Chairman: Cllr S D Scott Clerk: Mrs A Hinks Harnage Grange 7 Roseway Cressage Wellington Shrewsbury SY5 6EB Telford TF1 1JA

Telephone: 01952 510209 Telephone: 01952 272365



Minutes of Cound Parish Council held on Thursday 19 March 2015 at Coundmoor Village Hall, Coundmoor, commencing at 7.30 pm.

Present: Parish Councillors: H Cuffley, S Green, J Hall, A Lamsdale, G Nicholls, T Roberts, M Smith and County Councillor C Wilde.

Clerk: Alison Hinks

1.  Apologies

Apologies were received and accepted from Cllr Clutterbuck (work commitment) and Cllr Scott (personal commitment).

2.  Declaration of Interest

Nothing to declare.

3.  Public Session and Matter of Concern/Parish Matter

Cllr Roberts reported that there is a lot of brambles/trees/hedgerow on the left hand corner of the A458 The Mill to the Main Road.

ACTION: The Clerk to report this to Richard Hutchinson.

Cllr Hall said that there is overhanging trees on the right of the junction of Shaw Lane from Coundmoor to Cressage.

ACTION: The Clerk to report to Derek Shaw, Clerk to Cressage PC.

4.  Reports from Shropshire Councillor and/or Police Officer

Nothing to report.

5.  Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 15 January 2014

RESOLUTION: Cllr Smith proposed the minutes as an accurate record of the meeting, which were seconded by Cllr Nicholls and unanimously agreed by the Parish Council.

6.  Matters Arising from Minutes

-  Cllr Cuffley asked for clarification on agenda item 12 regarding Defra withdrawing funding to ACRE/SALC. Cllr Roberts said that this currently an on-line petition objecting to this. This could affect rural services including the bus service.

7.  Clerks Report

The Clerk reported:

·  The Place Plan has been returned to Shropshire Council.

·  Richard Hutchinson accidently destroyed his cheque in January 2015 so this will be cancelled in the Parish Council’s accounts and new cheque has been reissued in March 2015.

·  The 2015-16 Precept paperwork has been returned to Shropshire Council.

·  A letter has been received from a family chasing information on their family history in Cound. Cllr Robert said that he would pass the letter on to Mavis Hunt for the PCC to respond.

·  The Care Quality Commission have produce a report on the Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital Trust reporting that the quality of care is good although a 2 year improvement programme has been implemented. This email was previously circulated to Councillors.

·  The Highway Maintenance paperwork has still not be received from Shropshire Council despite chasing.

·  Karen Roper is leaving SALC to take up the position of Town Clerk at Wellington Town Council. SALC Executive Committee are currently restructuring their current staffing structure and have advertised for a Finance & Personnel Officer.

·  Shropshire Council are currently retendering for the bus service between Bridgnorth and Shrewsbury. The information on this has been previously emailed to Councillors.

·  County Elections taking place on 7 May 2015. Perda comes into place from 30 March 2015 and The Guildhall is being used as a Polling Station.

·  Amended Financial Regulations will be presented to the Parish Council General Meeting on 21 May 2015.

·  The new Council Award Scheme has been launched by NALC which replaces the Quality Council Scheme.

·  A National Plant Monitoring Scheme is being launched and they are looking for volunteers to assist with the data collection. An email about this has been previously circulated to Councillors.

·  The Community Enablement Team were offered Community Buildings their old defibrillators. Unfortunately, Cound were too late to get one but we are first on the reserve list!

·  I have reported to Colin Blower the condition of the north west embankment of Cound Bridge.

·  As from 1 July 2015 all employees are entitled to be automatically enrolled into an employer’s pension scheme. This will be presented to the next Parish Council meeting.

·  The Annual Parish Meeting and Annual General Meeting is arranged for 21 May 2015 at The Guildhall, Council.

·  The Clerk will also be presenting to the next meeting the year end accounts, annual audit, payroll shutdown and VAT reimbursement.

8.  Financial Statements

·  Bank reconciliation as at 13 March 2015 showed:

Business 30 Day Notice as at 09.02.15 1,920.79

Business Account as at 21.01.15 735.18


·  Accounts for payment for February and March 2015:

Authorised Cheque Payments from Business Account

Date / Payee / Bank Ref / Amount
15.01.15 / Alison Hinks – December 14 Salary / 000463 / 148.65
15.01.15 / HMRC – December 14 PAYE / 000464 / 37.20
15.01.15 / Alison Hinks – January 15 Salary / 000463 / 118.90
15.01.15 / HMRC – January 15 PAYE / 000464 / 29.60
15.01.14 / Alison Hinks - Travel / 000463 / 14.40
15.01.15 / Alison Hinks - Expenses / 000463 / 16.00
Hutchinson Groundcare Ltd – November 14 Highway Maintenance / 000465 / 110.00
Total / £474.75

RESOLUTION: The above payments were proposed by Cllr Hall, seconded by Cllr Cuffley and unanimously approved by the Parish Council.

-  2015-16 Budget

The Clerk went through the Parish Council’s accounts spreadsheet that shows as at 19 March 2015 receipts of £8,936 and payments of £6,313. The reimbursement from the War Memorial Trust has not yet appeared on the bank statements although confirmation that it have been authorised for payment has been received. A VAT reimbursement in the 2015-16 accounts of £485. There is a projected carry forward from the 2014-15 accounts of £3,308.

Cllr Nicholls suggested that daffodils are planted around the war memorial in autumn 2015.

9.  Planning

- 15/00571/LBC Upper Cound House, Upper Cound, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, SY5 6AX - Internal and external works to existing conservatory and courtyard to create more useful space including removal of existing walls, support to existing roof and new conservatory roof, provision of insulated concrete flooring with damp proof course and glazing affecting a Grade II Listed Building – no objections received to these plans

- 15/00509/FUL 56 Upper Cound, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, SY5 6AS - Erection of extensions and alterations to include dormer windows to front and rear elevations – not objections received to these plans

- 15/00469/FUL Venus Pool Nature Reserve, Cross Houses, Shrewsbury, Shropshire - Erection of a free standing nesting building – no objections received to these plans


- 14/05760/COU Stevens Hill Farm, Cound, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, SY5 6EG - Change of use of agricultural land to domestic curtilage to provide improved access arrangement

- 14/05759/FUL Stevens Hill Farm, Cound, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, SY5 6EG - Erection of two storey extensions and alterations to existing dwelling

- 14/03762/FUL Glebe House, Cound, Shrewsbury, SY5 6EW - Erection of 2 storey side extensions and replacement garage with living accommodation above


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-  14/01522/VAR Removal of condition No 4 (agricultural occupancy) attached to 127/70/2516 to create a new open market dwelling – Cound Arbour House, Cressage, Shrewsbury

10.  Enforcement Planning

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11.  War Memorial in Cound

The Clerk said that following the correspondence from a visitor to the war memorial requesting that the lettering is re-chiselled. The War Memorial Trust has advised that no further work should be done to the stonework. All work carried out was in line with the restoration guidance and any further work could damage the stone.

The War Memorial Trust have also advised that the Parish Council should consider listing the war memorial with the local authority to protect it for the future. Cllr Nicholls asking if a cost was associated to this process. Cllr Hall asked if the land was also included in the ‘listing’. Cllr Roberts asked if the ‘listing’ process would restrict any future work. The Clerk said that any future work would be monitored by the Heritage Officers of Shropshire Council, which will safe guard the work to the war memorial.

ACTION: The Clerk to contact Shropshire Council Heritage Officer about listing the war memorial.

Cllr Roberts said that he had spoken to Richard Hutchison about replacing the post around the war memorial and Mr Hutchinson was going to provide a costing for this work.

12.  Cound Council Tax Support Grant

Following the recent decision by Shropshire Council not to pass on the Council Tax Support Grant which forms part of the Precept payment, SALC has reported that following a lot of lobbying, Shropshire Council have not reconsidered their decision and the amount of money received from Shropshire Council will be lower. This does not affect Cound Parish Council who will receive the Precept amount that they requested but could have an impact of future year’s budgets.

13.  Town & Parish Council Neighbourhood Fund – April 2015

The Clerk reported on the new process being used by Shropshire Council to pay any CIL monies the Parish Council may receive via planning in the Parish. Shropshire Council will publish the amounts due to Parish Council’s each April 2015 and will work closing with the Parish Council to ensure the money is spent on the project outlined in the Place Plan. The Parish Council are requested to confirm that they agree with this process. Unfortunately, the Parish Council did not receive any funding for 2014-15.

ACTION: The Clerk to return the signed agreement to Shropshire Council.

14.  Transparency Code

The Clerk report that NALC has introduced a new Transparency Code for smaller Parish Councils. From 1 July 2015 Parish Council have to display their draft minutes, agenda and financial reporting on a website. SALC are currently asking Shropshire Council for web support for Parish Councils and NALC are looking into financial support. Cllr Nicholls suggested that the agenda is displayed on noticeboards before each meeting to advise parishioners what is being discussed at meetings. Cllr Roberts said that the Parish Council minutes are currently available via the Village Halls’ websites and suggested these pages are extended to include agenda and financial reports.

15.  Correspondence

Nothing to report.

16.  Date of Next Meeting

The next meeting of Cound Parish Council will take place on Thursday 21 May 2015 at The Guildhall, Cound and will commence upon the completion of the Annual Parish Meeting and Annual General Meeting of the Parish which starts at 7.30 pm.

The Chairman thanked everyone for attending and the Meeting closed at 8.32 pm.