Minutes of a Regular Board Meeting held June 2nd, 2016.
President Moran called the regular meeting to order at 6:30 P.M.
Roll Call: Present: Vicki Campbell, Shayne Chapman, Roy Davidson, Bob Froiseth, Jim Helgerson, Paul Nicholson and Jerry Moran.
Motion by Campbell, second by Nicholson, to approve the minutes of the May 5th, 2016 Board Meeting. All present aye, motion carried
Motion by Nicholson, second by Froiseth, to approve payment of the bills as follows: General Fund-$9,179.26; Fire Dept. Fund-$1,228.47; Sewer Fund-$4,398.65; Water Fund-$562.02; and the Library-$5,122.29. All present aye, motion carried.
Vicki Campbell gave the CDC Report by giving all account balances and the status on the two loans, with one current, and the other delinquent, unless the borrower can pay $1200.00 for this year. The only bill to report was for the flowers purchased for the barrels, which came to $320.00.
The owners of Driftless Brewery were present to inquire on possibly extending the interest only payments on their current loan for another 6 months, due to the expansion project taking longer than expected.
Motion by Helgerson, second by Chapman, to allow Driftless Brewery to make interest only payments on their CDC Loan for another six months. All present aye, motion carried.
The brewery recently had an inspection done on their building, in preparation for the upcoming expansion, for the presence of asbestos. There was asbestos found in tiles in a section of the building that is not currently being used for the brewing process. The asbestos will have to be either removed, or treated. They felt the best option would be to have it removed. They received two bids, with the low bid at $13,910.00 from Robinson Brothers out of Waunakee. They would like to borrow another $15,000.00 from the CDC, to take care of the asbestos issue. Vicki Campbell assured the Board that according to the CDC By-Laws, this would be allowable for the proposed work to be done. They can combine both loans together, and begin making full payments on December 1st, 2016.
Motion by Helgerson, second by Froiseth, to approve a CDC loan for $15,000.00 to Driftless Brewery to take care of the abatement of asbestos in their building. All present aye, motion carried.
We received two bids for the sewer plant and Lion’s Shelter maintenance work to be done. One was from Hansen Building, LLC, for $5494.00 for the sewer plant work and $6088.00 for the Lion’s Shelter work, for a total of $11,582.00, which did not include disposal of removed materials. The second bid came from Clason Construction for a total of $10,499.81 for both projects, which does include disposal of materials. A question came up in regards to replacing fascia for the Lion’s Shelter, which Hansen Building had included in their bid, but Clason Construction had not. Ben Clason will need to clarify that this will be done. The work will not be started until after the Dairy Days Celebration.
Motion by Campbell, second by Davidson, to accept the bid from Clason Construction for $10,499.81 for the sewer plant and Lion’s Shelter maintenance work, contingent on the replacement of fascia for the Lion’s Shelter. All present aye, motion carried.
We received a quote for seal coating from Fahrner Asphalt for a possibility of scheduling some of the Village Streets that need it. They quoted three roads within the Village. New Well Rd for $17,169.85; Norwegian Hollow Rd for $8923.49 and North Clayton Rd for $18,268.49. The Board had included the expense in the budget, but it was offset by the expected land sales.
Page 2 June 2, 2016
Motion by Campbell, second by Helgerson to go ahead and have Norwegian Hollow Rd seal-coated for now, at a cost of $8923.49. The other roads will be done, once the Village land is sold. All present aye, motion carried.
The Board then discussed the need of hiring summer help to take care of some of the mowing, so that Brian and Ben can take care of some other projects that need to be done. The temporary help could also complete some other maintenance work within the Village, like painting curbs and painting the Lion’s Shelter restrooms. Shayne Chapman stated that Haley Nelson would be interested in the job. The Board felt that $8.00 per hour would be sufficient. Jerry and Shayne will talk to her and see if she would like the position.
Motion by Helgerson, second by Davidson, to hire Haley Nelson for temporary summer help. All present aye, motion carried.
Motion by Chapman, second by Froiseth, to contact Crawford County for police protection for Dairy Days for Friday and Saturday nights, from 7:00 P.M. to 3:00 A.M. All present aye, motion carried.
The annexation of property that was discussed at the May meeting will be tabled, as the property owner informed the clerk that the sale of the home fell through, and the annexation process was on hold for now.
Motion by Campbell, second by Helgerson, to approve a $300.00 donation to the Gays Mills Fire Dept. for the 2016 Fireworks display. All present aye, motion carried.
Motion by Campbell, second by Helgerson, to approve the Committee, Board of Review, Plan Commission and Weed Commissioner appointments, selected by President Jerry Moran, which will all stay the same as last year. All present aye, motion carried.
Motion by Helgerson, second by Froiseth, to approve Ryan Campbell as the agent for RK Campbell’s One Stop LLC. Roll call vote, all present aye, motion carried.
Motion by Froiseth, second by Chapman, to approve Carol Roth as the agent for Starfish Consulting Inc./DBA Old Oak Inn. Roll call vote, all present aye, motion carried.
Motion by Nicholson, second by Davidson, to approve the liquor license applications as follows: Class B Beer and Liquor-American Legion Post 220, Country Gardens Motel & Lounge, LLC, Starfish Consulting, Inc/DBA Old Oak Inn, and TazZee’s Wonder Bar & Restaurant, LLC. Class A Beer and Liquor-RK Campbell’s One Stop, LLC. Roll call vote, all present aye, motion carried.
Motion by Campbell, second by Chapman, to approve the Cigarette License Applications for TazZee’s Wonder Bar & Restaurant, LLC, RK Campbell’s One Stop, LLC and Burkum Milling Co., Inc. All present aye, motion carried.
Motion by Chapman, second by Davidson, to approve the Operator License Applications for: Jennifer Applebee, Christopher Balistreri, Tonda Bohringer, Krystal Campbell, Angela Davidson, Robert Ellis, Robert Froiseth, Steve George, Jennifer Glass, Lisa Goff, Autumn Harsha, Adam Ray Hemmersbach, Tammy Herbst, Laurel Hestetune, Hannah Kast, Ken McCormick, Brian McCoy, Tammy Morga, David Nelson, Marcey Nelson, Resa Norwood, Delon Olson, Karla Pugh, George Read, Kayla Ronnfeldt, Stephanie Sue Roth, Rebecca Salmon, Andrew Skrede, Michael Varnes-Epstein and John Young. All present aye, motion carried.
Motion by Helgerson, second by Campbell, to approve the Picnic License Applications for the American Legion Post 308/220 for July 8th-10th and July 20th-23rd for the Legion Ball Tournaments. All present aye, motion carried.
Motion by Helgerson, second by Davidson, to adjourn the meeting. All present aye, motion carried.
The meeting adjourned at 7:25 P.M. ______