for people with disabilities. Sydney: MacLennan & Petty/ Baltimore: Paul H. Brookes, (1996). Curriculum materials include Social Development Training Programs for youth who have an intellectual disability and AngerWise: A problem solving approach to handling anger wisely.


Professor T. Parmenter,

53 Church St,

Castle Hill NSW 2154

Ph. +(61 2) 9634 1926


Professor Patricia O’Brien

Centre for Disability Studies

PO Box 6 RYDE NSW 1680

+(61 2) 88780500

Short Curriculum Vitae: Dr Vivienne C. Riches1