Virtual Development Center Workshop, Boulder, CO
February 3, 2001
Brainstorming Session:
"What services would you like to have in your community that you don't currently have?"
C: /My Documents / Itw / ITW VDC Workshop—brainstorm (xy 02-06-01)Page 1 of 6
Created on 2/6/01 11:54 AM
Virtual Development Center Workshop, Boulder, CO
February 3, 2001
Brainstorming Session:
"What services would you like to have in your community that you don't currently have?"
Pollen Monitoring System
Direct transport to airport without stop in Broomfield
Better way to communicate with public teachers without going to classroom
Improve public transport within Boulder
More parking
Mechanism to deliver meaningful tech training to people who don’t speak English and not enough money
Way to test food for safety at home cooking, fruit
Effective inexpensive home healthcare
Way to communicate with family; more than text and sound
A way to connect people across generations
Get to summit; better transport to slopes
A better flip chart holder
Better public communication (Entertainment, health, etc.)
Free dental care for kids
Better way to keep track of immunizations
Music and media created for kids by kids
More sports fields/complexes for kids
Better way to find phone numbers [references]
Better care for homeless in town
Better way to know who to ask for help
Safe campus [walk home on Pearl]
Neutral network for nonprofit
(not political, sharing purposes)
Stronger language programs (1st, 2nd, …)
Place to hangout, middle school [sports, computers, wide variety]
Better and more housing
Better communication among language communities [e.g. Spanish-speaking groups with English-speaking groups]
Better communication among cultural communities
Place to get tech equipment fix (not buy)
Better service for sex education, testing, esp. for men
More tech programs for young children, get familiar sooner
Service to remind parents there is more than work
Cyber café – coffee shop with Internet access; affordable, comfortable
Way to integrate seniors with pets and children
Share a pet service
Trade-in place for computers (low income)
Cheaper, better tech for special education
Cheaper, better tech for adults
Better way to find out about elder care services
Place where parents of preschool kids can find info/things can do to prepare kids for school (also Spanish)
Better access to health care—low income, part-time workers
Online barter system, service for goods
Way to be in touch with neighbors
Network for pet care
Better caller ID / can see blocked Ids
Over view of economy – layman’s view
Bring gardening to Rest homes, bring gardening to schools
Better way to supply oxygen to patient
Better way to keep able-bodily people out of handicap parking
Grocery delivery system
Affordable, quality child care; more and different
Better education for child care workers
Credit Union for low income
Resources that bring kids and adults together [not child-centric]
More service programs
Scan licenses for authenticity (no fake Ids)
Outdoor access for low-income and elder folk to enjoy
Place/service to bring teens and cops together
Straightforward, nonpartisan voters education [empower voters]
Stuff for non-drinkers (alcohol)
More heated bus shelters
Communication within bus shelter [e.g. where is the next bus,]
Build community between parents and teachers
Stronger program to combat drinking and driving
C: /My Documents / Itw / ITW VDC Workshop—brainstorm (xy 02-06-01)Page 1 of 6
Created on 2/6/01 11:54 AM
Virtual Development Center Workshop, Boulder, CO
February 3, 2001
Brainstorming Session:
"What services would you like to have in your community that you don't currently have?"
C: /My Documents / Itw / ITW VDC Workshop—brainstorm (xy 02-06-01)Page 1 of 6
Created on 2/6/01 11:54 AM
Virtual Development Center Workshop, Boulder, CO
February 3, 2001
Brainstorming Session:
"What services would you like to have in your community that you don't currently have?"
Web-based community calendar
Way for women to do self breast exam and compare to previous results
Online band of boards of nonprofits
Convention center in Boulder
Better child recreation
Better wake up calls
Local grocery online shopping/delivery
University cultural events calendar
Shared transportation
Bike repair info bank
Nonprofits share donations
Real time display of restaurant crowds / waits
Better Movie theaters
Bus to movie theaters
Better busses
Movie theater for young kids, $1 at 10 and babysitting
Light weight, big type book representation
Use cell phone to call RTD – route? Stop?
Family housing directory – who’s there? What’s happening?
Web-based library book renewal
Human beings answering phone
List of services (car repair etc.) with community ratings
Immigration status info
Better contact – no phone fees
Track flow of government applications
Self-driving car
Rebate forms that work
More activities and list of easily accessible activities for under 21
Directed easy transportation between points
Shared transportation (cars) for students
Easier way for community groups to publish info on Web
More community access to web (7 computers / block)
Materials show properties via color (blue tiles are wet)
Social networking for students
No trashing advertising in bills
Unstructured activities in nature
More info for isolated senior citizens
-- community connections, services
--easy on-line qualification for services
Digital photo of tree – what type is it? = on-demand field guide
Place for people with disabilities to interact
Make yard work easier
Interactive museum
Up to date list of physicians – insurance, plans
Public forum for volunteer opportunities: interactive, up to date
Protection for common cold
Database to help shelters find resources
Database to help people find shelter vacancies
Simple, intuitive access to Internet
Advertisement-free Internet
24-hour businesses
Network between community service organizations; to ensure client get all, diverse services
Call-a-resource line in Boulder County 24/7, many languages
Better snow removal
Tents for homeless in snow
Shared transportation in bad weather, late night / students
Animal hospital for exotic animals info
Workshops o basic skills info
Interactive kids chat bar – club discussions, computer games, and conversations
English to employees of McDonalds
Spanish to customer of McDonalds
Get community info to people in need: public computer source
Facilitate participation in government
More translated resources
Clearing house service to provide access more translated resources
C: /My Documents / Itw / ITW VDC Workshop—brainstorm (xy 02-06-01)Page 1 of 6
Created on 2/6/01 11:54 AM
Virtual Development Center Workshop, Boulder, CO
February 3, 2001
Brainstorming Session:
"What services would you like to have in your community that you don't currently have?"
C: /My Documents / Itw / ITW VDC Workshop—brainstorm (xy 02-06-01)Page 1 of 6
Created on 2/6/01 11:54 AM
Virtual Development Center Workshop, Boulder, CO
February 3, 2001
Brainstorming Session:
"What services would you like to have in your community that you don't currently have?"
Kids' health, more universal info flow
Pathway for ambulances
Improved transportation
Light rail
Less traffic
Youth art center
Children’s museum
Emergency personal alarms
Activities for kids – info available centrally leisure
Dot parts(?)
Home delivery from different vendors at once
Drug and alcohol safety; self-test, built-in safeties
Drug tests, drug information
Communication system for homeless
Hotline for those in chronic pain for immediate help
Online way to contact nonprofits for giveaways
Food inventory, weekly menu so know what need
Comparative shopping online
Online groceries delivered
Effective system to wash and sterilize dishes
Home recycling system that does it for you – feed into takeaway system
Expanded recycling pick-ups
More products made form recycled materials
Guides user to recycle correctly
Recycling with one container
Use of religions to negotiate religious conflicts
Making going online easy to all users – animation to explain?
Transparent skill acquisition for users
Home device reminders for daily tasks
Replace physical keys – voice ID or ?
Doors open easily – voice command
Universal language translator portable
Kid seat for airplanes
Emergency information
Kid-proof 911
TV and radio online shows – you put in URL, get what you want.
Tech to walk and wash dog
Laundry sorter, folder does it all
Mini-scanner that can go into computer -- portable, quick
Ergonomic chairs that are smart and everywhere you have universal setting
TV channels where you can block out violent scenes
Technology and information for seniors
Transmit electricity under ground—no towers, transmission clean, safe
Cheap electricity
Visiting library, entertainment, activities brought to shot-ins
Affordable housing, new materials, new kinds of housing
Remote controls you can lock on de-activate
Prisons have device in/on bodies—no escape
Health care (insurance?) for all
Online courses, different education system available any time
Access for homeless and low income to Internet for all info
At bus stops current info on which bus coming, how soon, where, etc.
Free or low-cost computer training and Internet training
Water clean and drinkable all the time
Food and water analyzers – contents safe
Brake lights that give more information, different color for slamming on brakes
Car bumpers that tell when cars are close and can automatically avoid
Bumper air bag
Maintain safe car distance
Database for car pooling
Info-postings for job shares by company, community
Alternatives to gas for cars
Low-cost higher education
Better public schools
Low-cost private schools
Better universal food distribution, no starvation
More literacy, de-emphasize mass media
Snow melters
Neighborhood database of interest matches
Dating service
Find out food/vitamin deficiencies in the body
Food S without chemicals
Systems, items for natural foods
Backing out of tight parking space (sensor)
C: /My Documents / Itw / ITW VDC Workshop—brainstorm (xy 02-06-01)Page 1 of 6
Created on 2/6/01 11:54 AM