Vision 2018 (Part 1): “Where are we going? 1/28/18

  1. Why should we talk about vision? Without an outward-focused vision…
  2. People die and go to hell.
  3. We aren’t about God’s Mission and that robs Him of glory. (Luke 19:10; 2:49)
  4. The people (us) perish (Proverbs 29:18).
  5. Sunday becomes measurement of success.
  6. Our church will die.
  1. Who is the church primarily for? Those who have not crossed the line of saving faith. We will invest in insiders and prioritize outsiders.
  1. Who are we trying to reach? People far from God (“not-yet Christ followers”), especially families with children and students at home. (Proverbs 24:11)
  1. Vision 2020

By the end of 2020, we want to:

1)Be a multiplying church where:

  1. Disciples are making disciples who are making disciples who are making disciples.
  1. Leaders are developing future leaders.
  1. We have planted at least onechurch-planting church in the U.S. or overseas (in collaboration with other churches).
  1. We have long-term missionaries, as part of a Church-Based Team (CBT), on their way to an unreached/unengaged Muslim people group overseas. (Matthew 24:14)

2)Have a full-time NextGen Pastor/Director on Staff.

(NextGen = birth12th Grade)


3)Have property (or building(s)) of our own and are on our way to construction.

4)Be a church of 300 children, students and adults, doing multiple services (growth from conversions, not transfers).

5)Supporting goals:

  1. Additional classroom space for FamMin.
  2. Increase generosity--local/global missions & church planting giving to 10% of the weekly tithe/offering. (Currently 5%).
  3. Do a Compassion Connect Event in Ecuador at/near Mount Olivos (people get to also see their sponsored children).
  4. An office for the Staff.
  5. Finish each year financially in the black.

6) Priorities for 2018

#1: NextGen Ministry: reach, disciple, equip &

keep families with children/students at home.

#2: Discipleship:

  • Disciple TO Conversion (evangelism).
  • Disciple TOWARDS spiritual maturity (sanctification).

#3: Outreach: Make a noticeable positive

difference in our community at & around the

church, especially through the Care Center.

#4: Leadership Development

#5: Global Missions

#6: Weekend Experience (pre-, service, post-)


Do I have a burden for the “not-yet Christian?”

What excites or scares me about this vision?

How can I be a part of accomplishing this vision?

*Please send questions and feedback to Pastor Jim and the Elders at .


Vision 2018 (Part 2): “How will we get there? 2/4/18

Starting Points:

  • Too big without God! Accomplished by the transforming Word, the power of the Holy Spirit, the love and hope of Jesus & the grace of God. (1Pe 4:11; 1Co 2:9; 3:7; Ps 127:1-2; Mt 28:16-20)
  • Our church is perfectly designed to get the results we are currently getting. “Change or die.”
  • Requires a long-term commitment.
  • Sense of urgency with an unhurried peace.
  • We won’t change this community or the world without partnering with other area churches.
  • Expect spiritual attack. It will be a fight for unity.

How will we get there?

  1. Trust in God’s Promises:
  • Matthew 28:16-20 ______
  • Matthew 16:18 ______
  • Luke 12:32 ______
  • 2 Kings 6:16 ______
  • 2 Timothy 1:7 ______
  1. Abide in Christ. (Jn 15; Ex 33:14-15; Prov 3:5-6)

*To abide = ______

“…apart from me you can do nothing.”Jn 15:5

Am I abiding in Christ? (Yes or No)

  1. Extraordinary prayerregular fasting.

*Extraordinary prayer = ______

When will I regularly fast? ______

Will I “pray BIGGER?”


  1. Live intentionally and sacrificially. (Gal 5:16)

*Changing this community for Christ will require:

1) Being in the community physically & serving without any expectation of anything in return.

2) Me knowingbeing with people who don’t know Jesus as Savior & Lord.

3) Investing deeply in relationships; be a good friend; curious & concerned about their life.

  1. Questions for me:

Am I praying for evangelistic conversations every day, then speaking boldly?

How can we reach people who aren’t looking for a church or who aren’t attracted to one?

How do I need to die to myself? ______(Gal 2:20; Php 3:8; Luke 9:23; 14:33)

I have one life to live. What will I give the rest of my life for? ______

Who will I disciple this year? ______

Who will disciple me? ______

What will it cost me to help accomplish Epic’s God-given mission? (Lk 14:28)

Everybody has 168 hours in a week, how will I live out a gospel-centered life? What good, even great things must I give up for the best things?

*Our #1 priority: NextGen Ministry--reach, disciple, equip & keep singles, young couples, & families with children/students at home is an All-Epic priority!