Cultural Anthropology 102
Spring 2010
Notes & Assignments Packet
Professor K. Markley
Where Do We Come From?
What Are We?
Where Are We Going?
Table of Contents
Information for a Successful Semester
Extra Credit
Textbook and Assignments Information
Exam 1- Text Study Guide and Article Questions and Notes for Exam One 10-50
The Human Story
Hominin Fossil Record Overview
Key Terms and Concepts in Cultural Anthropology
Cultural Orientations
Anthropological Linguistics, Sociolinguistics
Anthropological Fieldwork
American Mainstream Culture
Aspects of Mainstream United States Culture
Collapse: How Societies Chose to Fail or Succeed” Lecture by Jared Diamond
Horatio Alger- The Oprah Society
America’s Role in the World
Shadowy Lines that Still Divide (article) - Class in America
Brief History of Anthropology, Fieldwork
Two Case Studies in Anthropological Fieldwork and Theory
Margaret Mead, Samoa, and Derek Freeman
Napoleon Chagnon and the Yanomamo
What is Race?
Biological Determinism
How to Be an American-The Elephant in the Room- To See or Not to See
10 Things Everyone Should Know About Race- Answers
Exam Two- Text Study Guide and Article Questions, and Notes for Exam Two 51- 83
Section Two Introduction- Food Getting Strategies, Economics, Political Systems
Five Basic Means of Subsistence or Food Getting Strategies
Richard Robbins: Global Problems & the Culture of Capitalism
Egalitarian & Stratified Societies
Class systems- USA as an example
Caste systems- India as an example
Diamond Exercise- History and the Worst Mistake in the History of the Human Race
History a Case Example
Living on One Dollar a Day (article)
Diamond Exercise
Sex, Gender, Sexual Behavior/Orientations
Marriage, Family, and Kinship
American Anthropological Association (AAA) Statement on Marriage
Kinship Classification in the USA & Northern India
Exam Three- Text Study Guide and Article Questions and Notes for Exam Three
Anthropology of Religion- Anthropology of the Supernatural 84-92
Social Evolutionary Theory
State of the World
Richard Robbins “Global Problems and the Culture of Capitalism
The State of the Nation
AAA Statement on Human Rights
AAA Statement on 9/11, Terrorism
An Anthropological Perspective of War: Is it Inevitable or Manufactured
Become a Citizen Activist
Career Advice for Undergraduates
Anthropological Theory 116-122
Natural Selection
Sociobiology and Evolutionary Psychology
Theories in Cultural Anthropology
Social Evolutionary Theory, Historical Particularism, Functionalism, Post Modernism
Anthropological Theory: Should the study of Humans be scientific or humanistic?
Case Example: The Prohibition on eating of beef in India
Theories to explain the existence of social stratification within nation-states
Functionalist/Order Theories, Conflict/Critical Theories
Assignments 123-150
True/False Cultural Anthropology First Day Survey
Positionality Assignment
Man Who Would Be Chief- Video Questions
Ascribed and Achieved Statuses
Shadowy Lines that Still Divide
Napoleon Chagnon, Fieldwork, and the Yanomamo
Applied Anthropology- Obesity in the USA
Cell Phone Fieldworks
Ten Things Everyone Should Know About Race
Race Fieldwork
Race the Power of an Illusion- Video Questions
Economics Assignment
A Poor Man Shames Us All- Film Questions
India Caste System – Film Questions
NOW Video Questions on Stratification in the USA
Barbie Nation Fieldwork
Gender and Sex Fieldwork
Closet Assignment
Notes and Assignments Packet: This packet contains; lecture notes, exam study guides, and assignments. Bring this Notes Packet to class every day.
Read the syllabus! The syllabus gives you the information you need to be successful in the class.
If you have a question, more often than not your syllabus will contain the answer. The class schedule has three columns; the date, readings and topics, and assignments due. Refer to your class schedule EVERY week to keep up to date on reading assignments and homework assignments. The dates for when your assignments are due is listed in your class schedule but may also be announced in class (any changes will be announced in class- make sure that you either attend class every day or get notes from a fellow student).
Attendance: Success in this class (success= passing this class with a C or better) will require that you attend class regularly. It is not uncommon to miss one class at some point during the semester, either due to an illness or some other serious problem. If you miss class it is your responsibility to get the information that you missed. I do not give out notes from a missed lecture. I advise you to get to know a couple of other students in the class and exchange email or phone numbers (if you feel comfortable doing this) so that you can find out what you missed if you are absent. It can be helpful to connect with a fellow student in class who is reliable note taker. If you still have questions about the material covered while you were absent (and you have already gotten notes from another student) feel free to make an appt. during my office hours.
Read your textbook articles and class notes before class lecture. Check your class schedule for the topics/readings for the day’s lecture. It is a good idea to first skim over the material to get an idea as to what the reading is about, where it is going and what you should look for. Then read the material before class lecture. Familiarize yourself with the terminology used. Make sure that you have a dictionary to look up unfamiliar words (words are often in the back of the text).
Class lecture & Note taking: Use this notes packet and be an active note taker during lectures. Overheads are used to highlight important concepts and are useful for test reviews.
· One of my old professors gave students the following recommendations to do well in college classes; read your text at least 3 times (first just read it, then underline/highlight key points, lastly take notes on key parts and terms), read class notes at least 3 times (similar strategy as above), then write up your notes and review them at least 6 times.
· When I was in school I always made 3 x 5 cards for important concepts and terms. I found this very helpful in learning the material.
Exam essay questions: Essay questions will be given to you at least one week ahead of time. To do well on an essay question you will generally need to outline your answer ahead of time and study your answer ahead of time. Make an outline of your essay on a 3 x 5 card and use it to study for the exam. Notes cannot be used while taking the exam, notes are for study purposes only.
ASK QUESTIONS, if you are in doubt or unsure about something ask!
Learning is an ACTIVE endeavor. At the college level if you are passively listening or passively reading/memorizing classroom material you will not gain the type of understanding that is needed to be successful. To be successful you will need to know the definitions for concepts and terms but this is only the start. To do well on exams you will need to be able to recognize and apply what you are learning. If you can explain what you are learning to someone else that is generally a good test as to how well you know the material. Make sure you can put concepts into your own words (although make sure the words mean the same thing!). Ultimately to be successful you will need to be engaged in class lecture, discussion, and outside studying and assignments. Being an active learner includes; raising your hand and asking questions, making observations and comments on the material presented.
How to figure out your grade
It is important for you to keep track of your grades over the semester. This allows you to monitor how well you are doing in the class. I will pass back all of your assignments and exams so that you can keep track of how you are doing. To calculate your grade you will need to determine how many points you have earned in relationship to how many points are possible.
Sample: If you want to figure out your grade after the first exam you can see from the grading page in your syllabus that the maximum points you can have earned is 120 points
Maximum Points Possible Points that you earned
Exam 1 - 100 pts. 72 pts
Quiz 1 - 10 pts. 6 pts
Quiz 2 - 10 pts. 9 pts
120 pts. possible 84 points earned
Take the 84 points you have earned and divide it into the 120 points that were possible and you will get .70 this means that you are getting a C at this point (70% = C, 80%= B, etc.). Although if you have read your syllabus you will see that you get to drop one quiz so if you do well on your future quizzes you will likely want to drop quiz 1.
Your syllabus contains a list of all the assignments and the points they are worth. I advise you to keep a list of the scores on each assignment in your syllabus. I also recommend that you keep all of your graded assignments until you receive your grade at the end of the semester.
Extra Credit: Students have the option of turning in two extra credit assignments worth up to 20 points total. Extra credit work can be turned in at anytime during the semester just so long as it is before the deadline listed in your class schedule. You may only complete each option ONCE.
Option One: Take advantage of one of the services offered on campus; skills center, library orientation, transfer center, campus activity, etc. Then write a ½ to 1 page description of what you did and what you learned. This option is worth up to 5 points.
Option Two: Attend a museum, view a film, or read a book or article pertaining to cultural anthropology. This option gives you a chance to further your knowledge of physical anthropology and it is worth up to 15 points. Write a three page, typed, double-spaced paper, with three subheadings:
(1) What you read or observed, be specific as well as descriptive. Where did you
go, what did you read, etc. Make sure to identify your source(s).
(2) Incorporate three concepts or terms learned in class. This should be the bulk
of your paper. Discuss what you did in relationship to what you have learned
in this class this semester. You will earn the highest amount of points for the
way in which relate what you did with terms and concepts from class.
(3) Give your personal analyses and reaction to the event/reading/film. Prior
verbal approval of the instructor is recommended for the Option Two extra
credit assignment
Cultural Anthropology Museum Options: Bowers Museum (in Santa Ana), San Diego Museum of Man, Museum of Tolerance (in LA), and the UCLA Fowler Museum. Depending on their exhibits there are other museums that might work for extra credit (such as the Fullerton Museum or The Getty). The key is that the exhibit must cover material covered in this class.
Textbook & Assignments Information
The class schedule lists the articles that you are assigned to read each week. You should read the class notes and articles listed PRIOR to class. For each article make sure you can articulate the main idea or theses as well as be able to answer the questions in your Notes Packet (for each article use the questions in THIS note packet, not the questions in the textbook).
Every time you read an article you will be required to turn in an MIR. The MIR, main idea review, is two to three sentences that capture the main idea or point of the article. You also need to include at least one bit of supporting data and or reasoning used by the author to support their main idea.
MIR’s must be; TYPED, and along with the main idea and one supporting bit of information should contain; your full name, your class day and time and the article title. MIR’s will generally only be a few sentences long. If you have two MIR’s due on the same day put them on the same sheet of paper.
· Hints for MIR assignments: The main idea is the key point or points that the author is trying to get across, along with the data and or reasoning that the author uses to support the main idea. The main idea will often be stated in the introduction and/or at the end of the article. You may have to read the article a couple of times before you are able to discern the main idea(s). The MIR is not a description of the article. MIR assignments do not require that you answer the questions in the Text Study Guide but be prepared to discuss the terms and questions in class. The questions and terms in the Text Study Guide will also be likely exam and quiz questions.
· MIR’s are a part of your Class Credit points and are basically credit/no credit. For the most
part I will not grade your MIR’s I will just check that you have completed the assignment. We
will go over most all of the articles assigned in class.
You will not receive ANY credit for assignments that are not typed.
Other Assignments
You will be expected to complete other, various assignments during the semester (these all form a part of your class credit points). Some of these assignments will be completed in class and others outside of class. All of your assignments are at the end of your Notes Packet, and each assignment contains individual instructions.
A general rule of thumb to get the maximum amount of points for each assignment is to; follow the directions carefully, if the assignment allows you to handwrite the information be neat and legible, put your name, class day and time, and the title of the assignment at the top. Make sure you turn your assignments in on the day they are due in class. Do not turn in assignments to the mailroom or to my office.
NO LATE PAPERS WILL BE ACCEPTED. All assignments must be handed in IN CLASS on the due date. I will NOT accept any papers outside of class (do turn in papers to my office). There are extra credit options to make up lost points from missing assignments. Keep in mind that all MIR’s must be typed.
*** Text Study Guide & Article Review Questions EXAM 1 ***
The class schedule lists the articles that you are expected to read prior to each class session as well as the assignments that are due each class session. For most of the articles you have been assigned to read you will be required to turn in an MIR (see your Notes Packet for details).