Points of Contact


Félix Castro Rojas


Oficina Internacional

Ministerio de Comunicaciones

Dirección: Cdra. 8 calle 12 Edif. Murrillo Toro

Santa Fé de Bogotá


Tel: 571 344 3460 EXT.2206

Fax: 571 344 3445



Marc Girouard

Spectrum Engineer

Dirección: 300 Slater St., Jean Edmonds Tower North, room 1911A

Ottawa Ontario K1A 0C8


Tel: 613 990 4770

Fax: 613 952 5108



Points of Contact

CHAPTER 1 Mobile and radionavigation services

Coordinators: IMT-2000

Murray Hunt

Mobile Services

300 Slater St.

Ottawa, Ontario K1A0C8


Teléfono: 613 998 3948

Facsímil: 613 957 0567


Charles H. Breig

Senior Electronic Engineer Planning and Negotiations Division International Bureau

Federal Communication Commission

2000 M St. rm. 872

Washington D.C. 20554

Teléfono: 202 418 2156

Facsimil: 202 418 0398


CHAPTER 2 Mobile-satellite and radionavigation-satellite services

General Coordinator

Ybeth Maita

Jefe de División de


Av. Veracruz con Cali/ Edificio CONATEL Urb. Las Mercedes

Caracas 1060

Teléfono: 582 909 0515

Facsimil: 582 993 7589

Rapporteurs for: Use of the bands 1559 1567 MHz and 1675 - 1710 MHz by the MSS

Almir Henrique da Costa

Assessor Assistant

Satellite Systems Division Head

Av. Presidente Vargas 1012

Rio de Janeiro RJ 20179-900

Teléfono: 55 21 519 0345

Facsimil: 55 61 519 8389


Jim Vorhies

Department of Commerce

1401 Constitution Ave. NW

Washington D.C. 20230

Teléfono: 202 482 1138

Facsimil: 202 501 8189

Rapporteur for: Issues concerning the radionavigation-satellite service

Jim Vorhies

Department of Commerce

1401 Constitution Ave. NW

Washington D.C. 20230

Teléfono: 202 482 1138

Facsimil: 202 501 8189

CHAPTER 3 Non-GSO FSS issues

General Coordinators

Veena Rawat

Deputy Director General

Spectrum Engineering

300 Slater Street, Jean Edmonds Tower North, room 1995D

Ottawa Ontario K1A0C8


Tel: 613 990 4685

Fax: 613 990 3158


Fernando Carrillo

Director General Organismos Internacionales

Comisión Federal de Telecomunicaciones

Bosque de Radiatas Nr. 44, 4 piso, Col. Bosques de las Lomas, deleg. Cuajimalpa

México D.F. 05120

Teléfono: 525 261 4221

Facsimil: 525 261 4055


Rapporteurs for:

·  FSS NGSO-terrestrial links including space science; and


Vassilios Mimis

Director Space Engineering

Industry Canada

300 Slater Street

Ottawa Ontario K1A0C8

Teléfono: 613 990 4691

Facsimil: 613 990 3158


Damon Ladson

Deputy Chief Planning and Negotiations Division

Federal Communication Commission

2000 M St. NW

Washington D.C. 20554

Teléfono: 202 418 0725

Facsimil: 202 418 0398


Rapporteur for: FSS NGSO-BSS

Kimberly Baum


International Bureau

Dirección: 2000 M St., NW

Washington DC 20554


Tel: 202 418 0756

Fax: 202 418 7270


CHAPTER 4 Space science services and radio astronomy

General Coordinator

Eduardo Gabelloni

Gerente Gerencia de Asuntos Externos


Tucumán 1 piso 17

Buenos Aires Capital Federal 1049

Teléfono: 541 332 2048

Facsimil: 541 345 5771


CHAPTER 5 Appendices S30 and S30A

General Coordinator

Arturo López Torres

Subdirector de Concesiones y Permisos

Secretaría de Comunicaciones

Eugenia 197 piso 5, col. Navarte

México DF, México

Teléfono: 525 682 8327

Facsimil: 525 682 8698

CHAPTER 6 Fixed and fixed-satellite services

General Coordinator

Héctor Budé

Jefe Depto. Frecuencias Radioeléctricas

Dirección Nacional de Comunicaciones

Boulevar Artigas 1520


Teléfono: 598 2 707 36 62

Facsimil: 598 2 707 3591


Rapporteur for: High density service in the fixed 31.8 - 33.4 GHz band. High density service fixed above 30 GHz availability FSS in the 41.5 - 42.5 GHz band and protection of RAS Criteria and sharing methods FSS in the 40.5 42.5 GHz band. Sharing between the FS and other services in the band 37 - 40 GHz. Use of the 40.5 - 42.5 GHz band by FSS

Julían Gardella

Jefe Area de Radiocomunicaciones

Comisión Nacional de Comunicaciones

Perú 103

Buenos Aires 1067

Teléfono: 541 347 9694

Facsimil: 541 347 9571

Cecily Holiday

Federal Communication Commission

2000 M St. NW

Washington D.C. 20554

Teléfono: 202 418 0725

Facsimil: 202 418 0398

Rapporteur for: High altitude platform stations

Juan José Valorio

Jefe Area Asignación de Frecuencias

Comisión Nacional de Comunicaciones

Perú 103

Buenos Aires 1067

Teléfono: 541 347 9694

Facsimil: 541 347 9571

Cecily Holiday

Federal Communication Commission

2000 M St. NW

Washington D.C. 20554

Teléfono: 202 418 0725

Facsimil: 202 418 0398

Rapporteur for: Earth stations located on board of vessels in the bands 3700 -4200MHz and 59256425MHz

Manoel Almeida

Divisao de Satélite


Av. President Vargas, 1012 S.601

Río de Janeiro 20179-900 - Brasil

Teléfono: +5521 5198825

Facsimil: +5521 5196339

E-mail mcparva @embratel.com.br

Rapporteur for:

·  Sharing between feeder links of non-GSO MSS and GSO FSS in the bands 19.319.7GHz and 29.1 - 29.5 GHz

·  Feasibility of non-GSO MSS feeder links in the bands 15.4315.63GHz

José Vilera


Av. Veracruz con Calle Cali


Tel: 582-909-0318-336

Fax: 582-993-5389


CHAPTER 7 Other matters

General Coordinator

Soenildath Boeddha

Senior Staff Member Radio Frequency Control Division

Telecommunication Corporation Suriname

No. 1 Heiligenweg P.O. BOX 1839


Teléfono: 597 474 242

Facsimil: 597 404 800

Rapporteur for:

·  Future Agendas 6

·  Footnote

·  Review of the Pertinent Resolutions from the Plenipotentiary Conference, PP-98

Antonio Ermete Cristiani


Gerencia Relaciones Internacionales

Dirección: Perú 103

Buenos Aires 1067


Tel: 54 11 4347 9555

Fax: 54 11 4347 9546


Rapporteur for: Incorporation by reference

Carlos Bello

Subdirector de Regulación Internacional

Comisión Federal de Telecomunicaciones

Bosque de Radiatas No. 44, 4to. Piso, Col. Bosques de las Lomas

México DF., 05120, México

Tel.+ 525 261-4221

Fax.+ 525 261-4055



Points of Contact


Points of Contact