Name: ______Period: ______

Unit 7 Acids- Funsheets

Part A: Vocabulary– Answer the following questions.

  1. What is Arrhenius’s definition of an acid?
  1. How can you identify an acid by its formula?
  1. Why are acids called proton donors?
  1. What is Arrhenius’s definition of a base?
  1. What is a salt?
  1. When an acid reacts with a base, they always produce ______and ______.
  2. Fill out the following chart:

Properties of Acids / Properties of Bases
  • pH ______7
  • Produce ______ions in water
  • Taste ______
  • React with metals to produce ______
  • pH ______7
  • Produce ______ions in water
  • Taste ______
  • Feel ______

Properties of Both Acids and Bases
  • They are ______. Meaning they conduct electricity in water.
  • They both turn ______different colors.

  1. What is the difference between binary acids and ternary acids?
  1. What is the only ternary acid that is named like a binary acid?
  1. What is the rule for naming binary acids?
  1. What is the rule(s) for naming ternary acids?
  1. What is a mole?
  1. What is molar mass?
  1. How do you calculate molar mass?
  1. What are the units of molar mass?
  1. How many decimal places should molar mass be rounded too?

Part B: Acids Nomenclature- Name the following acids

  1. H2SO4______
  2. HClO2______
  3. H2S______
  4. HClO4______
  5. HF______
  6. H2CO3______
  7. HC2H3O2______
  8. H2CrO4______
  9. HCl______
  10. H2SO3______
  11. HNO2______
  12. HI______
  13. H3PO4______
  14. HClO3______
  15. H2Cr2O7______
  16. HNO3______
  17. HCN______
  18. HBr______
  19. HClO______
  20. H3P______

Part C: Acids formulas- Write the formula for each acid listed below.

  1. Carbonic acid______
  2. Chlorous acid______
  3. Hydroiodic acid______
  4. Hydrobromic acid______
  5. Sulfurous acid______
  6. Phosphoric acid______
  7. Hydrosulfuric acid______
  8. Hydronitric acid______
  9. Phosphourous acid______
  10. Hydrofluoric acid______
  11. Sulfuric acid______
  12. Hypochlorous acid______
  13. Acetic acid______
  14. Nitrous acid______
  15. Perchloric acid______
  16. Chromic acid______
  17. Nitric acid______
  18. Chloric acid______
  19. Hydroselenic acid______
  20. Hydrocyanic acid______

Part D Molar Mass- Determine the molar mass of the following substances. Remember to include units.

Name: ______Period: ______

  1. NaCl______
  2. KBr______
  3. H3P______
  4. FeO______
  5. Fe2O3______
  6. CuCl2______
  7. NO2______
  8. CO ______
  9. O2 ______
  10. C2H6______
  11. Al2(SO4)3______
  12. HF ______
  13. NaOH______
  14. FeCrO4______
  15. Pb3(PO4)2______
  16. H2CO3______
  17. P2O5______
  18. Ca(ClO3)2______
  19. (NH4)2O______
  20. Zn(HCO3)2______
  21. SnBr4______
  22. HClO______
  23. KMnO4 ______
  24. (NH4)3PO3______
  25. HC2H3O2______
  26. P2O5 ______

Name: ______Period: ______

Part E:Mixed Nomenclature- Write the name or the formula for the following substances. Indicate if the substance is (I) Ionic, (C) Covalent, or (A) Acid. Determine the molar mass of the substance.























______23)Lithium oxide ______

______24)Aluminum sulfide ______

______25)Perchloric acid ______

______26)Calcium chloride ______

______27)Lead (IV) oxide ______

______28)Copper (II) iodide ______

______29)Hydroiodic acid ______

______30)Mercury (II) hydroxide ______

______31)Dinitrogen pentaoxide ______

______32)Carbon tetrahydride ______

______33)Dihydrogen monoxide ______

______34)Ammonium chloride ______

______35)Hydrocyanic acid ______

______36)Sulfurous acid ______

______37)Copper (I) sulfate ______

______38)Sodium phosphate ______

______39)nickel(II) nitrate ______

______40)Hydrogen gas ______

______41)lithium chromate ______

______42)potassium permanganate______

______43)silver perchlorate ______

______44)silver sulfide ______

______45)nickel(II) acetate ______