Visitors' Information Centre Theatre Room

Monday August 28, 2017 @ 7:00pm


Present Deputy Mayor L. McPherson

Councillor T. Bradbury

Councillor C. Blyth

Councillor M. Lafferty
Councillor M. Rowe
Councillor S. Whelly

Absent Mayor D. Sibbeston
Councillor M. Hassan

Also Present SAO W. Bennett
Clerk L. Beaulieu
MACA T. Wright
Fire Chief R. Pilling

1)  Call to Order

Deputy Mayor McPherson called the meeting to order 7:00 pm

2)  Adoption of Agenda

Resolution #2017-211
Moved by: Councillor Rowe
Seconded by: Councillor Lafferty
THAT Council adopts the agenda of Special Meeting SM03-2017 as presented.

3)  Councillor Absences
Resolution #2017-212

Moved by: Councillor Bradbury

Seconded by: Councillor Lafferty

THAT Council excuse Mayor Sibbeston and Councillor Hassan from Special Meeting SM03-2017.


4)  Fire Department Assessment
Deputy Mayor McPherson welcomed Travis Wright of the Government of the Northwest Territories to the table. Mr. Wright advised that he would be presenting a video first which is about the fire department and liabilities that the Village of Fort Simpson has with it. The video ended and all felt it was very informative and that Council needs to be more informed about what is going on in the community. Fire Chief Roger Pilling wanted to advise that in all the years that he has been the Fire Chief that he has never been approached by any of the Council on a personal side. He advised that he is always open and approachable to talk or answer any questions. Mr. Wright then went over the 2 handouts; one being the Office of the Fire Marshall Fire Department Assessment Tool and the other is the MACA Community Fire Protection Matrix. These reports will be included as part of these minutes.

Mr. Wright advised that in all jurisdictions, the WSCC requires that records be kept for the Level of service, capacity, procedures, equipment, maintenance, and training. Without these it can lead to an accident and thus liability. Some discussion took place about the budget and all felt this this should be revisited along with the capital budget for the FD. Other discussions about the levels of service were discussed and all felt that the FD is definitely a defensive service with hopes of becoming offensive. Mr. Wright advised that he will bring or forward some sample bylaws for Council to better define the roles and responsibilities of the fire chief.

Recommended next steps:

The Village Council need to attach the appointment of the fire chief to the current bylaw and better-define the roles and responsibilities of the fire chief while also defining what rescue services are provided. A level of service needs to be chosen by the council that they want to provide to the community and back it up with the appropriate budget and support that it will need to be achieved. A long term equipment replacement list needs to be created for every large piece or expensive piece of equipment. The FSVFS needs support both financially and fiscally running recruitment running recruitment campaigns to help recruit volunteers year round. It is recommended that the VOFS consider the potential future purchasing of a water tender for water delivery to fire scenes outside of hydrant coverage. A fire training facility needs to be established for the department to properly train its personnel safely and effectively in structural fire suppression. This is not only crucial for retaining volunteers but also grooming feature leadership which will eventually help spread the responsibility and workload over competent leadership in the department. The Village Council needs to consider the fire departments future and decide if it’s sustainable to have a volunteer dual service and if a full time chief if necessary.

5)  Adjournment
Resolution #2017-213
Moved by: Councillor
Seconded by: Councillor
THAT Council adjourn Special Meeting SM02-2017 at 9:00pm.



Darlene Sibbeston



William Bennett

Senior Administrative Officer

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