Effingham County High School
Visual Art Department
Donna Holder, Art Instructor
(912) 754-6404
Visual Art/Comprehensive 1
Course Description
Welcome to the art room. This course is designed to provide students with an overview to a variety of visual art techniques. In this class, students will explore different art mediums including drawing, painting, ceramics, sculpture, crafts, fiber arts and printmaking. As an introductory course students will become familiar with art production, aesthetics, history, and criticism. This will give students an opportunity to learn about art and to explore its many facets. Students will be introduced to various art media, periods, styles, philosophies, and techniques. After successful completion of this course, students may further their exploration of art by taking studio art classes in drawing, painting, fiber arts, sculpture and Advanced Placement.
Course Structure
The majority of work will be done in class due to the availability of the materials. The pace of this course is fairly quick, therefore students who do not use class time wisely or who are absent may have to complete work and or projects at home to meet the designated due dates. If a student needs to complete an assignment, but does not have the materials at home then supplies will be provided. The student MUST ask for supplies.
Quizzes will be given to assess knowledge of vocabulary throughout this year. Additionally, students will be required to keep a sketchbook.
Some Topics to be Covered
Basic Drawing
Perspective Drawing
Ceramic Sculpture
Color Theory
Ceramic Sculpture (Surface)
Color Theory and Paint
Art History
Print Making
Grading Policies and Procedures
If a student is absent when projects are turned in or a test is taken, it is the student’s responsibility to see that work is given to the teacher and/or the test is made up. This applies to absences that are excused and unexcused.
Completed Artwork/Projects – 60%
A rubric will be used to grade art projects and this rubric/grade will be based on specific criteria per assignment.
Work will be graded with following components in mind:
1.Completion: Did the student finish the project and turn it in on time?
2.Time Management: Was class time used effectively? Did the student work until clean up time?
3.Specific Requirements: Did the students follow directions and does the project have a sense of wholeness and completeness?
4.Creativity: Is the project original, unique and interesting? Did the student make an artwork using their own ideas?
5.Neatness: Is the artwork clean and precise? Did the student work to the best of their ability?
Classwork/Daily Grades – 40%
Worksheets, bookwork, end of unit tests, work in progress and sketchbook/notebook checks will count as daily grades. Daily grades will make up 40% of the student’s grade. Any type of bookwork, worksheets, or test will count as a daily grade.
Students will be required to keep sketchbook/notebook work. Included in the sketchbook are drawing practice exercises and activities, notes/vocabulary, thumbnail planning sketches/idea file for projects and other written work. Sketches and plans may be graded so it is important to do them.
Late Work Policy
Any work not turned in on time will be recorded as a zero until it is turned in and graded. Points will be deducted based on how many days the assignment is late.
An end of course assessment will be given in May. This assessment will be over general vocabulary and terms learned throughout the year.
Rules and Supply Lists
Rules and Procedures
- Always follow directions
- Do not talk while the teacher is talking
- Respect tools and materials
- Clean up after yourself. Class will not be dismissed until the room is clean.
- Stay in your seat and speak quietly.
- Be respectful of others and their work
- Please do not have gum or food out during class. Drinks that can be closed are allowed, but must be kept on the floor. The potential to damage your work or even worse the work of others is too great. Class periods are short enough that eating and drinking in class should not be a necessity.
- CELL PHONES, ipods, ipads and other technology devices are not to be used during class UNLESS permission is given directly to you by the teacher. If permission is not given THESE devices will be taken up and turned into the office. NO TEXTING IN CLASS will be permitted and phones will be taken if a student does not follow these rules.
- Use the restroom on the way to class. DO NOT come to the room to put your bookbag down and then go back. If you come into class late you will be counted tardy.
- All other school policies including tardies and dress code WILL BE enforced.
Supply List
- 2 pocket, 3 prong folder or sketchbook
- #2 pencil
- 2 fine tip permanent markers like a sharpie
Artistic Integrity
If you submit work that makes use of photographs, published images, and/or other artists’ works, you must show substantial and significant development beyond duplication to ensure personal artistic ownership in the work. Plagiarism, using an image (even in another medium) that was made by someone else, is unethical and it will not be allowed in this course.
National Art Honor Society
Students who show achievement in the visual arts may be interested in joining the ECHS Chapter of the National Art Honor Society. Students must show an interest in the arts and must meet specific guidelines regarding their GPA in Art and their Overall GPA.
Teacher Contact Information
If you have any questions please feel free to call me, Donna Holder, at the above number or email me at school at . I do work on an extended day schedule, which means that I do not have a planning period during the school day. I will be able to reply much faster if you contact me via email, but feel free to call the school and I will get back to you as soon as possible.