Village Plan Actions – Update on actions as of April 2014

Please note this is based on previous drafts; the original in November 2013 list is shown in black text, additions in spring this year in BLUE, with the latest amendments in Summer 2014 in RED. Where no comment is shown there is little further to add at present

Neighbourhood watch - two people found to take part, more are required

No further volunteers have come forward and consequently the viability of moving this piece foward is at best doubtful

Broadband speed - ongoing issue.

Remaining ongoing, possibly some light at the end of this tunnel!

There was further correspondence from the Clerk last week on this subject

Employment opportunities–We have spoken with MDC and included in local plan proposal that industrial premises be retained

Housing and Development–Parish Council have had contact with Winsley White, supported new affordable housing development in Parsonage Lane

There have been a number of large projects submitted in recent months, most likely caused by the absence of a local plane from MDC. The PC has continued its policy of opposing such developments, reflecting our concerns over the sustainability of the village amenities in the face of the invariable increases in parishioners this will bring. Unfortunately at present this has not seen to be productive, although very recent developments have been favourable with several contentious large scale plans, refused/withdrawn.

The Winsley White Development is ongoing and will hopefully progress to provide further affordable housing. We have recently received a final draft of the village design statement, this along with our submission on the Mendip Local Plan, should establish the principle we as a Parish Council want for development in the village

Developers contribution - auctioned under local plan submission

One of the plans mentioned above, the Broadway development, saw a meeting with the developers. While our initialposition remained a refusal, there was an acknowledgement that if this was to proceed we should try to maximise the benefits for the village and seek funding from the developers for amenities we see as necessary for the villagers, in this case a crossing on Broadway and funding for play/recreation facilities other than the largely unsuitable “play area” in Sheppards Walk. Developments as outlined above have somewhat superseded this.

As regards the local plan submission we have engaged a consultant to help with this matter

The Broadways development was the most likely area to see a result on this with our lobbying for a crossing by the Co-op, However this development is on hold at present.

2.7 Flexible format for proposals - as evidenced by Redan submission

Encourage clubs to reach out to new member’s new facilities and encourage volunteers - get volunteer co-ordinator and try to start new village youth club (meetings held)

Without a volunteer co-ordinator this issue will not likely progress

4.1 results to school - Justine North has contacted the school and communicated results

This has been done

The Mill Centre – Recent events superseded this as regards the Mill's future, with Somerset County Council making drastic cuts to the funding to the centre; this has been reflected in activities at the Mill

Increase number of child minders–This will be demand led

Co-op wider range of goods - Marlene has written to the Co-op, including car park, this will be part of a general refit

This will be market led

Mobile shop/markets - Martin approached two markets neither of which was interested in coming to the village.

Post Office - provide more privacy, current layout and space dictates that this is not feasible

This item would appear to be unable to progress any further at present

Garages - part of industrial retention on local plan submission

At present the garage remains, its future will be strengthened by continued support (in particular buying their petrol there) of villagers

Village hall - blue sky meeting held; this did lead to some opposition for VH Management Committee (not unnaturally given that we did not give them a heads up or indeed invite them to the meeting). Draft plans have been developed; while they are innovative there would appear little likelihood of them coming to fruition in the immediate future

This item would appear to be on indefinite hold

Obviously this remains a contingency in the event there were ever to be difficulties with the hall in future, however it should be noted that the recent difficulties in finding a time when the village hall could be booked by the new Youth Club suggest that the hall is currently oversubscribed and this is not a likely scenario at present.

It is acknowledged that some potential users have experienced problems when trying to book the hall.

Village hallextend activities– Again this is an item that will be demand led

See above

Church Hall improve publicity–We have made the relevant authorities aware of this

There is perhaps still a lack of awareness of the Church Hall by some parishioners.

Mobile library - have made people aware of service, little demand is apparent and will likely lead to further reduction

There has been little response to newsletter appeals that would suggest that the status quo is acceptable to those who currently use the service or intend to do so.

Community Cafe Village Library- funding has been made available but as of yet not taken up, pending. Is this something for Redan Inn as a future diversification to help its survival?

Recent developments at the Redan may make this a more pertinent issue, pending developments there

A lack of volunteers makes any future development in this area less likely in the near future.

Pubs retain and extend - have registered as a community assets and action group formed to protect and save

The Redan Inn has now closed and is for sale; having been registered as a Community Asset there may be scope for village involvement

An action group has been formed who will consider tis action

Hairdressers - retain services. They appear to have adequate clients to remain viable businesses

Social services communicate results - results sent to the various bodies

This was communicated to Social Services but with no response back

Medical- results communicated to surgery and extra copies delivered to surgery

The Parish Council did support proposals to investigate dental services at the Village Surgery; this is ongoing.

Faith - results communicated to local churches Chris North held services and has been proactive, other faiths less forthcoming

Vandalism & Anti Social Behaviour -neighbourhood watch instigated speed watch up and running and active. Lack of contact from PCSO Mendip dial a car is available but need not yet demonstrated

Dial-a-car services are advertised in the newsletter

Neighbourhood Watch – the lack of interest in a meeting would suggest a lack of interest; a push with Parish Councillors to source numbers will test the feasibility of this

There is an issue with heavy good vehicles using some of the smaller road and lanes in the village; is there a possibility of asking SCC to communicate with SatNav manufacturers to raise this issue

Communications inform villagers - Caroline has approached several village bodies, with varying degrees of success. Village website is now active and needs to be brought up to date Further village notice board by sports fields, church and coop to be considered to go on PC website Website - start again from scratch

NB Decision at January meeting to increase Clerk’s hours to give time to carry out this function should lead to an improvement

The changes mentioned above have led to a higher profile in terms of media relations. The website is now live and items are being posted, The Clerk has also managed to get several issues into the local press with “photo shoots” to aid the story. Councillor Richardson-Aitken has used a contact with a journalist to help formulate a response on planning

It is vital that on line content is updated regularly and kept “fresh”

Recycling Facilities Improve Facilities - ongoing ascertain situation Brown bin scheme - this service will not be free but is available Plastic Carrie bags stop use - part of wider national debate

NBSince this meeting the SCC decision on the Coleford tip will obviously affect this action

There have been issues of fly tipping in the village, although they cannot be directly attributed to the closure of the facility at Coleford, it is a wide held belief that this is the case. Consequently this aim will prove to be difficult moving forward

The Co-op site is used by the village and appears very popular

It is also noted that there is a large number of Brown Bin users in the village

The wider national debate on the use of plastic bags will obviously have some effect on this in a local contact

Foot Path Maps- currently being produced and availed now Money now available for extra pruning

17 maps have been sold

The PC are diligent in communicating to the DC any issues and problems arising on our footpaths, and following up if there is a perceived lack of action following that.

Old Recreation Field improve facilities - major upgrade of play facilities completed Litter provide more bins - done

There is ongoing work on this area to continually enhance and improve the Old Rec

This has been a comprehensive and ongoing piece of work, thanks in no small part to great effeorts from several Parish Councillors. More improvements are planned and will be ongoing. A RoSPA report was carried out on the play area.

Litter Pickers- needs to be from formalised Dog fouling - dog waste bins provided at several sites in village Flooding minimise problems - advised council of blocked drains, advised on parsonage lane problem area (ongoing)

The twice yearly litter picking was undertaken again, with the Spring session undertaken, a consensus seems to be that things may be slightly improved overall, notwithstanding the fly tipping mentioned above. Through MDC Carter pupils from Downside are helping with picking up litter in certain areas back to their school from the Co-op

There are volunteers who are helping; Mr Bishop for instance carries out litter picking on the paths to Stratton. The litter picking roster must be updated as a matter of import and volunteers enthused to carry this out. New Litter Pickers (the tool) may need to be purchased

Street Lights Switching Off- this is being considered by SCC along with low energy bulbs Trees and open spaces - part of part 2 of local plan Youth clubs - see above

Awaiting SCC policy on this, we will communicate with SCC Siggs

Road Safety - crossings dependent on future housing developments, but sped watch being implemented on this front.

Speed Watch continues, we have our own gun for this purpose. The group have won an award as the best new scheme. New volunteers are needed to increase the current cohort both to ease pressure in existing members and to allow more sessions to be carried out to dissuade speeding motorists. There is an action to bring kin speed calming measures (new 30 MPH zone) on the B3139 as it leaves the west of the village; this has taken some time and some villagers have commented on this. It remains on County Highways list “to do”

Speed Watch – While this is ongoing to be really effective more volunteers are required, both to alleviate pressure on existing volunteers and to allow an enlarged pattern of activity.

Young People’s Opinions- publicised

To meet some of these desires the Village Youth Club has been formed and is running, initially for a younger age group it is hoped that this will grow to accommodate an older cohort, space at the village hall withstanding.

Transport Better Opportunities- dictated by concerns outside of our control some cuts to bus services likely

Minimum Garden Size Per House- have this as a policy when debating planning permission proposal

The Parish Council do consider and often reject what they consider “Garden Grabbing”

New houses to reflect the character of village - design statement being developed

See village design statement mentioned earlier that will meet this aim

New Housing estates over developed - aware of sustainable development at planning and have used at a MDC meeting

As mentioned previously we have used this argument, or the lack thereof, on numerous planning consent arguments, and it is something MDC are aware if, although they implement this policy within the village we may, I believe, question


We have developed an Emergency Plan; this will cover the more extreme possible environmental issues

We have recently experienced some problems with localised flooding during heavy rain from blocked drains, we have raise this issue for the next PC meeting