Vision 2018 (Part 1): “Where are we going? 1/28/18
- Why should we talk about vision? Without an outward-focused vision…
- People die and go to hell.
- We aren’t about God’s Mission and that robs Him of glory. (Luke 19:10; 2:49)
- The people (us) perish (Proverbs 29:18).
- Sunday becomes measurement of success.
- Our church will die.
- Who is the church primarily for? Those who have not crossed the line of saving faith. We will invest in insiders and prioritize outsiders.
- Who are we trying to reach? People far from God (“not-yet Christ followers”), especially families with children and students at home. (Proverbs 24:11)
- Vision 2020
By the end of 2020, we want to:
1)Be a multiplying church where:
- Disciples are making disciples who are making disciples who are making disciples.
- Leaders are developing future leaders.
- We have planted at least onechurch-planting church in the U.S. or overseas (in collaboration with other churches).
- We have long-term missionaries, as part of a Church-Based Team (CBT), on their way to an unreached/unengaged Muslim people group overseas. (Matthew 24:14)
2)Have a full-time NextGen Pastor/Director on Staff.
(NextGen = birth12th Grade)
3)Have property (or building(s)) of our own and are on our way to construction.
4)Be a church of 300 children, students and adults, doing multiple services (growth from conversions, not transfers).
5)Supporting goals:
- Additional classroom space for FamMin.
- Increase generosity--local/global missions & church planting giving to 10% of the weekly tithe/offering. (Currently 5%).
- Do a Compassion Connect Event in Ecuador at/near Mount Olivos (people get to also see their sponsored children).
- An office for the Staff.
- Finish each year financially in the black.
6) Priorities for 2018
#1: NextGen Ministry: reach, disciple, equip &
keep families with children/students at home.
#2: Discipleship:
- Disciple TO Conversion (evangelism).
- Disciple TOWARDS spiritual maturity (sanctification).
#3: Outreach: Make a noticeable positive
difference in our community at & around the
church, especially through the Care Center.
#4: Leadership Development
#5: Global Missions
#6: Weekend Experience (pre-, service, post-)
Do I have a burden for the “not-yet Christian?”
What excites or scares me about this vision?
How can I be a part of accomplishing this vision?
*Please send questions and feedback to Pastor Jim and the Elders at .
Vision 2018 (Part 2): “How will we get there? 2/4/18
Starting Points:
- Too big without God! Accomplished by the transforming Word, the power of the Holy Spirit, the love and hope of Jesus & the grace of God. (1Pe 4:11; 1Co 2:9; 3:7; Ps 127:1-2; Mt 28:16-20)
- Our church is perfectly designed to get the results we are currently getting. “Change or die.”
- Requires a long-term commitment.
- Sense of urgency with an unhurried peace.
- We won’t change this community or the world without partnering with other area churches.
- Expect spiritual attack. It will be a fight for unity.
How will we get there?
- Trust in God’s Promises:
- Matthew 28:16-20 ______
- Matthew 16:18 ______
- Luke 12:32 ______
- 2 Kings 6:16 ______
- 2 Timothy 1:7 ______
- Abide in Christ. (Jn 15; Ex 33:14-15; Prov 3:5-6)
*To abide = ______
“…apart from me you can do nothing.”Jn 15:5
Am I abiding in Christ? (Yes or No)
- Extraordinary prayerregular fasting.
*Extraordinary prayer = ______
When will I regularly fast? ______
Will I “pray BIGGER?”
- Live intentionally and sacrificially. (Gal 5:16)
*Changing this community for Christ will require:
1) Being in the community physically & serving without any expectation of anything in return.
2) Me knowingbeing with people who don’t know Jesus as Savior & Lord.
3) Investing deeply in relationships; be a good friend; curious & concerned about their life.
- Questions for me:
Am I praying for evangelistic conversations every day, then speaking boldly?
How can we reach people who aren’t looking for a church or who aren’t attracted to one?
How do I need to die to myself? ______(Gal 2:20; Php 3:8; Luke 9:23; 14:33)
I have one life to live. What will I give the rest of my life for? ______
Who will I disciple this year? ______
Who will disciple me? ______
What will it cost me to help accomplish Epic’s God-given mission? (Lk 14:28)
Everybody has 168 hours in a week, how will I live out a gospel-centered life? What good, even great things must I give up for the best things?
*Our #1 priority: NextGen Ministry--reach, disciple, equip & keep singles, young couples, & families with children/students at home is an All-Epic priority!