Attachment 2
VISION 2020 UK Learning Disability Committee
Minutes of Meeting, 07/12/16, 11:00 – 13:30 in The New Council, 4th Floor, at The Royal College of Ophthalmologists, 18 Stephenson Way, London, NW1 2HD
BGBruce Gilson (Chair), LOCSU
DRDavid Rowland, General Optical Council
JBJennifer Brower, ABDO
MBrMatt Broom, VISION 2020 UK
MJMercy Jeyasingham, VISION 2020 UK - teleconf
RPRachel Pilling, The Royal College of Ophthalmologists
SKStephen Kill, SeeAbility
In Attendance:
TKTayyaba Kamal (Secretary), VISION 2020 UK
Anna O’Conner, The British and Irish Orthoptic Society (BIOS)
Jane Leitch, The Royal College of Ophthalmologists (RCOphth)
Kathryn Saunders, College of Optometrists
Vanda Ridley, Down’s Syndrome Association
1.Welcome, introductions and apologies for absence
- All were welcomed to the meeting, especially new member DR.
2.Declarations of interest and AOB
- There were no declarations of interest.
- There were three notices of AOB:
(i)CVI draft form from MBr;
(ii)GOC update; and
(iii)SeeAbility update.
3.Minutes of the last meeting, 14 September 2016
- Item 4(b), page 3: Katrina’s name has no ‘e’ in it.
- The minutes were otherwise approved.
3.1TK to amend item 4(b), page 3 to remove the ‘e’ in Katrina.
4.Matters arising
- Item 4.1, Matters arising from 14 September 2016 – DO to send link to MBr to SeeAbility’s ‘How to use eye drops’ factsheet to include on the VISION 2020 UK website. DO has sent MBr the factsheet who will put it on the VISION 2020 UK website.
- Item 4(a1) BIOS functional visual assessment tool from 14 September 2016 – RP to speak to DO about Bradford’s pre-operation test to see if cataract surgery is beneficial for people with learning disability. This is on hold whilst validation is being carried on the assessment tool.
- All other actions were complete or covered on the agenda.
4.1MBr to put SeeAbility’s ‘How to use eye drops’ factsheet on the VISION 2020 UK website.
a)BIOS functional visual assessment tool
- There was no-one to report from BIOS.
b)Possible changes to General Ophthalmic Services (GOS) and Department of Health regulations (BG)
- A discussion took place on the ‘Entitlement to a GOS Funded Sight Test’ paper to change regulations so people with learning disabilities are entitled to free sight tests and spectacles are to be dispensed by qualified professionals.
- It was agreed that the paper should focus on the NHS GOS Sight test and the request for an Optical Voucher should be removed from the second paragraph.
- JB stated she would like to remove ‘supervision’ from the ‘Possible changes to GOS and DH regulations’ paper as crowding is an issue for people with learning disability. However, it was agreed that this issue should be taken up in the future so as not to cause confusion with several requests for changes.
- DR suggested that GOC can help with the request for a change in legislation by getting it to the right people. DR offered to speak to David Hewlett, Chief Executive and Ann Blackmore, Director of Policy and Strategy at the Federation of (Ophthalmic and Dispensing) Opticians about this. BG stated David Hewlett is already aware of this as he has discussed this with him.
- DR asked if extra training is needed for opticians to deal with people with learning disabilities but it was agreed this is not necessary.
- DR stated he needs to quantify the risk of for people with learning disability with statistics and evidence. RP volunteered to produce four to five case studies to be sent as an appendix to the letter to Katrina Venerus,Managing Director of LOCSU before the next meeting in February. Case studies should demonstrate issues for people with learning disability face in getting access to services, or the services they are not receiving from non-dispensing opticians as well as challenges faced by professionals. It was highlighted that a prevalence study has been carried out in this area and SeeAbility have statistics. Also the Public Health England website ( has the prevalence with maps for severe vision impairment. MB offered to send DR prevalence study information.
4(b1)MBr to update paper on ‘Entitlement to a GOS Funded Sight Test’ by removing ‘and Optical Voucher’ from the second paragraph and send to Katrina Venerus, Managing Director of LOCSU.
4(b)2RP to write up four to fivecase studies demonstrating issues faced by people with learning disability in accessing services and the services they are not receiving from non-dispensing opticians as well as challenges faced by professionals. Case studies to be distributed to all for comments and to be attached as an appendix to the letter to Katrina Venerus.
4(b)3DR to speak to David Hewlett, Chief Executive and Ann Blackmore, Director of Policy and Strategy at the Federation of (Ophthalmic and Dispensing) Opticians about the ‘Entitlement to a GOS Funded Sight Test’.
4(b)4MBr to send DR prevalence study information.
5.Letter from the Visual Impairment Paediatric Special Interest Group (VIP-SIG) about the committee’s resource materials
- BG stated that we are grateful VIP-SIG have looked at the committee’s resource materials and provided constructive feedback in their letter. However, there seems to be a misunderstanding of who the materials are for as they are mainly for parents and teachers to be used in schools.
- BG and RP agreed to draft a response to the letter and invite Dr Jenefer Sargent to a future meeting where the focus can be on paediatrics.
5.1BG and RP to draft a response to the letter from VIP-SIG to send on behalf of the committee, thanking Dr Jenefer Sargent for her letter and inviting her to a future meeting where the focus can be on paediatrics.
6.Eye care and properly fitting glasses
- SK reported Vanda Ridley has informed SeeAbility’s report is due in 2017 on the Down’s Syndrome Association research on ‘Facial analysis for spectacle wear’ by Alicia Thompson, Director of Professional Examinations at ABDO. The research involves measuring faces of children with Down’s syndrome in order to find measurements for frame manufacturers to produce.
- SK informed Vision awareness month is in January 2017. During the month, Down’s Syndrome Association will release a factsheet about Keratoconus and Down’s Syndrome. This highlights for parents the importance of going to an optometrist who uses retinoscopy for all patients and is aware of the risk of keratoconus for children / young people with Down’s Syndrome. It was suggested the factsheet should go to the Keratoconus Group if it has not already been sent to them.
- BG reported he contacted the LOC Chairs to see what the procedure is in different areas regarding the repair or replacement of broken glasses, provided under the HES for children with learning disabilities.He received a response from 32 out of 70-80 LOC Chairs. The results show:
- 28 can easily handle hospital repairs.
- regarding provision of spare glasses for people with learning difficulties:
- 10 could get authorisation to provide a spare;
- 6 could not get authorisation to provide a spare; and
- 16 may be able to get authorisation to provide a spare but cannot always do so as they may be unable to get hold of the correct person.
6.1SK to circulate to all the Down’s Syndrome Association’s factsheet about Keratoconus and Down’s Syndrome.
6.2SK to send the Keratoconus Group the factsheet about Keratoconus and Down’s Syndrome if it has not already been sent to them.
6.3SK to send MBr links for publication of the factsheet on Keratoconus and Down’s Syndrome when it is ready to be published during Vision awareness month in January so it can go in the VISON 2020 UK newsletter and on the website.
7.GP LD Guidance (RP)
- RP reported she has contacted Dr Matthew Hoghton at the Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP) to endorse the GP LD guidance but he is currently on leave.
- MBr informed RCGP have a long process for endorsing documents.It was therefore agreed that we should promote the guidance now whilst waiting for the RCGP to endorse it.
- Suggestions for distributing and promoting the guidance include the new GP network at RNIB managed by Philippa Simkiss,Head of Evidence and Service Impact, an article in Pulse, the Royal College of Nursing (who are interested in joining the committee and to be invited to the next meeting), links on VISION 2020 UK and SeeAbility websites.
7.1RP to follow up with RCGP to endorse the GP LD guidance and distribute it.
7.2RP to send GP LD guidance to:
(i)Philippa Simkiss, Head of Evidence and Service Impact, RNIB to distribute to the RNIB’s new GP network;
(ii)Niall Ryan, Communications Officer at VISION 2020 UK to do a press release, ask for an article in Pulse and put on the VISION 2020 UK website; and
(iii)SeeAbility and the Royal College of Nursing to put on their website.
7.3TK to send invite to Annie Norman, Professional Lead for Learning Disability at the Royal College of Nursing to join this committee.
8.Update from VISION 2020 UK (MBr / MJ)
- Accessible Information Standard – The standard aims to ensure people with a disability are provided with information they can easily read or understand to communicate effectively with health and social services. There will be a consultation in January 2017 after which changes will be incorporated to improve the Accessible Information Standard. MBr stated VISION 2020 UK will provide a response on behalf of the sector but it would be helpful if individuals also provided their own response.
- Integrated Care – The sight loss pathway is being looked at to ensure care is co-ordinated and networked for individuals. Gaps in the pathway are being identified. Sustainability and Transformation Plans (STP) are being looked at.
- NHS Providers Ophthalmology Round Table – MJ and MBr attended the Round Table in November which is providing a forum for ophthalmologists in different hospitals around the country to talk to each other. NHS tariffs were discussed. As a result of the Round Table, the assurance of framework for STP will be raised with Ministers and the profile of eye health and sight loss will be increased.
- Translational Study (previously known as Prevalence Study) –Professor Rupert Bourne has created a methodology for a UK nationwide population study to collect data on the prevalence and causes of vision impairment. It will include those in care homes and people with learning disability. This will inform the sector of important areas of need, raise awareness and campaign as well as inform policy and service development. Professor Bourne has been working with Dr Mohamed Dirani who just finished the National Eye Health Survey in Australia with VISION 2020 Australia. Funding is currently being worked out.
- VISION 2020 UK / UK Vision Strategy – There are currently talks about merging VISION 2020 UK and the UK Vision Strategy team.This will be discussed at tomorrow’s Vision Strategy Leadership group meeting and the Vision Strategy Transition Programme Workshop next week. MBr highlighted this is a positive change. We realise there still needs to be an umbrella organisation for the sector and it is important that we remain independent. Further details will follow.
9.Workplan 2017-18
- RP suggested when Dr Jenefer Sargent, VIP-SIG attends a future meeting, the workplan can be updated with an item for linking in with vision impairment for children.
10.Anything relevant for the cross sector VISON 2020 UK Public Affairs Committee as they engage with Parliament? (MJ)
- MJ informed the VISION 2020 UK Public Affairs Committee is producing an annual constituency briefing for MPs for January 2017 to raise the awareness of MPs on eye health and sight loss.
- SeeAbility have provided some information on learning disability on behalf of the committee for the constituency briefing.
(i)CVI draft form (MBr)
- MBr congratulated SK on SeeAbility’s success in amending the new draft Certificate of Vision Impairment (CVI) form with a tick box to record if a person has a learning disability.
- The consent section was discussed where a person has to opt out if they do not want to share the information on the CVI form with their GP, local authority or Moorfields Eye Hospital Certifications Office for data collection. It was agreed that an opt out section is better than a tick box as people will normally not opt out. However, there was concern that people may not understand the consequences of opting out, i.e. they would not receive benefits or have access to local authority services.
(ii)GOC Update
- DR explained he is responsible for GOC’s research programme. They have carried out research on people visiting opticians in the high street but research is lacking for those in domiciliary care and people with learning disabilities which needs to be addressed. GOC will carry out a strategic education review in the New Year to ensure that training for opticians is fit for purpose and to get an understanding of high risk areas.
(iii)SeeAbility Update
- Task and finish group – SK reported SeeAbility has just had its first meeting of the task and finish group chaired by David Brown, NHS England and involving several organisations including The Association of Optometrists (AOP), Mencap and Down’s Syndrome. They are looking at eye testing for people (children and adults) with learning disability over the next 12 months. They will review eye testing in schools and in the community, investigate if there are benefits to the Local Optical Committee Support Unit (LOCSU) pathway being used nationally instead of in just some areas. A business case will then be produced and go out for consultation.
- Link with GOC – SK andDonna O’Brien are working with GOC. They recently visited Angharad Jones and Phillipa Mann at GOC to discuss the following:
- Children in Focus work;
- feed into work in domiciliary care and Down’s Syndrome;
- Accessible information standards;
- Promotional work in Learning Disability week in June 2017; and
- Opportunities to link together on.
- MBr informed Paul Ursell, Chair of VISION 2020 UK Dementia & Sight Loss Committee is a trustee of SeeAbility and has suggested the new Chief Executive Lisa Hopkins be invited to this committee. MBr has sent Lisa dates for future meetings.
12.Date of next meeting
8 March 2017, 11:00 – 13:30 at The Royal College of Ophthalmologists
Dates of future meetings (all 11:00 – 13:30 at The Royal College of Ophthalmologists)
- 6 June 2017
- 6 September 2017
- 5 December 2017
Summary of Actions Table
Item / Action / Member3.1 / Minutes of the last meeting, 14 September 2016
TK to amend item 4(b), page 3 to remove the ‘e’ in Katrina. / TK
4(b)4 / Matters Arising
MBr to put SeeAbility’s ‘How to use eye drops’ factsheet on the VISION 2020 UK website. [Post meeting note: Complete:
(b) Possible changes to General Ophthalmic Services (GOS) and Department of Health regulations
MBr to update paper on ‘Entitlement to a GOS Funded Sight Test’ by removing ‘and Optical Voucher’ from the second paragraph and BG to send to Katrina Venerus, Managing Director of LOCSU.
RP to write up four to five case studies demonstrating issues faced by people with learning disability in accessing services and the services they are not receiving from non-dispensing opticians as well as challenges faced by professionals. Case studies to be distributed to all for comments and to be attached as an appendix to the letter to Katrina Venerus.
DR to speak to David Hewlett, Chief Executive and Ann Blackmore, Director of Policy and Strategy at the Federation of (Ophthalmic and Dispensing) Opticians about the ‘Entitlement to a GOS Funded Sight Test’.
MBr to send DR prevalence study information. / MBr
MBr / BG
5.1 / Letter from the Visual Impairment Paediatric Special Interest Group (VIP-SIG) about the committee’s resource materials
BG and RP to draft a response to the letter from VIP-SIG to send on behalf of the committee, thanking Dr Jenefer Sargent for her letter and inviting her to a future meeting where the focus can be on paediatrics. / BG / RP
6.3 / Eyecare and properly fitting glasses
SK to circulate to all the Down’s Syndrome Association’s factsheet about Keratoconus and Down’s Syndrome.
SK to send the Keratoconus Group the factsheet about Keratoconus and Down’s Syndrome if it has not already been sent to them.
SK to send MBr links for publication of the factsheet on Keratoconus and Down’s Syndrome when it is ready to be published during Vision awareness month in January so it can go in the VISON 2020 UK newsletter and on the website. / SK
7.3 / GP LD Guidance
RP to follow up with RCGP to endorse the GP LD guidance and distribute it.
RP to send GP LD guidance to:
(i)Philippa Simkiss, Head of Evidence and Service Impact, RNIB to distribute to the RNIB’s new GP network;
(ii)Niall Ryan, Communications Officer at VISION 2020 UK to do a press release, ask for an article in Pulse and put on the VISION 2020 UK website
(iii)SeeAbility to put on their website.
TK to send invite to Annie Norman, Professional Lead for Learning Disability at the Royal College of Nursing to join this committee. / RP
VISION 2020 UK 2nd Floor, 105 Judd Street, London WC1H 9NE
Reg. Company No. 7850769 Charity No. 1146746/SC046837