Wellbore Datasheet (WBDS)
The Wellbore Datasheet (WBDS) viewer is petroWEB’s module for visualizing wellbore data. WBDS provides flexible configuration options for retrieving and shaping the well data, controlling how the data is arranged and formatted, and creating high quality graphics for the wellbore hardware display. Data for WBDS can be pulled from a variety of data sources and combined together in an integrated view. WBDS allows the user to create any number of custom templates to provide multiple views of the wellbore data.
Visualizing the Wellbore
HEADER DATA–At the top of the Wellbore Datasheet is well header data. This can include various attributes about the well including operator, completion dates, and list of casing depths. The user can toggle on and off the display of the header data.
COLUMN GROUPS –Data can be displayed in the main section from various data sources. Data columns can be grouped together and given a column group header with background color.
ROW-BASED DISPLAY –Rows are added to the display as needed to make room for the attribute data and the wellbore graphics. This creates a compact display that contains all of the relevant information.
LOCK HEADER ROWS –The wellbore header and column headings are locked so that when the rows of the wellbore are scrolled vertically the headers remain visible.
LOCK SCROLL COLUMNS –The number of columns to lock can be configured so that when the data is scrolled horizontally, the wellbore graphics remain in place.
MULTIPLE WELLBORES –Wellbore Datasheet can display graphics for multiple wellbores.
CEMENT AND CASINGS –The wellbore graphics include support for casings and cement graphics, creating a complete picture of the wellbore.
PERFORATIONS – Perforation graphics clearly depict the perforated sections of the wellbore.
COLOR CODING PRODUCING REGIONS – Producing regions can be color coded (both perforated and not perforated), showing the potential for additional perforations as well as showing the producing zones for the wellbore.
Printing Diagrams
FIT TO WIDTH –the Wellbore Datasheet can be printed (optionally to a PDF format). One printing option will fit the width of the wellbore on the printed page and create however many pages are needed to display the wellbore at the computed scale.
FIT TO PAGE –Fit to Page will scale the Wellbore Datasheet to fit on a single page.
Flexible Configuration
DATA SOURCES –Wellbore Datasheet uses advanced data script capabilities to optionally pull data from multiple data sources including WellView and OpenWorks, creating a single integrated display.
DATA TEMPLATES –Wellbore Datasheet display is controlled by a display template that defines what header data will be displayed, what columns of data will be displayed, and any graphic aliases that map jewelry names to the graphics in the wellbore graphics library.
GRAPHICS LIBRARY –Wellbore Datasheet’s graphics library includes a large number of common wellbore graphic symbols, and can also be extended to include additional custom graphics, as needed.
EXTENSION PARAMETERS –When configuring the Wellbore Datasheet extension, parameters can be supplied to override default settings including well id column.