
As always remember to review with your students’ the importance of:

Being Safe

Being Respectful

Being Responsible

These ideas are especially important when participating in Adventure through Connections activities.

Adventure through Connections Health & PE Activity

Title/Skill: / “Partner” Team Capture the Flag
Connection Goal: / Communication, Behavior, Safety
Grade Level: / 9-12
Month: / 1st Visit to Adventure Connections
Time Needed: / 20 minutes
Handouts/Materials Provided:
Sock or Material that will allow for students to move together safely in the play area, 2 hoops for each game, “flag” or identified object representing the flag.
Summary of Activity for the Advisor:
1. Students will play a game of capture the flag with rules specified by the teachers. Students must have a partner, or group of 3 with an odd number to be able to move within the game.
2. The object is to “capture the other team’s flag without getting tagged. If a partnership is tagged, partners from their team must “rescue” touching their hand. There will be a flag safety zone and zone for defenders to stay away from during the game. If a group makes it back with the flag their team wins the game. TEACHERS WILL DEBREIF AND PROVIDE FEEDBACK.
3. Modification #1: Students must find new partners as they return back to their side in order to move on throughout the game. This encourages participation with many individuals rather than the same partner the entire game.
4. Modification #2: Students play in groups of 3 to increase difficulty.
Read/Review/Discuss/Do with students:
***Adventure Connections Facilitator & Teacher Review and Feedback
  • Communication: Was it difficult communicating with another person in order to move effectively? Why or why not? How did you communicate positively in order to accomplish a common goal?
  • Behavior: How were you responsible during the activity (3 ways)? Why is it important to exhibit sportsmanship during a game like this one?
  • Safety: List 2 safety requirements that reduced the risks of injury during this game. What other safety considerations needed to be discussed during the game? Did these have any impact on the game itself?
  • Personalization: How can an activity such as Partner Capture the Flag compare to a real-life scenario? (THINK: Random groupings in school, on teams, at work, etc.) How can you build relationships with people you are unfamiliar with?