Vinland Crest Homeowners Association Annual Meeting

Vinland Crest Homeowners Association Annual Meeting

Vinland Crest Homeowners Association Annual Meeting


April 04, 2014

Meeting called to Order by the president

Opened with a discussion regarding the higher than normal budget figures being presented. This is due to an anticipated on-time cost of repairing the sidewalk along Valhalla.

Discussion followed regarding the resealing of Divisions I, II, and III. The question for the group was “Do all 3 at once or rotate over time?” Should the decision be made to contract a firm, the board requested help from home owners and not have this be a board responsibility.

Discussion returned to the sidewalk on Valhalla. The proposal would be to remove the trees from the median, cover the ground with heather, low plants and grasses.

Bid 1: $8000 – repairing just the bad spots. Resealing the whole walk.

Bid 2. $9000-$10,500-

Bid 3: Just to remove the old asphalt and replace $5900.

Motion was made and approved to set aside $15,000 for ‘improvements’ . This is an increase over the $12,000 that was placed in the budget.

The consensus was to make the sidewalk look new. Either remove the old or patch it then recover the top to give it a new surface.

Motion was then made and approved to set aside $25,000 from reserves to reseal roads. Mike offered to get bids .

In the open discussion:

  1. Dumping on county property is not acceptable. County can fine $500.
  2. Several mailboxes are failing. A homeowner requested permission to replace theirs. It was OK’d to put in something that was ‘practical’.
  3. VCHOA president recommended that each cul de sac appoint a ‘block captain’

bring issues to the board on behalf of the neighbors. That person can also pass along important issues from the board. This will ease communication.

Interested persons should email VCHOA president.

This will be helpful as we work through neighborhood wide improvements such as the mailboxes, resealing of streets and the sidewalk replacement.

Vinland Crest HOA Meeting

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Other business:

It was requested that the company that provides lawn care service for the association NOT park right at the curve in the road (Valhalla). Please park in a place that allows for traffic from both directions to safely identify and adjust their lane of travel.

Money is still available for each cul de sac for beautification.

Meeting adjourned after an expression of gratitude for the hard work of the president and treasurer on behalf of the VCHOA.

Respectfully submitted,

Todd Tidball

VCHOA Board Member