March 3, 2014

VISIT US @ the desk of Mrs. Giroux

Hopefully you had the opportunity to spend time with your families and friends during the February break. The students have returned to school refreshed and ready to learn. We were very busy this past month. Our dance was a lot of fun for our grade six to eight students in our division. Our gym and entrance was beautifully decorated in a Valentine theme by our SMIT team. Our basketball teams were very successful this year and all teams showed such great sportsmanship and developed. Our grade eights went skiing to Hidden Valley at the end of this month. While we experienced very frigid temperatures, they experienced sunny, warm slopes. They skied, laughed, and enjoyed each other’s friendships as they returned with many stories of their adventure. Our grade fives developed their curling skills as they caught on quickly. Our entire school celebrated the Winter Olympic Games in a variety of activities that taught sportsmanship and culture.

Our kindergartens, grade one and two students are now learning how to skate at the Kinsmen. Our grade three and four students will also be involved in swimming lessons in March. Please pray for warmer temperatures in March (but not too warm) because our grade six and seven students want to go cross-country skiing. Our drama group has started, and practice sessions have begun.

On behalf of all our staff, we would love thank you, the families for the wonderful appreciation potluck lunch on February 12th. We certainly feel appreciated and feel so very fortunate to be able to be a part of the St. Michael learning community.

But most importantly, we are very excited to share your child’s goals and academic progress at Student-Led Conference on March 26 and 27. This will be an opportunity for your child to share their progress on their fall goals as they continue to strive for improvement, or set new goals to attain. Students are preparing portfolios and finishing projects! Thank you for supporting your child.


It is the season of Lent and as a community, we are celebrating Ash Wednesday at St. Joseph Church with Father Rick and St. Agnes School. The celebration is at 9:30 AM, March 5th. All students, staff and families are participating. We would love to have you join us if you can as we prepare for season of Lent. Thank you for continuing support!

Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of the Season of Lent. It is a season of penance, reflection, and fasting which prepares us for Christ's Resurrection on Easter Sunday, through which we attain redemption.

Our foreheads are marked with ashes to humble our hearts and remind us that life passes away on Earth. We remember this when we are told,

"Remember, Man is dust, and unto dust you shall return."

Ashes are a symbol of penance made sacramental by the blessing of the Church, and they help us develop a spirit of humility and sacrifice. The distribution of ashes comes from a ceremony of ages past. Christians who had committed grave faults performed public penance. On Ash Wednesday, the Bishop blessed the hair shirts which they were to wear during the forty days of penance, and sprinkled over them ashes made from the palms from the previous year. After having won reconciliation by praying for forty days and receiving sacramental absolution, they entered the church again on Maundy Thursday. Later, all Christians came to receive ashes out of devotion. Catholic Online, 2014


Report cards will be going home on Monday, March 24th, 2014.


Student-Led Conferences

Date: March 26 and 27 from 5:00-8:00

Students love the opportunity to share their progress with their families. This is an opportunity to observe your child’s work and learn how you can support their progress.


There will be no classes on March 28th as it is a day in lieu of Tri-conferences.


We will be having an information night from 5:00 – 6:30 on March 5th for parents wanting to REGISTRATION FOR GRADE K- 8. Registration is an ongoing procedure.

If your child was born in 2009 and will be 5 years old as of December 31, 2014, they are eligible to enroll in Kindergarten.

APPLICATION FOR PREK will also be accepted.

Children ages 3 and 4 who meet the requirements of the Ministry of Education are eligible to apply for Prekindergarten programming.

Please bring along copies of your child’s birth and baptismal certificatesif available.

Registration is ongoing with forms available to print at or stop by the office.


Parents/guardians, please notify the school when your child(ren) will be absent or late. Attendance is monitored on a daily basis. If the school has not been notified and attendance records show your child is not in class, we will attempt to contact you to confirm the absentee. This will ensure all students arrive to school safely. Call 306-693-7693 or email


We will be having our Pancake Breakfast for all students on Tuesday, March 4th, starting shortly after 9 a.m.


Holy Trinity has released a smart phone app (Android and IPhone) that allows you stay connected to our school division. The app will keep you informed about the most recent news that has been released. The app is available on the iTunes App Store, and on Google Play. Search for HTCSD app.


Grade 8 Farwell parent meeting will be held on April 2 @ 7:00pm in the school library.


Mitchell, Jim

Hi Stella, Thanks for the heads-up. Could you put the following info into the Newsletter? --- Band News We have two band festivals right around the corner! March 21st: Regina Optimist Band Festival. Grade 6 band students depart from St. Margaret's at 8 a.m.

10:51 AM

March 20: Regina Downtowners Optimist Festival. Gr 6 a.m., Gr 7/8 p.m.

March 7&8: South Saskatchewan Junior Honour Band (Regina)--Congratulations Emma C., Matthew I., Mackenzie M., Thayne W., and Kalyka K.!

April 4&5: Gr 7/8 Band Saskatoon Trip--U of S Concert and Workshops.

April 7-11: Moose Jaw Music Festival--solos, duets, band performances (dates and times TBA).

May 5: Music Monday--Grade 7/8 band tours MJ Elem. schools.

May 12-15: Moose Jaw Band and Choral Festival--all elem. bands performing.



Our School Community Council consists of parents wanting to serve our school and working towards our learning goals and making our school the safe and comfortable place.

OUR NEXT MEETING is Wednesday, March 12 at 7:00 in the library. Mark Selinger and Daphne Yates are presenting the digital citizenship curriculum that we are embracing in our schools in Holy Trinity. Everyone is invited and please join the SCC that evening in our library.


When busses are cancelled due to inclement weather, the media is informed. So please listen to CHAB, Country 100, CTV, Global, and check our website, http;// for updates.

The school always remains open; however, busses may not be running for transportation. Please inform the school if your child(ren) are absent. Please call 306- 693-7693 or email


Vanier will be hosting a Parent Information Night on Monday, March 18th at 7pm. All parents of a student in Grade 8 are invited to come!

Wells, Donna

SMIT Activities March 17: St. Patrick's Day - wear green - Silence is Golden. The boys will remain silent until noon or they must surrender their shamrock to the girls. Donna Wells

Mon 3:49 PM

YEARBOOK 2013-2014

It is that time of year to start ordering your yearbooks. We will be sending out the forms shortly with the students along with the pricing



St. Mikes 1 Boys

Once again the "A" Boys had a very successful basketball season and to top it off we captured the City Championship this year.The team’s dedication and commitment to the team was demonstrated at every single practice and game.Their skillsimproved greatly throughout the year and they have all become stronger basketball players. Thank-you for another exciting season, you have been an absolute pleasure to coach and we couldn't be more proud of you.

Coach: GlenHerridge

Asst Coach: Rene Lewko

St. Mikes 2 Boys

St. Mikes 2 basketball team had a fantastic season! We started off as a B team and were eventually placed into the A side. Our players worked very hard and it showed throughout the season. Our season ended on a high where we won our playoff game against Sacred Heart by one point which put us into the final game against St. Mikes A team. Mrs. Lewko, Ms. Whelan, and Mrs. Warren would like to thank all the parents for driving the kids to the games and coming to support them.

St. Michael Girls

St. Michael's girls basketball saw a lot of positives this season. We had a large number of players come out for player evaluations and were able to field three teams: one A-team and two B-teams. Each team saw great improvements throughout the season as we had a lot of success; our players' skills improved continually.

Our B1 and B2 girls met in a semi-final game at the end of the season, and our B2 girls continued on to win their championship game!

Our A-girls went undefeated through the regular season against other Holy Trinity teams and were able to win against many Prairie South competitors as well. The A-girls lost a very close game in their first-ever South Central District Playoff qualifier, but won their HTCSD championship game at the end of February. They still have a couple of tournaments to play as they wind up their season mid-March.

We are very proud of the efforts of all our girls! Their hunger to learn and their thirst for excellence brought them through competition as tougher, stronger, more capable basketball players. Their sportsmanship and good will toward all players, coaches, and officials marked them as the children of Christ that they are. We are ever humbled by the gifts our Lord has bestowed upon each and every one of us, and our girls gave it their every effort to show that they were worthy. It was a fantastic season, ladies! May God bless you and keep you well in all that you do!

Your coaches,

Mr. J. Tomashewski

Mr. J. Buchko

Mr. S. Pearce

Mrs. R. Giroux


Just a reminder that swimming will start Monday, March 10th and end on Friday, March 21st. Friday, March 14th there are NO lessons; as there is NO SCHOOL. Lessons will be held at the Kinsmen Sportsplex. Grade 3 will swim from 9:15 – 10:00 and the grade 4’s will swim from 10:00 – 10:45. You will receive notes with any additional information from your child’s teacher.


Badminton will be beginning soon. Mr. Fisher and Mr. Turberfield are coaching.


Cross-Country skiing will get underway as soon as the cold weather breaks. A detailed note will be sent home prior to the event.

Moose Jaw has registered for the Saskatchewan in motion Get Our Community Moving Challenge for a chance to win $10,000 to increase physical activity opportunities for our children & youth!

Participation is simple. Create an online profile & register your physical activity minutes from March 3rd-17th. Every minute counts! The more people that are involved, the more fun the challenge will be and the better the odds of winning $10,000!

If Moose Jaw is declared the winner of the $10,000, the Healthy Active Living Committee & the City of Moose Jaw will increase physical activity opportunities for families and youth in our community by contributing to and expanding the free activity nights.Click here for the current Free Friday night Family & Teen Swim times.

Click here to register as a family or individual on the Saskatchewan in motion website.


Here are a few tricks to making sure your kids get rosy cheeks this winter:

  • Educate them about the benefits. Teach your kids why they should get outside regularly in winter. Explain why it's good for their health.
  • Get your friends and neighbours to participate. Take turns hosting backyard winter playtime and provide kids with fun materials to build snowmen and forts.
  • Capture the fun on film. Document your family's fun on camera or video. Show them how happy they are once they get bundled up and moving.
  • Let them be your little helper. Next time you need to shovel the front walkway, encourage your little one to lend a hand. Give them a child size shovel and let them pitch in. They'll feel valued and their health will be the better for it.
  • After-school activity ideas: Play snowman tag, try a bean bag toss in the snow or throw a ball around, Have a game of snoccer (soccer in the snow), scale the snow banks in the yard/at the park , or play driveway hockey!


5-12 years



Feb 25 – Mar 25, 2014


YMCA Strong Start Family Centre

TIME: 6:30-8:00pm

Transportation and Childcare provided

There is no cost to attend

Everyone is welcome!




March 5 - Movie Night! - 6.30pm

Join us for Hotel Transylvania. This spooky animated comedy

stars Adam Sandler as Dracula. Ages 10-18.

March 8 - Just Dance Tournament! - 3pm

Just. Dance. Also there will be board games and food.

Ages 10-18

March 12 - Get your game on! And YAC Meeting

- 6.30pm

Board Games, Video Games, and planning our program-

matic futures? Yes please! Ages 10-18

March 19 - Writer’s Circle - 6.30pm

Calling all burgeoning writers! Come for a night of reading,

writing, and critique. Also, feel free to bring a piece of your own

writing. Ages 10-18.

March 22 - Manga Club - 3pm

Come for a manga-minded gathering consisting of cosplay,

crafts, anime viewings, book discussions, and more! Ages 10-18.

March 26 - Just DIY! Animal Lanyards - 6.30pm

Animals of all sorts will be transformed into lanyards! Good times

are guaranteed. Ages 10-18.

MARCH Come to the Library for Luck!

Moose Jaw and District

Family Education Programs

March 2014

When / What / Age Group / Location / Contact Person / Details
1:00 - 3:00 p.m. / Baby Time
Weigh your baby and interact with other new moms, public health nurses available to answer questions / Babies up to
12 months / Victory Church
637 Main St. N. / Public Health
306-691-1500 / Open to everyone
No cost
5:30 - 7:00 p.m. / Outreach Prenatal Group
For individuals requiring extra prenatal support / Prenatal Education / Crescent View Clinic
137 1st Ave N.E. / Roberta Ross
306-630-3293 / No cost
6:30 - 8:00 p.m. / Postpartum Support
Drop In Group / Postpartum Moms / YMCA Strong Start Family Centre
679 Hall St. W / Robin McFarlane
Email: postpartum.moosejaw / Childcare available
No cost
March 8th
10:00 – 1:00 p.m. / Breastfeeding Classes
Lactation Consultant will offer support / Moms, Dads,
Friends / 6th Floor Solarium
Moose Jaw Union Hospital / Public Health
306-691-1500 / Open to everyone
No cost
March 10th
1:30- 3:30 p.m. / Parent Ideas Drop In Group
18 months-5 years
Open discussion format
with Brian Tkachuk
Early Childhood Psychologist / Parents with children 18 months to 5 years / YMCA Strong Start
Family Centre
679 Hall St. W / Contact Dianna Piche
to register
306-691-6477 / No Cost
Please register
Feb. 25th – March 25th
6:30 – 8:00 p.m. / Active Parenting
5-12 yrs
Topics: The Active Parent
Winning Cooperation, Responsibility
and Discipline, Understanding & Redirecting, Building Courage, Character & Self Esteem / Parents with children 5 – 12 yrs / YMCA Strong Start Family Centre
679 Hall St. W. / Ann
306-630-7369 / Open to everyone
No Cost
Childcare and transportation
upon request
March 12th & 26th
6:00 - 8:00 p.m. / Dad’s Group
Join us for food, fun activities and support / Dads / YMCA Strong Start Family Centre
679 Hall St. W. / Shelley
306-691-1593 / Meal provided
Transportation and childcare available
No cost
March 22nd
9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. / Parenting after
Separation and Divorce
Topics include stages of separation and divorce, Children’s reaction, and challenges to parenting / Any Age / Location in
Moose Jaw provided upon registration / Family Justice Services
1-888-218-2822 / Please register
No cost
March 24th & 25th
8:45 - 4:30 p.m. / ASIST
Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training / Caregivers, Parents / 6th Floor Solarium
Moose Jaw Union Hospital / Contact Dianna Piche
to register
306-691-6477 / Cost $110.00
Students $70.00
April 2, 9, 16 & May 14th
9:00 – 4:00 p.m. / Addictions: Community Education Course
Various speakers and topics / Anyone / 6th Floor Solarium
Moose Jaw Union Hospital / Mental Health & Addictions Services
306-691-6464 / Open to everyone
No cost
April 1st- 29th
6:30 -8:30 p.m. / Active Parenting of
Topics: The Active Parent,
Winning Cooperation, Responsibility and discipline, Building Courage, Redirecting misbehavior, Drugs, Sexuality and Violence, Reducing the risk / Parents of
teenagers / To be determined / Michelle
306-631-4402 / Open to everyone
No cost

If you know of any other parenting program being offered or would like further information please contact: Joan McMaster, KidsFirst at 691-1592 or e-mail

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