Independent Study Agreement
(Board Policy/Administrative Regulation 6158)
This agreement provides students with lessons and activities to complete while away from school and helps to ensure that the students do not fall behind in their studies. Parents should provide the teacher with at least one-week notice prior to a child’s unavoidable absence from school for reasons other than illnesses. The school site may authorize
Student Name: / Student ID: / Grade:School: / Program Placement(s)
Email Address / Home Phone: / Cell Phone:
Reason for Independent Study
Duration of Agreement: / Beginning Date: / Ending Date:
(2 week maximum, unless otherwise approved by the Superintendent)
Subjects/CoursesMathematics / Language Arts / Science
History/Social Studies / Physical Education / ELD
Objectives, Methods of Study, Methods of Evaluation, and Resources: We understand that the student is to complete the subjects/courses listed below, and that subject/course objectives reflect the curriculum adopted by the district’s or charter school’s governing board and are consistent with district or charter school standards, as outlined in the district’s or charter school’s subject/course descriptions. The specific objectives, methods of study, methods of evaluation, and resources for each assignment covered by this agreement will be described in Independent Study Assignment Sheet, which are part of this agreement, and any subsidiary agreements are also part of this agreement.
Additional Courses/Subjects: If the student satisfactorily completes all of the above subjects/courses before the ending date of the agreement, one or more courses/subjects may be added to the agreement if the agreement is re-signed and re-dated by the teacher and the student.
Assignments: We understand that according to the district policy for grades kindergarten through eight, the maximum length of time allowed between the assignment and the date the assignment is due is one week. After two (2) missed assignments, an evaluation shall be made to determine whether independent study is an appropriate strategy for this student.
Voluntary Statement: Independent study is an optional educational alternative that students voluntarily select, including students covered under California Education Code sections 48915 and 48917. All students who choose independent study must be offered the alternative of classroom instruction, and they must have the continuing option of returning to the classroom.
Quality and Quantity; Rights and Privileges; Resources and Services: The independent study option is to be substantially equivalent in quality and quantity to classroom instruction. Students who choose to engage in independent study are to have equality of rights and privileges with the same access to existing services and resources as students in the regular school program.
School Responsibilities:
· The major objective for the duration of this agreement is to enable the student to keep current with their studies for the period covered by this agreement.
· This agreement is to enable the student to successfully reach the objectives and complete the assignments identified in the Independent Study Assignment Sheet that will be a part of this agreement. With the support of the parent, guardian, or caregiver, the student will submit assignments on or before the due date specified in the Independent Study Assignment Sheet
· The Vineland Elementary School District will provide the instructional materials and other necessary items and resources as specified for each assignment.
· The student will complete, during the term of this agreement, the course work listed below. All course work will be consistent with the Vineland Elementary School District adopted curriculum.
· Independent Study is a voluntary optional alternative in which no pupil may be required to participate; a classroom option will always be available to the student.
· The student’s work will be evaluated by the method specified in the Independent Study Assignment Sheet
Student Responsibilities: I understand that:
· Independent Study is a form of education that I have voluntarily chosen.
· I am entitled to textbooks and supplies.
· I have the same rights as other students in my grade at my current school.
· If I do not complete assignments given, my incomplete work will result in an evaluation to determine how much credit I will receive for the work completed.
· I agree to complete my assigned work by its due date, as explained by my teacher(s) and described in my written assignments.
Parent/Guardian/Caregiver Responsibilities: I understand that Independent Study is an optional educational alternative for my child that I have voluntarily selected. I agree to the conditions listed under “Student.” I also understand that:
· Learning objectives are consistent with and evaluated in the same manner that they would be if my child were attending during the period of Independent Study.
· I am responsible for supervising my child while he or she is completing the assigned work and for ensuring the submission of all completed assignments necessary for evaluation by dates due.
· I am liable for the cost of replacement or repair for willfully damaged books and other school property checked out to my child.
Signatures and Dates: We have read and understand the terms of this agreement, and agree to all the provisions.Student Name / Signature / Date
Parent/Guardian Name / Signature / Date
Supervising Teacher / Signature / Date
Additional Supervising Teacher (if applicable) / Signature / Date
Additional Supervising Teacher (if applicable) / Signature / Date
Additional Supervising Teacher (if applicable) / Signature / Date
Additional Supervising Teacher (if applicable) / Signature / Date
Additional Supervising Teacher (if applicable) / Signature / Date
District Representative / Signature / Date
To be completed by the School Official Upon Return from Independent Study
My signature below indicates that I have recorded the corresponding attendance in the District's Student Information System in accordance to the number of days accepted by the teacher.
School Official Signature / Date Recorded
September 2013. All other versions are obsolete.